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Build Flock Agent

Start by getting the source code:

git clone
cd flock-agent


Install Xcode from the Mac App Store. Once it's installed, run it for the first time to set it up. Also, run this to make sure command line tools are installed: xcode-select --install. And finally, open Xcode, go to Preferences > Locations, and make sure under Command Line Tools you select an installed version from the dropdown. (This is required for installing Qt5.)

Download and install Python 3.7.6 from I downloaded python-3.7.6-macosx10.9.pkg.

Install Qt 5.14.0 for macOS from I downloaded qt-opensource-mac-x64-5.14.0.dmg. In the installer, you can skip making an account, and all you need is Qt > Qt 5.14.0 > macOS.

If you don't have it already, install pipenv (pip3 install --user pipenv). Then install dependencies:

pipenv install --dev

Here's how you run Flock Agent, without having to build an app bundle:

pipenv run ./flock-agent -v

Here's how you build an app bundle:

pipenv run ./install/macos/

Now you should have dist/

Here's how you make a .pkg for distribution:

pipenv run install/macos/ # this requires codesigning certificates
pipenv run install/macos/ --without-codesign # this doesn't

After making a release, you should have dist/FlockAgent-[version].pkg.

Run tests

pipenv run python -m pytest tests


Install the needed dependencies:

For Fedora-like distros: dnf install -y rpm-build qt5-devel python3-qt5 python3-requests python3-appdirs python3-aiohttp python3-packaging python3-pytest python3-responses

For Debian-like distros: sudo apt install -y build-essential fakeroot python-all python3-all python3-stdeb dh-python python3-pyqt5 python3-requests python3-appdirs python3-aiohttp python3-packaging python3-pytest python3-responses

Here's how you run Flock Agent, without having to build a package:

./flock-agent -v

Create a .rpm package: ./install/linux/

Create a .deb package: ./install/linux/

Run tests

python3 -m pytest tests

Release instructions

This section documents the release process. Unless you're a Flock Agent developer making a release, you'll probably never need to follow it.

Changelog, version, and signed git tag

Before making a release, all of these should be complete:

  • Update flock_agent_version in flock-agent/
  • should be updated to include a list of all major changes since the last release
  • Check to see what the latest version of osquery is, and make sure install/macos/ is bundling the latest version
  • There must be a PGP-signed git tag for the version, e.g. for Flock Agent 0.1.0, the tag must be v0.1.0

Before making a release, verify the release git tag:

git fetch
git tag -v v$VERSION

If the tag verifies successfully, check it out:

git checkout v$VERSION

macOS release

To make a macOS release, go to macOS build machine:

  • Build machine must have:
    • macOS 10.14
    • Apple-trusted Developer ID Application: FIRST LOOK PRODUCTIONS, INC. and Developer ID Installer: FIRST LOOK PRODUCTIONS, INC. code-signing certificates installed
    • An app-specific Apple ID password saved in the login keychain called flockagent-notarize
  • Verify and checkout the git tag for this release
  • Run pipenv run ./install/macos/; this will make dist/ but won't codesign it
  • Run pipenv run ./install/macos/; this will make a codesigned installer package called dist/FlockAgent-$VERSION.pkg
  • Notarize it: xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "media.firstlook.flock-agent" -u "" -p "@keychain:flockagent-notarize" --file dist/FlockAgent-$VERSION.pkg
  • Wait for it to get approved, check status with: xcrun altool --notarization-history 0 -u "" -p "@keychain:flockagent-notarize"
  • (If it gets rejected, you can see why with: xcrun altool --notarization-info [RequestUUID] -u "" -p "@keychain:flockagent-notarize")
  • After it's approved, staple the ticket: xcrun stapler staple dist/FlockAgent-$VERSION.pkg

This process ends up with the final file:



Linux binaries are automatically built and deployed to repositories when a new tag is pushed.