diff --git a/api/v1beta2/condition_types.go b/api/v1beta2/condition_types.go
index 711469eb8..4338b2378 100644
--- a/api/v1beta2/condition_types.go
+++ b/api/v1beta2/condition_types.go
@@ -100,4 +100,7 @@ const (
 	// CacheOperationFailedReason signals a failure in cache operation.
 	CacheOperationFailedReason string = "CacheOperationFailed"
+	// CopyOperationFailedReason signals a failure in copying files.
+	CopyOperationFailedReason string = "CopyOperationFailed"
diff --git a/controllers/gitrepository_controller.go b/controllers/gitrepository_controller.go
index 8f7dc84d9..ed9938af0 100644
--- a/controllers/gitrepository_controller.go
+++ b/controllers/gitrepository_controller.go
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ type GitRepositoryReconciler struct {
 	ControllerName string
 	requeueDependency time.Duration
+	features          map[string]bool
 type GitRepositoryReconcilerOptions struct {
@@ -134,6 +135,15 @@ func (r *GitRepositoryReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
 func (r *GitRepositoryReconciler) SetupWithManagerAndOptions(mgr ctrl.Manager, opts GitRepositoryReconcilerOptions) error {
 	r.requeueDependency = opts.DependencyRequeueInterval
+	if r.features == nil {
+		r.features = map[string]bool{}
+	}
+	// Check and enable gated features.
+	if oc, _ := features.Enabled(features.OptimizedGitClones); oc {
+		r.features[features.OptimizedGitClones] = true
+	}
 	return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
 		For(&sourcev1.GitRepository{}, builder.WithPredicates(
 			predicate.Or(predicate.GenerationChangedPredicate{}, predicates.ReconcileRequestedPredicate{}),
@@ -294,7 +304,14 @@ func (r *GitRepositoryReconciler) notify(oldObj, newObj *sourcev1.GitRepository,
 			oldChecksum = oldObj.GetArtifact().Checksum
-		message := fmt.Sprintf("stored artifact for commit '%s'", commit.ShortMessage())
+		// A partial commit due to no-op clone doesn't contain the commit
+		// message information. Have separate message for it.
+		var message string
+		if git.IsConcreteCommit(commit) {
+			message = fmt.Sprintf("stored artifact for commit '%s'", commit.ShortMessage())
+		} else {
+			message = fmt.Sprintf("stored artifact for commit '%s'", commit.String())
+		}
 		// Notify on new artifact and failure recovery.
 		if oldChecksum != newObj.GetArtifact().Checksum {
@@ -414,9 +431,14 @@ func (r *GitRepositoryReconciler) reconcileSource(ctx context.Context,
 		checkoutOpts.SemVer = ref.SemVer
-	if oc, _ := features.Enabled(features.OptimizedGitClones); oc {
-		if artifact := obj.GetArtifact(); artifact != nil {
-			checkoutOpts.LastRevision = artifact.Revision
+	if val, ok := r.features[features.OptimizedGitClones]; ok && val {
+		// Only if the object has an existing artifact in storage, attempt to
+		// short-circuit clone operation. reconcileStorage has already verified
+		// that the artifact exists.
+		if conditions.IsTrue(obj, sourcev1.ArtifactInStorageCondition) {
+			if artifact := obj.GetArtifact(); artifact != nil {
+				checkoutOpts.LastRevision = artifact.Revision
+			}
@@ -464,12 +486,6 @@ func (r *GitRepositoryReconciler) reconcileSource(ctx context.Context,
 	defer cancel()
 	c, err := checkoutStrategy.Checkout(gitCtx, dir, repositoryURL, authOpts)
 	if err != nil {
-		var v git.NoChangesError
-		if errors.As(err, &v) {
-			return sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-				&serror.Waiting{Err: v, Reason: v.Message, RequeueAfter: obj.GetRequeueAfter()}
-		}
 		e := &serror.Event{
 			Err:    fmt.Errorf("failed to checkout and determine revision: %w", err),
 			Reason: sourcev1.GitOperationFailedReason,
@@ -480,8 +496,40 @@ func (r *GitRepositoryReconciler) reconcileSource(ctx context.Context,
 	// Assign the commit to the shared commit reference.
 	*commit = *c
+	// If it's a partial commit obtained from an existing artifact, copy the
+	// artifact content into new source directory.
+	if !git.IsConcreteCommit(*commit) {
+		ctrl.LoggerFrom(ctx).V(logger.DebugLevel).Info(fmt.Sprintf(
+			"no changes since last reconciliation, observed revision '%s'", commit.String()))
+		// Remove the target directory, as CopyToPath() renames another
+		// directory to which the artifact is unpacked into the target
+		// directory. At this point, the target directory is empty, safe to
+		// remove.
