QSM pipeline for Multi Parametric Mapping acquisitions
- phase unwrapping and B0 map calculation using ROMEO
- masking based on ROMEO quality map
- rotation to scanner space for oblique acquisitions using SPM
- PDF background field removal within SEPIA toolbox
- star QSM for dipole inversion as default (optional: non-linear dipole inversion) within SEPIA toolbox
- rotation back of QSM results to image space (for comparisons with PD, R2*, R1 and MT maps) using SPM
Download Zip with all the files from:
https://github.com/fil-physics/MPM_QSM or clone it to your GitHub repository
Download compiled version of ROMEO within MRItools either for windows or linux and unzip it in chosen destination
Download sepia toolbox:
https://github.com/kschan0214/sepia.git and unzip it in chosen destination
Download SPM12: https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/download/
Set you local paths to MEDI and STI toolboxes downloaded in step 1 in file: /your_path/sepia-master/SpecifyToolboxesDirectory.m
as following: MEDI_dir = '/your/MEDI/path/'; STISuite_dir = '/your/STI/path/'; FANSI_dir = []; SEGUE_dir = [];
Add to your matlab path: SEPIA toolbox, MPM_QSM folder and SPM12
Edit MPM_QSM_caller.m user parameters, where you specify folders to you nifti files
Please remember to give credit to the authors of the methods used:
SEPIA toolbox: Chan KS, Marques JP. "SEPIA—Susceptibility mapping pipeline tool for phase images." Neuroimage 227 (2021), 117611.
SPM12 - rigid body registration: Friston KJ, et al. "Movement-related effect in fMRI time-series." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 35 (1995):346-355
complex fit of the phase: Liu T, et al. "Nonlinear formulation of the magnetic field to source relationship for robust quantitative susceptibility mapping." Magnetic resonance in medicine 69.2 (2013): 467-476.
ROMEO phase uwnrapping: Dymerska B, and Eckstein K et al. "Phase unwrapping with a rapid opensource minimum spanning tree algorithm (ROMEO)." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2020).
starQSM: Wei H, et al. "Streaking artifact reduction for quantitative susceptibility mapping of sources with large dynamic range." NMR in Biomedicine 28.10 (2015): 1294-1303.