diff --git a/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/l10n/firebase_ui_ro.arb b/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/l10n/firebase_ui_ro.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..432ac8fe --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/l10n/firebase_ui_ro.arb @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +{ + "@@locale": "ro", + "@@last_modified": "2023-10-27T14:20:44.123456", + "accessDisabledErrorText": "Accesul la acest cont a fost dezactivat temporar", + "@accessDisabledErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error message when account is blocked and user tries to perform some actions with the account (e.g. unlinking a credential).", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "arrayLabel": "matrice", + "@arrayLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "booleanLabel": "boolean", + "@booleanLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cancelLabel": "anulează", + "@cancelLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "chooseACountry": "Alege o țară", + "@chooseACountry": { + "description": "Used as a label of the country code picker dropdown.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "confirmPasswordDoesNotMatchErrorText": "Parolele nu se potrivesc", + "@confirmPasswordDoesNotMatchErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text when provided passwords do not match.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "confirmPasswordInputLabel": "Confirmă parola", + "@confirmPasswordInputLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the PasswordInput that confirms a provided password.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "confirmPasswordIsRequiredErrorText": "Confirmă parola", + "@confirmPasswordIsRequiredErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text when PasswordInput used to confirm the password is empty.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "continueText": "Continuă", + "@continueText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the submit button that takes the user to the next step of the authenticatiion flow.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "countryCode": "Cod", + "@countryCode": { + "description": "Used as a placeholder of the country code input.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "credentialAlreadyInUseErrorText": "Acest furnizor este asociat cu un alt cont de utilizator.", + "@credentialAlreadyInUseErrorText": { + "description": "Error text that is show when user tries to use an OAuth provider that doesn't belong to currently signed in user account.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "deleteAccount": "Șterge cont", + "@deleteAccount": { + "description": "Used as a label of the DeleteAccountButton.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "differentMethodsSignInTitleText": "Utilizează una dintre următoarele metode pentru a te conecta", + "@differentMethodsSignInTitleText": { + "description": "Used as a title of the dialog that indicates that there are different available sign in methods for a provided email.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "disable": "Dezactivează", + "@disable": { + "description": "Button label that suggests to disable 2FA", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "eastInitialLabel": "E", + "@eastInitialLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "emailInputLabel": "Email", + "@emailInputLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the EmailInput.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "emailIsRequiredErrorText": "Emailul este obligatoriu", + "@emailIsRequiredErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text of the EmailInput when the email is empty.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "emailLinkSignInButtonLabel": "Conectați-vă cu linkul magic", + "@emailLinkSignInButtonLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the EmailLinkSignInButton.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "emailTakenErrorText": "Există deja un cont cu acest email", + "@emailTakenErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error message when the user tries to sign up with an email that is already used.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "enable": "Activează", + "@enable": { + "description": "Button label that suggests to enable 2FA", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "enableMoreSignInMethods": "Activează mai multe metode de conectare", + "@enableMoreSignInMethods": { + "description": "Used as a hint to connect more providers.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "enterSMSCodeText": "Introdu codul SMS", + "@enterSMSCodeText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the SMSCodeInput.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "findProviderForEmailTitleText": "Introdu adresa de email pentru a continua", + "@findProviderForEmailTitleText": { + "description": "Used as a title of the FindProvidersForEmailView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "forgotPasswordButtonLabel": "Parolă uitată?", + "@forgotPasswordButtonLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the ForgotPasswordButton.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "forgotPasswordHintText": "Furnizează adresa de email și îți vom trimite un link pentru a îți reseta parola", + "@forgotPasswordHintText": { + "description": "Used as a hint on a ForgotPasswordView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "forgotPasswordViewTitle": "Parolă uitată", + "@forgotPasswordViewTitle": { + "description": "Used as a title of the ForgotPasswordView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "geopointLabel": "geopunct", + "@geopointLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "goBackButtonLabel": "Înapoi", + "@goBackButtonLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the back button.