+		if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil {
+			ctrl.LoggerFrom(ctx).Error(err, "failed to remove source build directory")
+		}
+		if err := r.Storage.CopyToPath(obj.GetArtifact(), "/", dir); err != nil {
+			e := &serror.Event{
+				Err:    fmt.Errorf("failed to copy existing artifact to source dir: %w", err),
+				Reason: sourcev1.CopyOperationFailedReason,
+			}
+			conditions.MarkTrue(obj, sourcev1.StorageOperationFailedCondition, e.Reason, e.Err.Error())
+			return sreconcile.ResultEmpty, e
+		}
+		conditions.Delete(obj, sourcev1.FetchFailedCondition)
+		conditions.Delete(obj, sourcev1.StorageOperationFailedCondition)
+		return sreconcile.ResultSuccess, nil
+	}
 	ctrl.LoggerFrom(ctx).V(logger.DebugLevel).Info("git repository checked out", "url", obj.Spec.URL, "revision", commit.String())
 	conditions.Delete(obj, sourcev1.FetchFailedCondition)
+	// In case no-op clone resulted in a failure and in the subsequent
+	// reconciliation a new remote revision was observed, delete any stale
+	// StorageOperationFailedCondition.
+	conditions.Delete(obj, sourcev1.StorageOperationFailedCondition)
 	// Verify commit signature
 	if result, err := r.verifyCommitSignature(ctx, obj, *commit); err != nil || result == sreconcile.ResultEmpty {
diff --git a/controllers/gitrepository_controller_test.go b/controllers/gitrepository_controller_test.go
index 040b4e6e9..f1abe6804 100644
--- a/controllers/gitrepository_controller_test.go
+++ b/controllers/gitrepository_controller_test.go
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import (
 	sourcev1 "github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/api/v1beta2"
+	"github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/internal/features"
 	sreconcile "github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/internal/reconcile"
@@ -499,6 +500,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileSource_authStrategy(t *testing.T) {
 				Client:        builder.Build(),
 				EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 				Storage:       testStorage,
+				features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 			for _, i := range testGitImplementations {
@@ -545,30 +547,35 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileSource_checkoutStrategy(t *testing.T)
 		name                  string
 		skipForImplementation string
 		reference             *sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef
+		beforeFunc            func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository, latestRev string)
 		want                  sreconcile.Result
 		wantErr               bool
 		wantRevision          string
+		wantArtifactOutdated  bool
-			name:         "Nil reference (default branch)",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-			wantRevision: "master/<commit>",
+			name:                 "Nil reference (default branch)",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "master/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
 			name: "Branch",
 			reference: &sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef{
 				Branch: "staging",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-			wantRevision: "staging/<commit>",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "staging/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
 			name: "Tag",
 			reference: &sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef{
 				Tag: "v0.1.0",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-			wantRevision: "v0.1.0/<commit>",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "v0.1.0/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
 			name:                  "Branch commit",
@@ -577,8 +584,9 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileSource_checkoutStrategy(t *testing.T)
 				Branch: "staging",
 				Commit: "<commit>",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-			wantRevision: "staging/<commit>",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "staging/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
 			name:                  "Branch commit",
@@ -587,32 +595,56 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileSource_checkoutStrategy(t *testing.T)
 				Branch: "staging",
 				Commit: "<commit>",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-			wantRevision: "HEAD/<commit>",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "HEAD/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
 			name: "SemVer",
 			reference: &sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef{
 				SemVer: "*",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-			wantRevision: "v2.0.0/<commit>",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "v2.0.0/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
 			name: "SemVer range",
 			reference: &sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef{
 				SemVer: "<v0.2.1",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
-			wantRevision: "0.2.0/<commit>",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "0.2.0/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
 			name: "SemVer prerelease",
 			reference: &sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef{
 				SemVer: ">=1.0.0-0 <1.1.0-0",
-			wantRevision: "v1.0.0-alpha/<commit>",
-			want:         sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "v1.0.0-alpha/<commit>",
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantArtifactOutdated: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Optimized clone",
+			reference: &sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef{
+				Branch: "staging",
+			},
+			beforeFunc: func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository, latestRev string) {
+				// Add existing artifact on the object and storage.
