Thank you for your interest in contributing to the desktop-agent project!
Desktop-agent is open source and hosted by the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS). We invite you to participate in our community by adding and commenting on issues (e.g., bug reports; new feature suggestions) or contributing code enhancements through a pull request.
Note that commits and pull requests to FINOS repositories may only be accepted from those contributors with a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) with FINOS. This may take the form of either:
- an active, executed Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA) with FINOS, OR
- coverage under an existing, active Corporate Contribution License Agreement (CCLA) executed with FINOS (most likely by the developer's employer). Please note that some, though not all, CCLAs require individuals/employees to be explicitly named on the CCLA.
Commits from individuals not covered under an CLA can not be merged by Perspective's committers. We encourage you to check that you have a CLA in place well in advance of making your first pull request.
Need an ICLA? Unsure if you are covered under an existing CCLA? Confused? Email and the foundation team will help get it sorted out for you.
For more information about the FDC3 standard, please visit the FDC3 site, github, or email.
When submitting PRs to desktop-agent, please respect the following general coding guidelines:
- Please try to keep PRs small and focused. If you find your PR touches multiple loosely related changes, it may be best to break up into multiple PRs.
- All PRs should be accompanied by an appropriate label as per lerna-changelog, and reference any issue they resolve.
- Features may extend, but should not break the FDC3 specification.
- All contributors should familarize themselves with and follow our code of conduct.