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Contributing GraalPython

Thanks for considering to contribute! To get you started, here is a bit of information about the structure of this implementation.

You will need to sign the Oracle Contributor Agreement for us to be able to merge your work.

Please also take some time to review our code of conduct for contributors.

Getting started

The first thing you want to do is to set up mx. This is the build tool we use to develop GraalVM languages. You also need LLVM 6, including the opt tool -- the latter is not included on macOS by default, here you can install the homebrew version of LLVM, which includes this tool. Note that you can use any JDK, and do not necessarily need GraalVM for development. In that case you'll only be able to run without the just-in-time compiler, but that can be fine for making and testing changes that are not performance sensitive.

Once you have mx on your PATH, you can run mx build in this repository. This will initially download the required dependencies next to the repository and build Python. If it succeeds without errors, you should already be able to run mx python and get a REPL.

If you just want to copy and paste some commands, these should get you started:

$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd graalpython
$ ../mx/mx build
$ ../mx/mx python -c "print(42)"

For development, we recommend running mx ideinit next. This will generate configurations for Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Netbeans so that you can open the projects in these IDEs. If you use another editor with support for the Eclipse language server we also had reports of useable development setups with that, but it's not something we support.

Development layout

Besides the source code of the Python interpreter, we have some useful mx functions defined under the mx.graalpython directory. As you make changes, you can test always test them with mx build && mx python. Additionally, there are various "gates" that we use on our CI systems to check any code that goes in. You can run all of these using mx python-gate or just some by using mx python-gate --tags [TAG]. Two interesting gates to run that cover most things are:

  • python-unittest - Run the unittests written in Python, including those for the C extension API
  • python-license - Check that all files have the correct copyright headers applied to them
Built-In modules and classes

For the most part, built-in modules and classes are implemented in the package. For each module or class, there's Java class annoted with @CoreFunctions. Each function in a module or a class is implemented in a Node annotated with @Builtin. Take a look at the existing implementations to get a feel for how this is done. For now, when adding new classes or modules, they need to be added to the list in

Some built-in functions, modules, and classes are implemented in pure Python. The files for this are in graalpython/lib-graalpython. These files are listed in the Java class. Take a look at these files to see what they do. If a file is called exactly as a built-in module is, it is executed in the context of that module during startup, so some of our modules are implemented both in Java and Python. If the name matches no existing module, the file is executed just for the side-effects.

When implementing a new (or fixing an existing) built-in, take a look at the CPython source. The layout and naming of modules and types is kept similar to the CPython source so it should be relatively easy to find the right piece of code. For some special dunder methods (__add__, __getitem__, __getattribute__, ...) you may have to figure out the C API slot names for them to find the right piece of code (nb_add, sq_item, tp_getattr, ...).

You will find that often there are specific C API methods that are called to convert or coerce arguments, to look up methods either starting on the object or only on the class, to call a callable object or invoke a method, and more. In general, most of these methods should have equivalents in our PythonObjectLibrary. See the file for details on that library. If something is missing that is commonly used, we probably have some Node for it, but it may be a good idea to add it to the PythonObjectLibrary for easier discovery.

GraalPython has its own variant of the argument clinic preprocessor. It is activated by: extending PythonXXXClinicBuiltinNode (e.g., PythonBinaryClinicBuiltinNode), using @ArgumentClinic annotations on the builtin node class, and overriding the getArgumentClinic method to return the class that will be generated from the annotations (it will be named the same as the node class plus ClinicProviderGen suffix).

Sometimes, you will not easily find what exactly happens for a given piece of code when that involves more than just a simple built-in call. The dis module on CPython can often help get an angle on what a particular piece of code is doing. You can call dis.dis on any Python function and it will print you details of the bytecode and associated data, which can be a good starting point to browse through the CPython source.

Python C API

The C implementation and headers for our C API are in graalpython/ The naming is analogous to C Python's source names. This folder also includes a modules folder for built-in modules that we have adapted from C Python.

Debug options

The GraalVM implementation of Python provides proper debug options. It is possible to either debug the Python code, using Chrome debugger,
or the java code, using your preferred IDE. The following commands should be executed in a virtualenv environment, which provides a graalpython executable.

For debug Python side code call this:

graalpython --inspect

This will open a debug server, which can be accessed in Chrome Browser under URL chrome://inspect.

For debugging java implemented code execute:

graalpython --experimental-options -debug-java

The command will also start a debug server, which can be used in an IDE. If the IDE was initialized properly by using the command mentioned above, the existing GraalDebug run configuration can be used to debug.

Advanced commands to develop and debug

Here are some advanced commands to debug test failures and fix issues.

First, we have three sets of unittests in the base repository:

  1. Our own Python-bases unittests
  2. JUnit tests
  3. Python's standard library tests

To run the first, you can use this command:

mx python-gate --tags python-unittest

If some of the tests fail, you can re-run just a single test like this, substituting TEST-PATTERN (and possibly the file glob on the third line) with the test you want to run. Note that you can insert -d to debug on the Java level or use --inspect to debug in the Chrome debugger.

mx [-d] graalpytest [--inspect] test_*.py \

To run the JUnit tests, you can use this command:

mx python-gate --tags python-junit

To run a subset of the tests, you can use the following. Again, you can use -d to attach with a Java debugger.