+				obj.Status = sourcev1.GitRepositoryStatus{
+					Artifact: &sourcev1.Artifact{
+						Revision: "staging/" + latestRev,
+						Path:     randStringRunes(10),
+					},
+				}
+				testStorage.Archive(obj.GetArtifact(), "testdata/git/repository", nil)
+				conditions.MarkTrue(obj, sourcev1.ArtifactInStorageCondition, meta.SucceededReason, "foo")
+			},
+			want:                 sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			wantRevision:         "staging/<commit>",
+			wantArtifactOutdated: false,
@@ -641,6 +673,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileSource_checkoutStrategy(t *testing.T)
 		Client:        fakeclient.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(runtime.NewScheme()).Build(),
 		EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 		Storage:       testStorage,
+		features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 	for _, tt := range tests {
@@ -674,6 +707,10 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileSource_checkoutStrategy(t *testing.T)
 					obj := obj.DeepCopy()
 					obj.Spec.GitImplementation = i
+					if tt.beforeFunc != nil {
+						tt.beforeFunc(obj, headRef.Hash().String())
+					}
 					var commit git.Commit
 					var includes artifactSet
 					got, err := r.reconcileSource(ctx, obj, &commit, &includes, tmpDir)
@@ -682,10 +719,10 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileSource_checkoutStrategy(t *testing.T)
 					g.Expect(err != nil).To(Equal(tt.wantErr))
-					if tt.wantRevision != "" {
+					if tt.wantRevision != "" && !tt.wantErr {
 						revision := strings.ReplaceAll(tt.wantRevision, "<commit>", headRef.Hash().String())
-						g.Expect(conditions.IsTrue(obj, sourcev1.ArtifactOutdatedCondition)).To(BeTrue())
+						g.Expect(conditions.IsTrue(obj, sourcev1.ArtifactOutdatedCondition)).To(Equal(tt.wantArtifactOutdated))
@@ -857,6 +894,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileArtifact(t *testing.T) {
 			r := &GitRepositoryReconciler{
 				EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 				Storage:       testStorage,
+				features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 			obj := &sourcev1.GitRepository{
@@ -1042,6 +1080,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileInclude(t *testing.T) {
 				EventRecorder:     record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 				Storage:           storage,
 				requeueDependency: dependencyInterval,
+				features:          features.FeatureGates(),
 			obj := &sourcev1.GitRepository{
@@ -1206,6 +1245,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileStorage(t *testing.T) {
 			r := &GitRepositoryReconciler{
 				EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 				Storage:       testStorage,
+				features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 			obj := &sourcev1.GitRepository{
@@ -1247,6 +1287,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_reconcileDelete(t *testing.T) {
 	r := &GitRepositoryReconciler{
 		EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 		Storage:       testStorage,
+		features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 	obj := &sourcev1.GitRepository{
@@ -1384,6 +1425,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_verifyCommitSignature(t *testing.T) {
 			r := &GitRepositoryReconciler{
 				EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 				Client:        builder.Build(),
+				features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 			obj := &sourcev1.GitRepository{
@@ -1525,6 +1567,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_ConditionsUpdate(t *testing.T) {
 				Client:        builder.Build(),
 				EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 				Storage:       testStorage,
+				features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 			key := client.ObjectKeyFromObject(obj)
@@ -1773,10 +1816,22 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_statusConditions(t *testing.T) {
 func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_notify(t *testing.T) {
+	concreteCommit := git.Commit{
+		Hash:      git.Hash("some-hash"),
+		Reference: "refs/heads/main",
+		Message:   "test commit",
+		Encoded:   []byte("commit content"),
+	}
+	partialCommit := git.Commit{
+		Hash:      git.Hash("some-hash"),
+		Reference: "refs/heads/main",
+	}
 	tests := []struct {
 		name             string
 		res              sreconcile.Result
 		resErr           error
+		commit           git.Commit
 		oldObjBeforeFunc func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository)
 		newObjBeforeFunc func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository)
 		wantEvent        string
@@ -1790,6 +1845,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_notify(t *testing.T) {
 			name:   "new artifact",
 			res:    sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
 			resErr: nil,
+			commit: concreteCommit,
 			newObjBeforeFunc: func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository) {
 				obj.Status.Artifact = &sourcev1.Artifact{Revision: "xxx", Checksum: "yyy"}
@@ -1799,6 +1855,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_notify(t *testing.T) {
 			name:   "recovery from failure",
 			res:    sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
 			resErr: nil,
+			commit: concreteCommit,
 			oldObjBeforeFunc: func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository) {
 				obj.Status.Artifact = &sourcev1.Artifact{Revision: "xxx", Checksum: "yyy"}
 				conditions.MarkTrue(obj, sourcev1.FetchFailedCondition, sourcev1.GitOperationFailedReason, "fail")
@@ -1814,6 +1871,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_notify(t *testing.T) {
 			name:   "recovery and new artifact",
 			res:    sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
 			resErr: nil,
+			commit: concreteCommit,
 			oldObjBeforeFunc: func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository) {
 				obj.Status.Artifact = &sourcev1.Artifact{Revision: "xxx", Checksum: "yyy"}
 				conditions.MarkTrue(obj, sourcev1.FetchFailedCondition, sourcev1.GitOperationFailedReason, "fail")
@@ -1829,6 +1887,7 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_notify(t *testing.T) {
 			name:   "no updates",
 			res:    sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
