BUG: The "submitted date" changes to today's date when a petitions clerk is Reviewing Petitions that have been submitted electronically #8828
Something isn't working
closed (legacy)
Medium Severity
Merged to Prod
Needs Blue/Green Migration
Describe the Bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
The submitted date on an electronically submitted petition represents the date it was submitted, until a petitions clerk reviews the electronically submitted petition. Once they review it, the submitted date will change to today's date. (The filed date that is on the cover sheet in the actual uploaded document remains the correct date, but the date in DAWSON switches to Today's date once the Petitions clerk goes in to review it. They are unable to edit this field to ensure that the correct date is input.
Question for the Chris- since we are seeing that the submitted date is whenever the petitions clerk reviews it, and NOT the actual submitted date from the petitioner...how important is this data field to have this info correct? This most likely happened to all eFiled petitions? Not sure how we could get the correct date back in there - it is on the cover sheet of the actual petition...is this stored anywhere else?
Business Impact/Reason for Severity
med severity???
In which environment did you see this bug?
Who were you logged in as?
Petitions Clerk
What were you doing when you discovered this bug? (Using the application, demoing, smoke tests, testing other functionality, etc.)
This was reported from a court Petitions Clerk
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected Behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Date Received should remain the date that the electronic case was received by the court. Not the date that the petitions clerk reviews it.
Actual Behavior
A clear and concise description of what actually happened.
Once a petitions clerk starts the review of the electronically submitted petition, the date received switches to today's date.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Case info tab - notice the date received. Also notice the filed date on the cover sheet in the document itself.

After you click review petition, Notice that the date received changes to today's date in the Case Details tile

If you click edit on the case details tile, it will bring you back to the petition details, but you cannot get the date submitted to go back to the real date. The only pace it is correct is on the cover sheet of the petition.

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Cause of Bug, If Known
Process for Logging a Bug:
Severity Definition:
Critical Defect
Blocks entire system's or module’s functionality
No workarounds available
Testing cannot proceed further without bug being fixed.
High-severity Defect
Affects key functionality of an application
There's a workaround, but not obvious or easy
App behaves in a way that is strongly different from the one stated in the requirements
Medium-severity Defect
A minor function does not behave in a way stated in the requirements.
Workaround is available and easy
Low-severity Defect
Mostly related to an application’s UI
Doesn't need a workaround, because it doesn't impact functionality
Definition of Done (Updated 4-14-21)
Product Owner
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