Write json log into git repo.
- clone repo
- find file
- if exists, add data to file
- if not exists, create file with data
- add, commit and push
var tjgl = require('travis-json-git-log').tjgl;
// config required
data: [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }],
// required object or json string
// config.data || process.env.TJGL_DATA
// if target file dont exists - just write into file
// if target file contains object - then just `lodash.extend(file, data)`
// if target file is array - then just push data, or concat with array-data
branch: 'results',
// branch name for save log.
// config.branch || process.env.TJGL_BRANCH || 'results'
repo_slug: 'user/repo',
// used if repo exists // branch name for save log.
// config.repo_slug || process.env.TJGL_REPO_SLUG || process.env.TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG || undefined
repo: 'http://github.com/user/repo.git',
// used if repo_slug exists
// config.repo || process.env.TJGL_REPO || `https://${config.auth}@github.com/${config.repo_slug}.git` || undefined
auth: 'token',
// git token or username:password
// config.auth || process.env.TJGL_AUTH || undefined
mute: false,
// optional, default false
// config.mute || process.env.TJGL_MUTE || false
filename: `${new Date().valueOf()}`,
// optional, default timestamp
// config.filename || process.env.TJGL_FILENAME || process.env.TRAVIS_BUILD_ID || new Date().valueOf()
error: undefined,
// optional
// if exists, stops execution with console log and callback
// if repo or repo_slug+auth not founded, auto fill
// config.error || process.env.TJGL_ERROR
// callback optional
(error, context, config) => {},
TJGL_DATA='[{"a":1}]' TJGL_REPO="https://github.com/evolvator/travis-json-git-log.git" node ./node_modules/travis-json-git-log