 			resErr: nil,
+			commit: concreteCommit,
 			oldObjBeforeFunc: func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository) {
 				obj.Status.Artifact = &sourcev1.Artifact{Revision: "xxx", Checksum: "yyy"}
 				conditions.MarkTrue(obj, meta.ReadyCondition, meta.SucceededReason, "ready")
@@ -1838,6 +1897,22 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_notify(t *testing.T) {
 				conditions.MarkTrue(obj, meta.ReadyCondition, meta.SucceededReason, "ready")
+		{
+			name:   "recovery with no-op clone commit",
+			res:    sreconcile.ResultSuccess,
+			resErr: nil,
+			commit: partialCommit,
+			oldObjBeforeFunc: func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository) {
+				obj.Status.Artifact = &sourcev1.Artifact{Revision: "xxx", Checksum: "yyy"}
+				conditions.MarkTrue(obj, sourcev1.FetchFailedCondition, sourcev1.GitOperationFailedReason, "fail")
+				conditions.MarkFalse(obj, meta.ReadyCondition, meta.FailedReason, "foo")
+			},
+			newObjBeforeFunc: func(obj *sourcev1.GitRepository) {
+				obj.Status.Artifact = &sourcev1.Artifact{Revision: "aaa", Checksum: "bbb"}
+				conditions.MarkTrue(obj, meta.ReadyCondition, meta.SucceededReason, "ready")
+			},
+			wantEvent: "Normal NewArtifact stored artifact for commit 'main/some-hash'",
+		},
 	for _, tt := range tests {
@@ -1857,11 +1932,9 @@ func TestGitRepositoryReconciler_notify(t *testing.T) {
 			reconciler := &GitRepositoryReconciler{
 				EventRecorder: recorder,
+				features:      features.FeatureGates(),
-			commit := &git.Commit{
-				Message: "test commit",
-			}
-			reconciler.notify(oldObj, newObj, *commit, tt.res, tt.resErr)
+			reconciler.notify(oldObj, newObj, tt.commit, tt.res, tt.resErr)
 			select {
 			case x, ok := <-recorder.Events:
diff --git a/controllers/suite_test.go b/controllers/suite_test.go
index 9ca821381..750b0afc0 100644
--- a/controllers/suite_test.go
+++ b/controllers/suite_test.go
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import (
 	sourcev1 "github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/api/v1beta2"
+	"github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/internal/features"
 	// +kubebuilder:scaffold:imports
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
 		EventRecorder: record.NewFakeRecorder(32),
 		Metrics:       testMetricsH,
 		Storage:       testStorage,
+		features:      features.FeatureGates(),
 	}).SetupWithManager(testEnv); err != nil {
 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to start GitRepositoryReconciler: %v", err))
diff --git a/docs/spec/v1beta2/gitrepositories.md b/docs/spec/v1beta2/gitrepositories.md
index 2d95db474..412dd0c2c 100644
--- a/docs/spec/v1beta2/gitrepositories.md
+++ b/docs/spec/v1beta2/gitrepositories.md
@@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ reconciliations. It supports both `go-git` and `libgit2` implementations
 when cloning repositories using branches or tags.
 When enabled, avoids full clone operations by first checking whether
-the last revision is still the same at the target repository,
-and if that is so, skips the reconciliation.
+the revision of the last stored artifact is still the head of the remote
+repository, and if that is so, the local artifact is reused.
 This feature is enabled by default. It can be disabled by starting the
 controller with the argument `--feature-gates=OptimizedGitClones=false`.
diff --git a/pkg/git/git.go b/pkg/git/git.go
index cc45498d1..5ce6fb09a 100644
--- a/pkg/git/git.go
+++ b/pkg/git/git.go
@@ -107,14 +107,12 @@ type CheckoutStrategy interface {
 	Checkout(ctx context.Context, path, url string, config *AuthOptions) (*Commit, error)
-// NoChangesError represents the case in which a Git clone operation
-// is attempted, but cancelled as the revision is still the same as
-// the one observed on the last successful reconciliation.
-type NoChangesError struct {
-	Message          string
-	ObservedRevision string
-func (e NoChangesError) Error() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%s: observed revision '%s'", e.Message, e.ObservedRevision)
+// IsConcreteCommit returns if a given commit is a concrete commit. Concrete
+// commits have most of commit metadata and commit content. In contrast, a
+// partial commit may only have some metadata and no commit content.
+func IsConcreteCommit(c Commit) bool {
+	if c.Hash != nil && c.Encoded != nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
diff --git a/pkg/git/git_test.go b/pkg/git/git_test.go
index 9d9d94dd8..5b67b23bd 100644
--- a/pkg/git/git_test.go
+++ b/pkg/git/git_test.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package git
 import (
+	"time"
 	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
@@ -263,3 +264,41 @@ of the commit`,
+func TestIsConcreteCommit(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		name   string
+		commit Commit
+		result bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "concrete commit",
+			commit: Commit{
+				Hash:      Hash("foo"),
+				Reference: "refs/tags/main",
+				Author: Signature{
+					Name: "user", Email: "user@example.com", When: time.Now(),
+				},
+				Committer: Signature{
+					Name: "user", Email: "user@example.com", When: time.Now(),
+				},
+				Signature: "signature",
+				Encoded:   []byte("commit-content"),
+				Message:   "commit-message",
+			},
+			result: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name:   "partial commit",
+			commit: Commit{Hash: Hash("foo")},
+			result: false,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			g.Expect(IsConcreteCommit(tt.commit)).To(Equal(tt.result))
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/pkg/git/gogit/checkout.go b/pkg/git/gogit/checkout.go
index afa4afbf8..3b19f83de 100644
--- a/pkg/git/gogit/checkout.go
+++ b/pkg/git/gogit/checkout.go
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
+	"strings"
@@ -78,10 +79,15 @@ func (c *CheckoutBranch) Checkout(ctx context.Context, path, url string, opts *g
 		if currentRevision != "" && currentRevision == c.LastRevision {
-			return nil, git.NoChangesError{
-				Message:          "no changes since last reconcilation",
-				ObservedRevision: currentRevision,
+			// Construct a partial commit with the existing information.
+			// Split the revision and take the last part as the hash.