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "@hashCode": { + "description": "The hash code for this object.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "invalidCountryCode": "Cod invalid", + "@invalidCountryCode": { + "description": "Used as an error text when provide country code is invalid.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "isNotAValidEmailErrorText": "Furnizează un email valid", + "@isNotAValidEmailErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text of the EmailInput if the provided email is not valid.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "latitudeLabel": "latitudine", + "@latitudeLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "linkEmailButtonText": "Următorul", + "@linkEmailButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the EmailForm submit button when the AuthAction is AuthAction.link.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "longitudeLabel": "longitudine", + "@longitudeLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "mapLabel": "hartă", + "@mapLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "mfaTitle": "Verificare în doi pași", + "@mfaTitle": { + "description": "2-step verification settings tile title.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "name": "Nume", + "@name": { + "description": "Used as a placeholder of the EditableUserDisplayName.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "northInitialLabel": "N", + "@northInitialLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "nullLabel": "null", + "@nullLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "numberLabel": "număr", + "@numberLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "off": "Oprit", + "@off": { + "description": "Label that suggests that 2-step verification is not enabled", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "on": "Pornit", + "@on": { + "description": "Label that suggests that 2-step verification is enabled", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "passwordInputLabel": "Parolă", + "@passwordInputLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the PasswordInput.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "passwordIsRequiredErrorText": "Parola este obligatorie", + "@passwordIsRequiredErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text when PasswordInput is empty.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "passwordResetEmailSentText": "Ți-am trimis un email cu un link pentru a îți reseta parola. Te rugăm să îți verifici emailurile.", + "@passwordResetEmailSentText": { + "description": "Indicates that the password reset email was sent.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "phoneInputLabel": "Număr de telefon", + "@phoneInputLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the PhoneInput.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "phoneNumberInvalidErrorText": "Numărul de telefon nu e valid", + "@phoneNumberInvalidErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text when PhoneInput contains an invalid phone number.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "phoneNumberIsRequiredErrorText": "Numărul de telefon nu este obligatoriu", + "@phoneNumberIsRequiredErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text when PhoneInput is empty.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "phoneVerificationViewTitleText": "Întrodu numărul de telefon", + "@phoneVerificationViewTitleText": { + "description": "Used as a title of the PhoneInputView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "profile": "Profil", + "@profile": { + "description": "A title of the ProfileScreen.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "provideEmail": "Furnizează adresa de email și parola", + "@provideEmail": { + "description": "Used as a title of the EmailSignUpDialog.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "referenceLabel": "referință", + "@referenceLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "registerActionText": "Înregistrează-te", + "@registerActionText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the EmailForm submit button when the AuthAction is AuthAction.signUp.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "registerHintText": "Nu ai un cont?", + "@registerHintText": { + "description": "Used as a hint text of the LoginView suggesting to create a new account.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "registerText": "Înregistrare", + "@registerText": { + "description": "Used as a title of the LoginView when AuthAction is AuthAction.signUp.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "resetPasswordButtonLabel": "Resetează parola", + "@resetPasswordButtonLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of submit button of the ForgotPasswordView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "@runtimeType": { + "description": "A representation of the runtime type of the object.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "sendLinkButtonLabel": "Trimite linkul magic", + "@sendLinkButtonLabel": { + "description": "Used as a label of the submit button on the EmailLinkSignInView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInActionText": "Conectare", + "@signInActionText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the EmailForm submit button when the AuthAction is AuthAction.signIn.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInHintText": "Ai deja un cont?", + "@signInHintText": { + "description": "Used as a hint text of the LoginView suggesting to sign in instead of registering a new account.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInMethods": "Moduri de conectare", + "@signInMethods": { + "description": "Used as a label of the row showing connected providers.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInText": "Conectare", + "@signInText": { + "description": "Used as a title of the LoginView when AuthAction is AuthAction.signIn.