- On page load an ajax post is made to /perf with the data from window.performance.timing.
- The express app logs the request to the fluentd-leaf server via a post to the in_http plugin
- fluentd-leaf forwards to fluentd-aggregator which does some processing and forwards to influxdb
- Records end up in series perf.hostname.timing in database performance_log
git clone https://github.com/fiacc/docker-fluentd-influxdb.git
cd PerfSample
npm install
node app.js
Browse to and hit refresh a few times.
Go to the influxdb web console to view the data (http://localhost:8083)
This may take a few moments based on the flush_interval in the fluent.conf of the leaf and the aggregator
See series in the db
list series
Select from the series..
select * from perf.localhost.timing
Query Syntax at (Influxdb Query Language)