+			// Example revision: main/43d7eb9c49cdd49b2494efd481aea1166fc22b67
+			ss := strings.Split(currentRevision, "/")
+			c := &git.Commit{
+				Hash:      git.Hash(ss[len(ss)-1]),
+				Reference: ref.String(),
+			return c, nil
@@ -153,10 +159,15 @@ func (c *CheckoutTag) Checkout(ctx context.Context, path, url string, opts *git.
 		if currentRevision != "" && currentRevision == c.LastRevision {
-			return nil, git.NoChangesError{
-				Message:          "no changes since last reconcilation",
-				ObservedRevision: currentRevision,
+			// Construct a partial commit with the existing information.
+			// Split the revision and take the last part as the hash.
+			// Example revision: 6.1.4/bf09377bfd5d3bcac1e895fa8ce52dc76695c060
+			ss := strings.Split(currentRevision, "/")
+			c := &git.Commit{
+				Hash:      git.Hash(ss[len(ss)-1]),
+				Reference: ref.String(),
+			return c, nil
 	repo, err := extgogit.PlainCloneContext(ctx, path, false, &extgogit.CloneOptions{
diff --git a/pkg/git/gogit/checkout_test.go b/pkg/git/gogit/checkout_test.go
index ba5d28231..0fa4c1610 100644
--- a/pkg/git/gogit/checkout_test.go
+++ b/pkg/git/gogit/checkout_test.go
@@ -67,32 +67,36 @@ func TestCheckoutBranch_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := []struct {
-		name           string
-		branch         string
-		filesCreated   map[string]string
-		expectedCommit string
-		expectedErr    string
-		lastRevision   string
+		name                   string
+		branch                 string
+		filesCreated           map[string]string
+		lastRevision           string
+		expectedCommit         string
+		expectedConcreteCommit bool
+		expectedErr            string
-			name:           "Default branch",
-			branch:         "master",
-			filesCreated:   map[string]string{"branch": "init"},
-			expectedCommit: firstCommit.String(),
+			name:                   "Default branch",
+			branch:                 "master",
+			filesCreated:           map[string]string{"branch": "init"},
+			expectedCommit:         firstCommit.String(),
+			expectedConcreteCommit: true,
-			name:         "skip clone if LastRevision hasn't changed",
-			branch:       "master",
-			filesCreated: map[string]string{"branch": "init"},
-			expectedErr:  fmt.Sprintf("no changes since last reconcilation: observed revision 'master/%s'", firstCommit.String()),
-			lastRevision: fmt.Sprintf("master/%s", firstCommit.String()),
+			name:                   "skip clone if LastRevision hasn't changed",
+			branch:                 "master",
+			filesCreated:           map[string]string{"branch": "init"},
+			lastRevision:           fmt.Sprintf("master/%s", firstCommit.String()),
+			expectedCommit:         firstCommit.String(),
+			expectedConcreteCommit: false,
-			name:           "Other branch - revision has changed",
-			branch:         "test",
-			filesCreated:   map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
-			expectedCommit: secondCommit.String(),
-			lastRevision:   fmt.Sprintf("master/%s", firstCommit.String()),
+			name:                   "Other branch - revision has changed",
+			branch:                 "test",
+			filesCreated:           map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
+			lastRevision:           fmt.Sprintf("master/%s", firstCommit.String()),
+			expectedCommit:         secondCommit.String(),
+			expectedConcreteCommit: true,
 			name:        "Non existing branch",
@@ -120,58 +124,65 @@ func TestCheckoutBranch_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
 			g.Expect(cc.String()).To(Equal(tt.branch + "/" + tt.expectedCommit))
+			g.Expect(git.IsConcreteCommit(*cc)).To(Equal(tt.expectedConcreteCommit))
-			for k, v := range tt.filesCreated {
-				g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k)).To(BeARegularFile())
-				g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k))).To(BeEquivalentTo(v))
+			// Check checked out content for actual checkouts only.
+			if tt.expectedConcreteCommit {
+				for k, v := range tt.filesCreated {
+					g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k)).To(BeARegularFile())
+					g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k))).To(BeEquivalentTo(v))
+				}
 func TestCheckoutTag_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
+	type testTag struct {
+		name      string
+		annotated bool
+	}
 	tests := []struct {
-		name        string
-		tag         string
-		annotated   bool
-		checkoutTag string
-		expectTag   string
-		expectErr   string
-		lastRev     string
-		setLastRev  bool
+		name                 string
+		tagsInRepo           []testTag
+		checkoutTag          string
+		lastRevTag           string
+		expectConcreteCommit bool
+		expectErr            string
-			name:        "Tag",
-			tag:         "tag-1",
-			checkoutTag: "tag-1",
-			expectTag:   "tag-1",
+			name:                 "Tag",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"tag-1", false}},
+			checkoutTag:          "tag-1",
+			expectConcreteCommit: true,
-			name:        "Skip Tag if last revision hasn't changed",
-			tag:         "tag-2",
-			checkoutTag: "tag-2",
-			setLastRev:  true,
-			expectErr:   "no changes since last reconcilation",
+			name:                 "Annotated",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"annotated", true}},
+			checkoutTag:          "annotated",
+			expectConcreteCommit: true,
-			name:        "Last revision changed",
-			tag:         "tag-3",
-			checkoutTag: "tag-3",
-			expectTag:   "tag-3",
-			lastRev:     "tag-3/<fake-hash>",
+			name: "Non existing tag",
+			// Without this go-git returns error "remote repository is empty".