mx [-d] punittest JAVA-TEST-CLASSNAME

To run the Python standard library tests, you can use the following:

mx python-gate --tags python-tagged-unittest

Note that we use "tag files", small .txt files that select which tests to run, so we only run tests that we know should pass. To run a subset of those tests, use the following command. However, the way we run those tests is by spawning a sub-process for every stdlib tests, to avoid interference while our implementation isn't quite ready, so you have to put the flags somewhere else to debug. You can see -debug-java and --inspect below, to debug in Java debugger or Chromium, respectively.

mx python-run-cpython-unittest [-debug-java] [--inspect] NAME-OF-CPYTHON-UNITTEST

A tag file can be regenerated with

mx python-retag-unittests NAME-OF-CPYTHON-UNITTEST

There's also multiple other gates that may fail with changes. One of these is our style gate, which checks formatting rules and copyrights. To auto-fix most issues, run the following commands. Anything that's reported as error after this command you have to fix manually. Note that to really match what's in the gate, you have to set the JDT environment variable to the path to an Eclipse compiler Jar file, and the ECLIPSE_EXE environment variable to the path of an eclipse executable.

mx python-style --fix
mx python-gate --tags style

Another important gate is the gate that checks if you broke the native image building. To test if building a native image still works, you can use the following command. This will create a native executable called graalpython and print its path as the last output, if successful.

mx python-svm

If you made changes to the parser, you may have to regenerate the golden files like so:

find graalpython -name *.scope -delete
find graalpython -name *.tast -delete
mx punittest


We use the mx facilities for benchmarking. Use this to list the available Python suites and VM configurations:

mx benchmark --list

If you just want to run a single benchmark from, for example, the meso suite, you can use this:

mx benchmark meso --list

Then if you want to run something, use (for example):

mx benchmark meso:nbody3

To select which Python VM you want to use, you can pass the arguments separated by --:

mx benchmark meso:nbody3 -- --python-vm=cpython

For additional arguments to the Python launcher, you can separate them by another double-dash:

mx benchmark meso:nbody3 -- --python-vm=graalpython -- --python.EmulateJython -Dgraal.Dump= -Dgraal.MethodFilter=*measure*

A note on terminology

Note that there may be a little confusion about the configuration names of benchmarks.

GraalVM Community and GraalVM Enterprise configurations

We have benchmarks for GraalVM Community and Enterprise. For historical reasons, these are sometimes referred to in some config files as CE and EE; core and enterprise; graalvm_ce and graalvm_ee; or graalpython_core and graalpython_enterprise, respectively.

Different GraalVM Python configurations

There are also different options for how the Python interpreter is run, passed via the --python-vm-config parameter:

  • default - run using the standard options
  • default-multi - run using a shared engine, which is the mode that is recommended to embedders that want to spawn multiple isolated Python contexts
  • native - same as default, its name is due to the fact that it runs C extensions using a mixture of LLVM bitcode interpreted and compiled via GraalVM and real native libraries
  • sandboxed - this name is historical - this configuration requires a GraalVM Enterprise and runs all C extensions purely as LLVM bitcode on the GraalVM, without any access to the native OS libraries, i.e., using the --llvm.managed option for GraalVM.
Configuration of the underlying GraalVM runtime

Finally, there are the --jvm and --jvm-config configuration options for mx benchmark. By default, the commands presented above will run on the JVM in server mode, using the Graal compiler in what we call hosted mode. This is almost the same but not quite the --jvm mode you will get when running the graalpython executable from a full GraalVM, and usually good enough if you want to look at the compiler graphs or peak performance numbers. In our CI, however, we always build a full GraalVM and benchmark using that, since that is what we ship. There, we have two different configurations corresponding to the launcher flags available for the GraalVM graalpython executable: jvm and native. The first runs on top of Hotspot using the Graal compiler, the second runs the AOT compiled GraalVM native image of Python.

Building a GraalVM Python configuration can be achieved for the CE version like so:

mx --env ../../graal/vm/mx.vm/ce --exclude-components=slgm --dynamicimports /vm graalvm-show
mx --env ../../graal/vm/mx.vm/ce --exclude-components=slgm --dynamicimports /vm build

The first command will print some information about the GraalVM configuration that is about to be built, and the second will build it. IMPORTANT: The first command should tell you that the Config name is ce_python, otherwise the next commands will not work.

To run the JVM configuration:

mx --env ../../graal/vm/mx.vm/ce --exclude-components=slgm --dynamicimports /vm benchmark meso:nbody3 -- --python-vm=graalpython --jvm=graalvm-ce-python --jvm-config=jvm --python-vm-config=default --

To run the Native Image configuration:

mx --env ../../graal/vm/mx.vm/ce --exclude-components=slgm --dynamicimports /vm benchmark meso:nbody3 -- --python-vm=graalpython --jvm=graalvm-ce-python --jvm-config=native --python-vm-config=default --

Finding Memory Leaks

For best performance we keep references to long-lived user objects (mostly functions, classes, and modules) directly in the AST nodes when using the default configuration of a single Python context (as is used when running the launcher). For better sharing of warmup and where absolutely best peak performance is not needed, contexts can be configured with a shared engine and the ASTs will be shared across contexts. However, that implies we must not store any user objects strongly in the ASTs. We test that we have no PythonObjects alive after a Context is closed that are run as part of our JUnit tests. These can be run by themselves, for example, like so:

$ mx python-leak-test --lang python --shared-engine --code 'import site, json' --forbidden-class --keep-dump

The --keep-dump option will print the heapdump location and leave the file there rather than deleting it. It can then be opened for example with VisualVM to check for the paths of any leaked object, if there are any.