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Sporadic SIGSEGV with SEGV_MAPERR code in mpack_parse_tag() at mpack.c:2630 #2794

asdavidov opened this issue Nov 20, 2020 · 5 comments


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asdavidov commented Nov 20, 2020

Bug Report

Describe the bug
Fluent-bit sporadically SIGSEGV with SEGV_MAPPER code in mpack.c

To Reproduce

  • Rubular link if applicable:
  • Example log message if applicable:
  • Steps to reproduce the problem:
    Since it is a sporadic issue, the steps to reproduce it are unknown at the moment

Expected behavior
No SIGSEGV during run time.

Your Environment

  • Version used: buld from master branch at commit b7c7081 on 17 Oct 2020
  • Configuration:
    Flush        10
    Daemon       Off
    Log_Level    debug
    Parsers_File parsers.conf
    Plugins_File plugins.conf
    storage.path /tmp/flb-storage
    storage.backlog.mem_limit 128MB
    HTTP_Server  Off
    Name forward
    Port 24224
    Buffer_Max_Size 8MB
    Mem_Buf_Limit 64MB
    storage.type filesystem
    Name forward
    Host XX.XXX.XX.XX
    Port 24224
    Match *
    Require_ack_response True
    net.keepalive off
  • Environment name and version (e.g. Kubernetes? What version?):
  • Server type and version:
  • Operating System and version: FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p4 amd64
  • Filters and plugins:
  tail                  Tail files
  dummy                 Generate dummy data
  head                  Head Input
  health                Check TCP server health
  collectd              collectd input plugin
  statsd                StatsD input plugin
  serial                Serial input
  stdin                 Standard Input
  syslog                Syslog
  exec                  Exec Input
  tcp                   TCP
  mqtt                  MQTT, listen for Publish messages
  forward               Fluentd in-forward
  random                Random

  alter_size            Alter incoming chunk size
  aws                   Add AWS Metadata
  record_modifier       modify record
  throttle              Throttle messages using sliding window algorithm
  kubernetes            Filter to append Kubernetes metadata
  modify                modify records by applying rules
  nest                  nest events by specified field values
  parser                Parse events
  expect                Validate expected keys and values
  grep                  grep events by specified field values
  rewrite_tag           Rewrite records tags
  lua                   Lua Scripting Filter
  stdout                Filter events to STDOUT

  azure                 Send events to Azure HTTP Event Collector
  azure_blob            Azure Blob Storage
  bigquery              Send events to BigQuery via streaming insert
  counter               Records counter
  datadog               Send events to DataDog HTTP Event Collector
  es                    Elasticsearch
  exit                  Exit after a number of flushes (test purposes)
  file                  Generate log file
  forward               Forward (Fluentd protocol)
  http                  HTTP Output
  influxdb              InfluxDB Time Series
  logdna                LogDNA
  loki                  Loki
  kafka-rest            Kafka REST Proxy
  nats                  NATS Server
  nrlogs                New Relic
  null                  Throws away events
  plot                  Generate data file for GNU Plot
  slack                 Send events to a Slack channel
  splunk                Send events to Splunk HTTP Event Collector
  stackdriver           Send events to Google Stackdriver Logging
  stdout                Prints events to STDOUT
  syslog                Syslog
  tcp                   TCP Output
  td                    Treasure Data
  flowcounter           FlowCounter
  gelf                  GELF Output
  cloudwatch_logs       Send logs to Amazon CloudWatch
  kinesis_firehose      Send logs to Amazon Kinesis Firehose
  s3                    Send to S3

 Event Loop  = select

Additional context
I've got several core files and their content is almost identical.