+			tagsInRepo:  []testTag{{"tag-1", false}},
+			checkoutTag: "invalid",
+			expectErr:   "couldn't find remote ref \"refs/tags/invalid\"",
-			name:        "Annotated",
-			tag:         "annotated",
-			annotated:   true,
-			checkoutTag: "annotated",
-			expectTag:   "annotated",
+			name:                 "Skip clone - last revision unchanged",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"tag-1", false}},
+			checkoutTag:          "tag-1",
+			lastRevTag:           "tag-1",
+			expectConcreteCommit: false,
-			name:        "Non existing tag",
-			tag:         "tag-1",
-			checkoutTag: "invalid",
-			expectErr:   "couldn't find remote ref \"refs/tags/invalid\"",
+			name:                 "Last revision changed",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"tag-1", false}, {"tag-2", false}},
+			checkoutTag:          "tag-2",
+			lastRevTag:           "tag-1",
+			expectConcreteCommit: true,
 	for _, tt := range tests {
@@ -183,32 +194,37 @@ func TestCheckoutTag_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
-			var h plumbing.Hash
-			var tagHash *plumbing.Reference
-			if tt.tag != "" {
-				h, err = commitFile(repo, "tag", tt.tag, time.Now())
-				if err != nil {
-					t.Fatal(err)
-				}
-				tagHash, err = tag(repo, h, !tt.annotated, tt.tag, time.Now())
-				if err != nil {
-					t.Fatal(err)
+			// Collect tags and their associated commit hash for later
+			// reference.
+			tagCommits := map[string]string{}
+			// Populate the repo with commits and tags.
+			if tt.tagsInRepo != nil {
+				for _, tr := range tt.tagsInRepo {
+					h, err := commitFile(repo, "tag", tr.name, time.Now())
+					if err != nil {
+						t.Fatal(err)
+					}
+					_, err = tag(repo, h, tr.annotated, tr.name, time.Now())
+					if err != nil {
+						t.Fatal(err)
+					}
+					tagCommits[tr.name] = h.String()
-			tag := CheckoutTag{
+			checkoutTag := CheckoutTag{
 				Tag: tt.checkoutTag,
-			if tt.setLastRev {
-				tag.LastRevision = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tt.tag, tagHash.Hash().String())
+			// If last revision is provided, configure it.
+			if tt.lastRevTag != "" {
+				lc := tagCommits[tt.lastRevTag]
+				checkoutTag.LastRevision = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tt.lastRevTag, lc)
-			if tt.lastRev != "" {
-				tag.LastRevision = tt.lastRev
-			}
 			tmpDir := t.TempDir()
-			cc, err := tag.Checkout(context.TODO(), tmpDir, path, nil)
+			cc, err := checkoutTag.Checkout(context.TODO(), tmpDir, path, nil)
 			if tt.expectErr != "" {
@@ -216,10 +232,17 @@ func TestCheckoutTag_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
+			// Check successful checkout results.
+			g.Expect(git.IsConcreteCommit(*cc)).To(Equal(tt.expectConcreteCommit))
+			targetTagHash := tagCommits[tt.checkoutTag]
-			g.Expect(cc.String()).To(Equal(tt.expectTag + "/" + h.String()))
-			g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag")).To(BeARegularFile())
-			g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag"))).To(BeEquivalentTo(tt.tag))
+			g.Expect(cc.String()).To(Equal(tt.checkoutTag + "/" + targetTagHash))
+			// Check file content only when there's an actual checkout.
+			if tt.lastRevTag != tt.checkoutTag {
+				g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag")).To(BeARegularFile())
+				g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag"))).To(BeEquivalentTo(tt.checkoutTag))
+			}
diff --git a/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout.go b/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout.go
index 9dc233fea..b09122769 100644
--- a/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout.go
+++ b/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout.go
@@ -81,12 +81,15 @@ func (c *CheckoutBranch) Checkout(ctx context.Context, path, url string, opts *g
 			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to remote ls for '%s': %w", managed.EffectiveURL(url), gitutil.LibGit2Error(err))
 		if len(heads) > 0 {
-			currentRevision := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.Branch, heads[0].Id.String())
+			hash := heads[0].Id.String()
+			currentRevision := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.Branch, hash)
 			if currentRevision == c.LastRevision {
-				return nil, git.NoChangesError{
-					Message:          "no changes since last reconciliation",
-					ObservedRevision: currentRevision,
+				// Construct a partial commit with the existing information.
+				c := &git.Commit{
+					Hash:      git.Hash(hash),
+					Reference: "refs/heads/" + c.Branch,
+				return c, nil
@@ -163,21 +166,25 @@ func (c *CheckoutTag) Checkout(ctx context.Context, path, url string, opts *git.
 			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to remote ls for '%s': %w", managed.EffectiveURL(url), gitutil.LibGit2Error(err))
 		if len(heads) > 0 {
-			currentRevision := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.Tag, heads[0].Id.String())
+			hash := heads[0].Id.String()
+			currentRevision := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.Tag, hash)
 			var same bool
 			if currentRevision == c.LastRevision {
 				same = true
 			} else if len(heads) > 1 {
-				currentAnnotatedRevision := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.Tag, heads[1].Id.String())
+				hash = heads[1].Id.String()
+				currentAnnotatedRevision := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.Tag, hash)
 				if currentAnnotatedRevision == c.LastRevision {
 					same = true
 			if same {
-				return nil, git.NoChangesError{
-					Message:          "no changes since last reconciliation",
-					ObservedRevision: currentRevision,
+				// Construct a partial commit with the existing information.