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInWithAppleButtonText": "Conectare cu Apple", + "@signInWithAppleButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Apple provider.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInWithEmailLinkSentText": "Ți-am trimis un email cu un link magic. Verifică emailul și urmează linkul pentru a te conecta.", + "@signInWithEmailLinkSentText": { + "description": "Indicates that email with a sign in link was sent.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInWithEmailLinkViewTitleText": "Conectare cu link magic", + "@signInWithEmailLinkViewTitleText": { + "description": "Used as a title on the EmailLinkSignInView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInWithFacebookButtonText": "Conectare cu Facebook", + "@signInWithFacebookButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Facebook provider.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInWithGoogleButtonText": "Conectare cu Google", + "@signInWithGoogleButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Google provider.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInWithPhoneButtonText": "Conectare cu telefon", + "@signInWithPhoneButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the PhoneVerificationButton.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signInWithTwitterButtonText": "Conectare cu Twitter", + "@signInWithTwitterButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Twitter provider.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "signOutButtonText": "Deconectare", + "@signOutButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the SignOutButton.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "smsAutoresolutionFailedError": "Nu s-a rezolvat automat codul SMS. Te rugăm să introduci codul manual", + "@smsAutoresolutionFailedError": { + "description": "Used as an error text when AutoresolutionFailedException is being thrown.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "southInitialLabel": "S", + "@southInitialLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "stringLabel": "șir", + "@stringLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "timestampLabel": "timestamp", + "@timestampLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "typeLabel": "tip", + "@typeLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "unknownError": "O eroare necunoscută s-a produs", + "@unknownError": { + "description": "Used as a generic error message when unable to resolve error details from Exception or FirebaseAuthException.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "updateLabel": "actualizează", + "@updateLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "userNotFoundErrorText": "Contul nu există", + "@userNotFoundErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error message when the account for provided email was not found.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "valueLabel": "valoare", + "@valueLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verifyCodeButtonText": "Verifică", + "@verifyCodeButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the submit button of the SMSCodeInputView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verifyingSMSCodeText": "Se verifică codul SMS...", + "@verifyingSMSCodeText": { + "description": "Used as a status text of the SMSCodeInput when code verification is in progress.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verifyItsYouText": "Verifică dacă ești tu", + "@verifyItsYouText": { + "description": "Used as a title of the dialog that requires re-authentication of the user when performing destructive actions.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verifyPhoneNumberButtonText": "Următorul", + "@verifyPhoneNumberButtonText": { + "description": "Used as a label of the submit button of the PhoneInputView.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "westInitialLabel": "W", + "@westInitialLabel": { + "description": "", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "wrongOrNoPasswordErrorText": "Parola nu este validă sau utilizatorul nu are o parolă", + "@wrongOrNoPasswordErrorText": { + "description": "Used as an error text of the PasswordInput when provided password is empty or is not correct.", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "uploadButtonText": "Încarcă fișier", + "@uploadButtonText": { + "description": "UploadButton label", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verifyEmailTitle": "Verifică emailul", + "@verifyEmailTitle": { + "description": "EmailVerificationScreen title", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verificationEmailSentText": "Un email de verificare a fost trimis la adresa ta de email. Te rugăm să îți verifici emailul și să faci clic pe link pentru a îți confirma adresa de email.", + "@verificationEmailSentText": { + "description": "Hint text indicating that verification email has been sent", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verificationFailedText": "Nu am putut verifica adresa ta de email.", + "@verificationFailedText": { + "description": "Message indicating that something went wrong during email verification", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "resendVerificationEmailButtonLabel": "Retrimite emailul de verificare", + "@resendVerificationEmailButtonLabel": { + "description": "Button label that suggests to resend verification email", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "verificationEmailSentTextShort": "Emailul de verificare a fost trimis", + "@verificationEmailSentTextShort": { + "description": "Short version of the hint text indicating that verification email has been sent", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "emailIsNotVerifiedText": "Emailul nu este verificat", + "@emailIsNotVerifiedText": { + "description": "Message indicating that email