The backtrace from the version built with debug symbols shows the following output:

(lldb) bt
* thread #1, name = 'fluent-bit', stop reason = signal SIGABRT
  * frame #0: 0x00000008013d50fa`__sys_thr_kill + 10
    frame #1: 0x00000008013d50c4`__raise + 52
    frame #2: 0x00000008013d5039`abort + 73
    frame #3: 0x000000000043537c fluent-bit`flb_signal_handler(signal=11) at fluent-bit.c:418:9
    frame #4: 0x00000008010f5c80`___lldb_unnamed_symbol101$$ + 208
    frame #5: 0x00000008010f524f`___lldb_unnamed_symbol82$$ + 319
    frame #6: 0x00007ffffffff003
    frame #7: 0x0000000000530906 fluent-bit`mpack_parse_tag(reader=0x0000000801c82f38, tag=0x0000000801c82eb8) at mpack.c:2630:20
    frame #8: 0x0000000000530809 fluent-bit`mpack_read_tag(reader=0x0000000801c82f38) at mpack.c:2979:20
    frame #9: 0x0000000000531d55 fluent-bit`mpack_discard(reader=0x0000000801c82f38) at mpack.c:3028:23
    frame #10: 0x000000000047468f fluent-bit`flb_mp_count(data=0x0000000800aeb028, bytes=144581) at flb_mp.c:40:9
    frame #11: 0x00000000004b64f0 fluent-bit`flb_forward_format_forward_mode(ctx=0x0000000801c421c0, fc=0x0000000801c8f000, ff=0x0000000801c731b0, tag="edok-ext.backend", tag_len=16, data=0x0000000800aeb028, bytes=144581, out_buf=0x0000000801c83208, out_size=0x0000000801c83200) at forward_format.c:271:19
    frame #12: 0x00000000004b5ff7 fluent-bit`flb_forward_format(config=0x0000000801a1dc80, ins=0x0000000801aa1180, ins_ctx=0x0000000801c421c0, flush_ctx=0x0000000801c731b0, tag="edok-ext.backend", tag_len=16, data=0x0000000800aeb028, bytes=144581, out_buf=0x0000000801c83208, out_size=0x0000000801c83200) at forward_format.c:433:15
    frame #13: 0x00000000004b1877 fluent-bit`cb_forward_flush(data=0x0000000800aeb028, bytes=144581, tag="edok-ext.backend", tag_len=16, i_ins=0x0000000801aa1180, out_context=0x0000000801c421c0, config=0x0000000801a1dc80) at forward.c:1108:12
    frame #14: 0x0000000000450499 fluent-bit`output_pre_cb_flush at flb_output.h:469:5
    frame #15: 0x00000000005f7150 fluent-bit at amd64.c:117:3
    frame #16: 0x00000000004b1d35 fluent-bit`flb_calloc(n=0, size=0) at flb_mem.h:78:11

Frame #11 variables were:

(flb_forward *) ctx = 0x0000000801c421c0
(flb_forward_config *) fc = 0x0000000801c8f000
(flb_forward_flush *) ff = 0x0000000801c731b0
(const char *) tag = 0x0000000801c34500 "edok-ext.backend"
(int) tag_len = 16
(const void *) data = 0x0000000800aeb028
(size_t) bytes = 144581
(void **) out_buf = 0x0000000801c83208
(size_t *) out_size = 0x0000000801c83200
(int) entries = 0
(char *) chunk = 0x0000000801c731b8 ""
(char [33]) chunk_buf = ""
(msgpack_packer) mp_pck = {
  data = 0x0000000801c83008
  callback = 0x00000000004b6940 (fluent-bit`msgpack_sbuffer_write at sbuffer.h:60)
(msgpack_sbuffer) mp_sbuf = (size = 0, data = 0x0000000000000000, alloc = 0)

Frame #10 variables:

(const void *) data = 0x0000000800aeb028
(size_t) bytes = 144581
(int) count = 1
(mpack_reader_t) reader = {
  context = 0x0000000000000000
  fill = 0x0000000000000000
  error_fn = 0x0000000000000000
  teardown = 0x0000000000000000
  skip = 0x0000000000000000
  buffer = 0x0000000000000000
  size = 0
  data = 0x0000000800aeb028 ""
  end = 0x0000000800b0e4ed ""
  error = mpack_ok

Frame #9 variables:

(mpack_reader_t *) reader = 0x0000000801c82f38
(mpack_tag_t) var = {
  type = mpack_type_missing
  exttype = '\0'
  v = (u = 34389634872, i = 34389634872, d = 1.6990737163279334E-313, f = 7.35361525E-38, b = true, l = 29896504, n = 29896504)

Frame #8 variables:

(mpack_reader_t *) reader = 0x0000000801c82f38
(mpack_tag_t) tag = {
  type = mpack_type_missing
  exttype = '\0'
  v = (u = 0, i = 0, d = 0, f = 0, b = false, l = 0, n = 0)
(size_t) count = 0

Frame #7 variables:

(mpack_reader_t *) reader = 0x0000000801c82f38
(mpack_tag_t *) tag = 0x0000000801c82eb8
(uint8_t) type = '\0'

Disassembled line of code at frame #7:

    0x530901 <+113>: callq  0x5291b0                  ; mpack_load_u8 at mpack.h:2028

Hope this will help to find the root cause of this problem.
I can provide an additional output from debugger if it is needed.

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FYI - disabling filesystem buffering (i.e. commenting out "storage.type filesystem" option in [INPUT] section) helps to work-around this issue.

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github-actions bot commented Mar 6, 2021

This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.

@github-actions github-actions bot added the Stale label Mar 6, 2021
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This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 5 days with no activity.

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JeffLuoo commented May 5, 2021

bump, saw this with Loki plugin:

[2021/05/05 01:35:14] [ info] [output:loki:loki.0] loki.logging.svc:3100, HTTP status=204
[2021/05/05 01:35:15] [ info] [output:loki:loki.0] loki.logging.svc:3100, HTTP status=204
[2021/05/05 01:35:16] [engine] caught signal (SIGSEGV)
#0  0x561e046a1727      in  mpack_load_u8() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.h:2029
#1  0x561e046a7574      in  mpack_parse_tag() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.c:2630
#2  0x561e046a80a5      in  mpack_read_tag() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.c:2979
#3  0x561e046a8166      in  mpack_discard() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.c:3028
#4  0x561e045d6f3d      in  flb_mp_count() at src/flb_mp.c:44
#5  0x561e04636632      in  loki_compose_payload() at plugins/out_loki/loki.c:954
#6  0x561e046369d9      in  cb_loki_flush() at plugins/out_loki/loki.c:1062
#7  0x561e045af4da      in  output_pre_cb_flush() at include/fluent-bit/flb_output.h:466
#8  0x561e04a4e526      in  co_init() at lib/monkey/deps/flb_libco/amd64.c:117
#9  0xffffffffffffffff  in  ???() at ???:0

Version v1.7.3

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Another one:

{"log":"[2022/02/17 00:42:50] [engine] caught signal (SIGSEGV)\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.500981706Z"}
{"log":"#0  0x562629754281      in  mpack_load_u8() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.h:2029\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.526985167Z"}
{"log":"#1  0x56262975a0ce      in  mpack_parse_tag() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.c:2630\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527018029Z"}
{"log":"#2  0x56262975abff      in  mpack_read_tag() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.c:2979\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527027388Z"}
{"log":"#3  0x56262975acc0      in  mpack_discard() at lib/mpack-amalgamation-1.0/src/mpack/mpack.c:3028\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527035311Z"}
{"log":"#4  0x562629693615      in  flb_mp_count() at src/flb_mp.c:40\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527044261Z"}
{"log":"#5  0x5626296e7a62      in  flush_forward_mode() at plugins/out_forward/forward.c:999\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527249043Z"}
{"log":"#6  0x5626296e840f      in  cb_forward_flush() at plugins/out_forward/forward.c:1216\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527258158Z"}
{"log":"#7  0x56262967e64c      in  output_pre_cb_flush() at include/fluent-bit/flb_output.h:472\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527373361Z"}
{"log":"#8  0x562629ad2ec6      in  co_init() at lib/monkey/deps/flb_libco/amd64.c:117\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-17T00:42:50.527392048Z"}

Version 1.6.6

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