+				c := &git.Commit{
+					Hash:      git.Hash(hash),
+					Reference: "refs/tags/" + c.Tag,
+				return c, nil
diff --git a/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout_test.go b/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout_test.go
index 98b57b24e..d5f7b1796 100644
--- a/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout_test.go
+++ b/pkg/git/libgit2/checkout_test.go
@@ -83,44 +83,49 @@ func TestCheckoutBranch_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := []struct {
-		name           string
-		branch         string
-		filesCreated   map[string]string
-		expectedCommit string
-		expectedErr    string
-		lastRevision   string
+		name                   string
+		branch                 string
+		filesCreated           map[string]string
+		lastRevision           string
+		expectedCommit         string
+		expectedConcreteCommit bool
+		expectedErr            string
-			name:           "Default branch",
-			branch:         defaultBranch,
-			filesCreated:   map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
-			expectedCommit: secondCommit.String(),
+			name:                   "Default branch",
+			branch:                 defaultBranch,
+			filesCreated:           map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
+			expectedCommit:         secondCommit.String(),
+			expectedConcreteCommit: true,
-			name:           "Other branch",
-			branch:         "test",
-			filesCreated:   map[string]string{"branch": "init"},
-			expectedCommit: firstCommit.String(),
+			name:                   "Other branch",
+			branch:                 "test",
+			filesCreated:           map[string]string{"branch": "init"},
+			expectedCommit:         firstCommit.String(),
+			expectedConcreteCommit: true,
-			name:        "Non existing branch",
-			branch:      "invalid",
-			expectedErr: "reference 'refs/remotes/origin/invalid' not found",
+			name:                   "Non existing branch",
+			branch:                 "invalid",
+			expectedErr:            "reference 'refs/remotes/origin/invalid' not found",
+			expectedConcreteCommit: true,
-			name:           "skip clone - lastRevision hasn't changed",
-			branch:         defaultBranch,
-			filesCreated:   map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
-			expectedCommit: secondCommit.String(),
-			lastRevision:   fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", defaultBranch, secondCommit.String()),
-			expectedErr:    fmt.Sprintf("no changes since last reconciliation: observed revision '%s/%s'", defaultBranch, secondCommit.String()),
+			name:                   "skip clone - lastRevision hasn't changed",
+			branch:                 defaultBranch,
+			filesCreated:           map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
+			lastRevision:           fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", defaultBranch, secondCommit.String()),
+			expectedCommit:         secondCommit.String(),
+			expectedConcreteCommit: false,
-			name:           "lastRevision is different",
-			branch:         defaultBranch,
-			filesCreated:   map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
-			expectedCommit: secondCommit.String(),
-			lastRevision:   fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", defaultBranch, firstCommit.String()),
+			name:                   "lastRevision is different",
+			branch:                 defaultBranch,
+			filesCreated:           map[string]string{"branch": "second"},
+			expectedCommit:         secondCommit.String(),
+			lastRevision:           fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", defaultBranch, firstCommit.String()),
+			expectedConcreteCommit: true,
@@ -143,37 +148,43 @@ func TestCheckoutBranch_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
 			g.Expect(cc.String()).To(Equal(tt.branch + "/" + tt.expectedCommit))
+			g.Expect(git.IsConcreteCommit(*cc)).To(Equal(tt.expectedConcreteCommit))
-			for k, v := range tt.filesCreated {
-				g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k)).To(BeARegularFile())
-				g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k))).To(BeEquivalentTo(v))
+			if tt.expectedConcreteCommit {
+				for k, v := range tt.filesCreated {
+					g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k)).To(BeARegularFile())
+					g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, k))).To(BeEquivalentTo(v))
+				}
 func TestCheckoutTag_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
+	type testTag struct {
+		name      string
+		annotated bool
+	}
 	tests := []struct {
-		name         string
-		tag          string
-		annotated    bool
-		checkoutTag  string
-		expectTag    string
-		expectErr    string
-		lastRevision bool
+		name                 string
+		tagsInRepo           []testTag
+		checkoutTag          string
+		lastRevTag           string
+		expectErr            string
+		expectConcreteCommit bool
-			name:        "Tag",
-			tag:         "tag-1",
-			checkoutTag: "tag-1",
-			expectTag:   "tag-1",
+			name:                 "Tag",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"tag-1", false}},
+			checkoutTag:          "tag-1",
+			expectConcreteCommit: true,
-			name:        "Annotated",
-			tag:         "annotated",
-			annotated:   true,
-			checkoutTag: "annotated",
-			expectTag:   "annotated",
+			name:                 "Annotated",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"annotated", true}},
+			checkoutTag:          "annotated",
+			expectConcreteCommit: true,
 			name:        "Non existing tag",
@@ -181,19 +192,18 @@ func TestCheckoutTag_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
 			expectErr:   "unable to find 'invalid': no reference found for shorthand 'invalid'",
-			name:         "skip clone - last revision is unchanged",
-			tag:          "tag-1",
-			checkoutTag:  "tag-1",
-			expectTag:    "tag-1",
-			lastRevision: true,
-			expectErr:    "no changes since last reconciliation",
+			name:                 "Skip clone - last revision unchanged",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"tag-1", false}},
+			checkoutTag:          "tag-1",
+			lastRevTag:           "tag-1",
+			expectConcreteCommit: false,
-			name:         "last revision changed",
-			tag:          "tag-1",
-			checkoutTag:  "tag-1",
-			expectTag:    "tag-2",
-			lastRevision: true,
+			name:                 "Last revision changed",
+			tagsInRepo:           []testTag{{"tag-1", false}, {"tag-2", false}},
+			checkoutTag:          "tag-2",
+			lastRevTag:           "tag-1",
+			expectConcreteCommit: true,
 	for _, tt := range tests {
@@ -206,68 +216,57 @@ func TestCheckoutTag_Checkout(t *testing.T) {
 			defer repo.Free()
-			var commit *git2go.Commit
-			if tt.tag != "" {
-				c, err := commitFile(repo, "tag", tt.tag, time.Now())
-				if err != nil {
-					t.Fatal(err)
-				}
-				if commit, err = repo.LookupCommit(c); err != nil {
-					t.Fatal(err)
-				}
-				_, err = tag(repo, commit.Id(), !tt.annotated, tt.tag, time.Now())
-				if err != nil {
-					t.Fatal(err)
+			// Collect tags and their associated commit for later reference.