is not verified", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "waitingForEmailVerificationText": "Se așteaptă verificarea emailului", + "@waitingForEmailVerificationText": { + "description": "Message indicating that email is being verified", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "dismissButtonLabel": "Respingeți", + "@dismissButtonLabel": { + "description": "Dissmiss button label", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "okButtonLabel": "OK", + "@okButtonLabel": { + "description": "OK button label", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "checkEmailHintText": "Te rugăm să îți verifici emailul și să faci clic pe link pentru a îți confirma adresa de e-mail.", + "@checkEmailHintText": { + "description": "Hint text prompting the user to check email for verification link", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "doneButtonLabel": "Gata", + "@doneButtonLabel": { + "description": "Done button label", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "invalidVerificationCodeErrorText": "Codul introdus nu este valid. Te rugăm să încerci din nou.", + "@invalidVerificationCodeErrorText": { + "description": "Error text indicating that entered SMS code is invalid", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "ulinkProviderAlertTitle": "Deconectați furnizorul", + "@ulinkProviderAlertTitle": { + "description": "Title that is shown in AlertDialog asking for provider unlink confirmation", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "confirmUnlinkButtonLabel": "Deconectați", + "@confirmUnlinkButtonLabel": { + "description": "Unlink confirmation button label", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "cancelButtonLabel": "Anulează", + "@cancelButtonLabel": { + "description": "Cancel button label", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "unlinkProviderAlertMessage": "Sigur dorești să deconectezi acest furnizor?", + "@unlinkProviderAlertMessage": { + "description": "Text that is shown as a message of the AlertDialog confirming provider unlink", + "placeholders": {} + }, + "weakPasswordErrorText": "Parola trebuie să aibă cel puțin 6 caractere", + "@weakPasswordErrorText": { + "description": "Error text suggesting that used password is too weak", + "placeholders": {} + } +} diff --git a/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/src/all_languages.dart b/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/src/all_languages.dart index 342dca54..d18f3400 100644 --- a/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/src/all_languages.dart +++ b/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/src/all_languages.dart @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import 'lang/ko.dart'; import 'lang/nl.dart'; import 'lang/pl.dart'; import 'lang/pt.dart'; +import 'lang/ro.dart'; import 'lang/ru.dart'; import 'lang/th.dart'; import 'lang/tr.dart'; @@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ final Set kSupportedLanguages = { 'nl', // Dutch Flemish 'pl', // Polish 'pt', // Portuguese + 'ro', // Romanian 'ru', // Russian 'th', // Thai 'tr', // Turkish @@ -96,6 +98,8 @@ FirebaseUILocalizationLabels getFirebaseUITranslation( return const PlLocalizations(); case 'pt': return const PtLocalizations(); + case 'ro': + return const RoLocalizations(); case 'ru': return const RuLocalizations(); case 'th': diff --git a/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/src/lang/ro.dart b/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/src/lang/ro.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1994f72c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/firebase_ui_localizations/lib/src/lang/ro.dart @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +// Copyright 2023, the Chromium project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file +// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a +// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +import '../default_localizations.dart'; + +class RoLocalizations extends FirebaseUILocalizationLabels { + const RoLocalizations(); + + @override + String get accessDisabledErrorText => + "Accesul la acest cont a fost dezactivat temporar"; + + @override + String get arrayLabel => "matrice"; + + @override + String get booleanLabel => "boolean"; + + @override + String get cancelLabel => "anulează"; + + @override + String get chooseACountry => "Alege o țară"; + + @override + String get confirmPasswordDoesNotMatchErrorText => "Parolele nu se potrivesc"; + + @override + String get confirmPasswordInputLabel => "Confirmă parola"; + + @override + String get confirmPasswordIsRequiredErrorText => "Confirmă parola"; + + @override + String get continueText => "Continuă"; + + @override + String get countryCode => "Cod"; + + @override + String get credentialAlreadyInUseErrorText => + "Acest furnizor este asociat cu un alt cont de utilizator."; + + @override + String get deleteAccount => "Șterge cont"; + + @override + String get differentMethodsSignInTitleText => + "Utilizează una dintre următoarele metode pentru a te conecta"; + + @override + String get disable => "Dezactivează"; + + @override + String get eastInitialLabel => "E"; + + @override + String get emailInputLabel => "Email"; + + @override + String get emailIsRequiredErrorText => "Emailul este obligatoriu"; + + @override + String get emailLinkSignInButtonLabel => "Conectați-vă cu linkul magic"; + + @override + String get emailTakenErrorText => "Există deja un cont cu acest email"; + + @override + String get enable => "Activează"; + + @override + String get enableMoreSignInMethods => + "Activează mai multe metode de conectare"; + + @override + String get enterSMSCodeText => "Introdu codul SMS"; + + @override + String get findProviderForEmailTitleText => + "Introdu adresa de email pentru a continua"; + + @override + String get forgotPasswordButtonLabel => "Parolă uitată?"; + + @override + String get