This is a set of utilities used in this repository, both for CI and for local development.
Set up:
cd script/tool && dart pub get && cd ../../
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart <args>
Many commands require the Flutter-bundled version of Dart to be the first dart
in the path.
Run with --help
for a full list of commands and arguments, but the
following shows a number of common commands being run for a specific package.
Most commands take a --packages
argument to control which package(s) the
command is targetting. An package name can be any of:
- The name of a package (e.g.,
). - The name of a federated plugin (e.g.,
), in which case all packages that make up that plugin will be targetted. - A combination federated_plugin_name/package_name (e.g.,
for the app-facing package).
The examples below assume they are being run from the repository root, but
the script works from anywhere. If you develop in flutter/packages frequently,
it may be useful to make an alias for
dart run /absolute/path/to/script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart
so that
you can easily run commands from within packages. For that use case there is
also a --current-package
flag as an alternative to --packages
, to target the
current working directory's package (or enclosing package; it can be used from
anywhere within a package).
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart format --packages package_name
The flutter/packages
repository uses clang version 15.0.0
. Newer versions of clang may format code differently.
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart analyze --packages package_name
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart test --packages package_name
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart build-examples --apk --packages package_name
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart drive-examples --android --packages package_name
Replace --apk
with the platform you want to test against
(omit it to get a list of valid options).
takes one or more platform flags to run tests for. By default it
runs both unit tests and (on platforms that support it) integration tests, but
or --no-integration
can be used to run just one type.
# Run just unit tests for iOS and Android:
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart native-test --ios --android --no-integration --packages package_name
# Run all tests for macOS:
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart native-test --macos --packages package_name
# Run all tests for Windows:
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart native-test --windows --packages package_name
# Update all .md files for all packages:
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart update-excerpts
# Update the .md files only for one package:
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart update-excerpts --packages package_name
See also:
will automatically update the version and
following standard repository style and practice. It can be used for
single-package updates to handle the details of getting the
format correct, but is especially useful for bulk updates across multiple packages.
For instance, if you add a new analysis option that requires production code changes across many packages:
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart update-release-info \
--version=minimal \
--base-branch=upstream/main \
--changelog="Fixes violations of new analysis option some_new_option."
The minimal
option for --version
will skip unchanged packages, and treat
each changed package as either bugfix
or next
depending on the files that
have changed in that package, so it is often the best choice for a bulk change.
For cases where you know the change type, minor
or bugfix
will make the
corresponding version bump, or next
will update only
changing the version.
If you have a standard repository setup, --base-branch=upstream/main
usually give the behavior you want, finding all packages changed relative to
the branch point from upstream/main
. For more complex use cases where you want
a different diff point, you can pass a different --base-branch
, or use
to pick the exact diff point.
will update a pub dependency to a new version.
For instance, to updated to version 3.0.0 of some_package
in every package
that depends on it:
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart update-dependency \
--pub-package=some_package \
--version=3.0.0 \
If a --version
is not provided, the latest version from pub will be used.
Currently this only updates the dependency itself in pubspec.yaml, but in the
future this will also update any generated code for packages that use code
generation (e.g., regenerating mocks when updating mockito
Releases are automated for flutter/packages
The manual procedure described here is deprecated, and should only be used when
the automated process fails. Please read
Releasing a Plugin or Package
before using publish
cd <path_to_repo>
git checkout <commit_hash_to_publish>
dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart publish --packages <package>
By default the tool tries to push tags to the upstream
remote, but some
additional settings can be configured. Run dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart publish --help
for more usage information.
The tool wraps pub publish
for pushing the package to pub, and then will
automatically use git to try to create and push tags. It has some additional
safety checking around pub publish
too. By default pub publish
everything, including untracked or uncommitted files in version control.
will first check the status of the local
directory and refuse to publish if there are any mismatched files with version
control present.