+			tagCommits := map[string]*git2go.Commit{}
+			// Populate the repo with commits and tags.
+			if tt.tagsInRepo != nil {
+				for _, tr := range tt.tagsInRepo {
+					var commit *git2go.Commit
+					c, err := commitFile(repo, "tag", tr.name, time.Now())
+					if err != nil {
+						t.Fatal(err)
+					}
+					if commit, err = repo.LookupCommit(c); err != nil {
+						t.Fatal(err)
+					}
+					_, err = tag(repo, commit.Id(), tr.annotated, tr.name, time.Now())
+					if err != nil {
+						t.Fatal(err)
+					}
+					tagCommits[tr.name] = commit
 			checkoutTag := CheckoutTag{
 				Tag: tt.checkoutTag,
+			// If last revision is provided, configure it.
+			if tt.lastRevTag != "" {
+				lc := tagCommits[tt.lastRevTag]
+				checkoutTag.LastRevision = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tt.lastRevTag, lc.Id().String())
+			}
 			tmpDir := t.TempDir()
 			cc, err := checkoutTag.Checkout(context.TODO(), tmpDir, repo.Path(), nil)
 			if tt.expectErr != "" {
-				if tt.lastRevision {
-					tmpDir, _ = os.MkdirTemp("", "test")
-					defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
-					checkoutTag.LastRevision = cc.String()
-					cc, err = checkoutTag.Checkout(context.TODO(), tmpDir, repo.Path(), nil)
-				}
-			if tt.lastRevision {
-				checkoutTag.LastRevision = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tt.tag, commit.Id().String())
-				checkoutTag.Tag = tt.expectTag
-				if tt.tag != "" {
-					c, err := commitFile(repo, "tag", "changed tag", time.Now())
-					if err != nil {
-						t.Fatal(err)
-					}
-					if commit, err = repo.LookupCommit(c); err != nil {
-						t.Fatal(err)
-					}
-					_, err = tag(repo, commit.Id(), !tt.annotated, tt.expectTag, time.Now())
-					if err != nil {
-						t.Fatal(err)
-					}
-					tmpDir, _ = os.MkdirTemp("", "test")
-					defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
-					cc, err = checkoutTag.Checkout(context.TODO(), tmpDir, repo.Path(), nil)
-				}
-			}
+			// Check successful checkout results.
+			g.Expect(git.IsConcreteCommit(*cc)).To(Equal(tt.expectConcreteCommit))
+			targetTagCommit := tagCommits[tt.checkoutTag]
-			g.Expect(cc.String()).To(Equal(tt.expectTag + "/" + commit.Id().String()))
-			g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag")).To(BeARegularFile())
-			if tt.lastRevision {
-				g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag"))).To(BeEquivalentTo("changed tag"))
-			} else {
-				g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag"))).To(BeEquivalentTo(tt.tag))
+			g.Expect(cc.String()).To(Equal(tt.checkoutTag + "/" + targetTagCommit.Id().String()))
+			// Check file content only when there's an actual checkout.
+			if tt.lastRevTag != tt.checkoutTag {
+				g.Expect(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag")).To(BeARegularFile())
+				g.Expect(os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tag"))).To(BeEquivalentTo(tt.checkoutTag))
diff --git a/pkg/git/options.go b/pkg/git/options.go
index b5e8f2c41..ff1bccac1 100644
--- a/pkg/git/options.go
+++ b/pkg/git/options.go
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ type CheckoutOptions struct {
 	// not supported by all Implementations.
 	RecurseSubmodules bool
-	// LastRevision holds the revision observed on the last successful
-	// reconciliation.
+	// LastRevision holds the last observed revision of the local repository.
 	// It is used to skip clone operations when no changes were detected.
 	LastRevision string