forgotPasswordHintText => + "Furnizează adresa de email și îți vom trimite un link pentru a îți reseta parola"; + + @override + String get forgotPasswordViewTitle => "Parolă uitată"; + + @override + String get geopointLabel => "geopunct"; + + @override + String get goBackButtonLabel => "Înapoi"; + + @override + String get invalidCountryCode => "Cod invalid"; + + @override + String get isNotAValidEmailErrorText => "Furnizează un email valid"; + + @override + String get latitudeLabel => "latitudine"; + + @override + String get linkEmailButtonText => "Următorul"; + + @override + String get longitudeLabel => "longitudine"; + + @override + String get mapLabel => "hartă"; + + @override + String get mfaTitle => "Verificare în doi pași"; + + @override + String get name => "Nume"; + + @override + String get northInitialLabel => "N"; + + @override + String get nullLabel => "null"; + + @override + String get numberLabel => "număr"; + + @override + String get off => "Oprit"; + + @override + String get on => "Pornit"; + + @override + String get passwordInputLabel => "Parolă"; + + @override + String get passwordIsRequiredErrorText => "Parola este obligatorie"; + + @override + String get passwordResetEmailSentText => + "Ți-am trimis un email cu un link pentru a îți reseta parola. Te rugăm să îți verifici emailurile."; + + @override + String get phoneInputLabel => "Număr de telefon"; + + @override + String get phoneNumberInvalidErrorText => "Numărul de telefon nu e valid"; + + @override + String get phoneNumberIsRequiredErrorText => + "Numărul de telefon nu este obligatoriu"; + + @override + String get phoneVerificationViewTitleText => "Întrodu numărul de telefon"; + + @override + String get profile => "Profil"; + + @override + String get provideEmail => "Furnizează adresa de email și parola"; + + @override + String get referenceLabel => "referință"; + + @override + String get registerActionText => "Înregistrează-te"; + + @override + String get registerHintText => "Nu ai un cont?"; + + @override + String get registerText => "Înregistrare"; + + @override + String get resetPasswordButtonLabel => "Resetează parola"; + + @override + String get sendLinkButtonLabel => "Trimite linkul magic"; + + @override + String get signInActionText => "Conectare"; + + @override + String get signInHintText => "Ai deja un cont?"; + + @override + String get signInMethods => "Moduri de conectare"; + + @override + String get signInText => "Conectare"; + + @override + String get signInWithAppleButtonText => "Conectare cu Apple"; + + @override + String get signInWithEmailLinkSentText => + "Ți-am trimis un email cu un link magic. Verifică emailul și urmează linkul pentru a te conecta."; + + @override + String get signInWithEmailLinkViewTitleText => "Conectare cu link magic"; + + @override + String get signInWithFacebookButtonText => "Conectare cu Facebook"; + + @override + String get signInWithGoogleButtonText => "Conectare cu Google"; + + @override + String get signInWithPhoneButtonText => "Conectare cu telefon"; + + @override + String get signInWithTwitterButtonText => "Conectare cu Twitter"; + + @override + String get signOutButtonText => "Deconectare"; + + @override + String get smsAutoresolutionFailedError => + "Nu s-a rezolvat automat codul SMS. Te rugăm să introduci codul manual"; + + @override + String get southInitialLabel => "S"; + + @override + String get stringLabel => "șir"; + + @override + String get timestampLabel => "timestamp"; + + @override + String get typeLabel => "tip"; + + @override + String get unknownError => "O eroare necunoscută s-a produs"; + + @override + String get updateLabel => "actualizează"; + + @override + String get userNotFoundErrorText => "Contul nu există"; + + @override + String get valueLabel => "valoare"; + + @override + String get verifyCodeButtonText => "Verifică"; + + @override + String get verifyingSMSCodeText => "Se verifică codul SMS..."; + + @override + String get verifyItsYouText => "Verifică dacă ești tu"; + + @override + String get verifyPhoneNumberButtonText => "Următorul"; + + @override + String get westInitialLabel => "W"; + + @override + String get wrongOrNoPasswordErrorText => + "Parola nu este validă sau utilizatorul nu are o parolă"; + + @override + String get uploadButtonText => "Încarcă fișier"; + + @override + String get verifyEmailTitle => "Verifică emailul"; + + @override + String get verificationEmailSentText => + "Un email de verificare a fost trimis la adresa ta de email. Te rugăm să îți verifici emailul și să faci clic pe link pentru a îți confirma adresa de email."; + + @override + String get verificationFailedText => + "Nu am putut verifica adresa ta de email."; + + @override + String get resendVerificationEmailButtonLabel => + "Retrimite emailul de verificare"; + + @override + String get verificationEmailSentTextShort => + "Emailul de verificare a fost trimis"; + + @override + String get emailIsNotVerifiedText => "Emailul nu este verificat"; + + @override + String get waitingForEmailVerificationText => + "Se așteaptă verificarea emailului"; + + @override + String get dismissButtonLabel => "Respingeți"; + + @override + String get okButtonLabel => "OK"; + + @override + String get checkEmailHintText => + "Te rugăm să îți verifici emailul și să faci clic pe link pentru a îți confirma adresa de e-mail."; + + @override + String get doneButtonLabel => "Gata"; + + @override + String get invalidVerificationCodeErrorText => + "Codul introdus nu este valid. Te rugăm să încerci din nou."; + + @override + String get ulinkProviderAlertTitle => "Deconectați furnizorul"; + + @override + String get confirmUnlinkButtonLabel => "Deconectați"; + + @override + String get cancelButtonLabel => "Anulează"; + + @override + String get unlinkProviderAlertMessage => + "Sigur dorești să deconectezi acest furnizor?"; + + @override + String get weakPasswordErrorText => + "Parola trebuie să aibă cel puțin 6 caractere"; +}