v12 (2024-04-12)
v11.2 (2023-11-09)
v11.1 (2023-10-19)
v11 (2023-10-03)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-5394 mcs prepared for on-line migration (new table added) #370 (pWoz)
- Met 5355 prepare e cloud services for multi node deployment #368 (pWoz)
- Bugfix/met 5257 revisions removal #367 (pWoz)
- Met 5124 migrate dps to spring boot #366 (pWoz)
- Met 5152 migrate mcs to spring boot #365 (pWoz)
- MET-5151 boot for UIS #364 (pWoz)
- MET-5121 duplicates detection for HTTP topology #362 (pWoz)
v9.3 (2023-07-28)
v9.2 (2023-07-05)
v9.1 (2023-04-14)
v9 (2023-02-20)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-5031 Add new logs for future debugging of the issue #360 (pWoz)
- Met 5014 resolve dependabot allerts #359 (pWoz)
- Met 5014 resolve dependabot allerts #358 (pWoz)
- MET-5031 Add new logs for future debugging of the issue #357 (pWoz)
- Met 2018 rework error reporting mechanism for dereference enrichment #356 (pWoz)
- MET-4846_prevent_tier0_publish #353 (marcin-rp)
- MET-4657_MET-4863 Updated code accordingly to the latest changes of Metis framework #352 (JoanaCMS)
po_przegladzie_przed_Pawla_zmianami (2022-12-13)
Before_Rafał_rebase_no_1 (2022-12-01)
v8 (2022-09-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Feat/met 4651 cleanup script 4 acl #351 (pWoz)
- MET-4721 missing annotations added. #350 (pWoz)
- Feat/met 4710 topologies migration to dedicated users #349 (pWoz)
- Bugfix/met 4264 task status change order #348 (pWoz)
- Feat/met 4524 new a&a model for uis #340 (pWoz)
- Feat/met 4524 new a&a model for aas #339 (pWoz)
MET-4746_working_tag3 (2022-09-19)
v7 (2022-07-11)
v6.1 (2022-04-05)
v6 (2022-03-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Bugfix/met 4037 media not extract metadata #337 (marcin-rp)
- Feat/met 2508 unit tests repairment #334 (pWoz)
- Feat/met 4006 resource for records number in index #333 (pWoz)
- Callback added to the Kafka request #332 (pWoz)
v5.1 (2021-12-14)
v5 (2021-10-14)
v4 (2021-04-19)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-3497: Accommodate changes in indexing library. #314 (jochen-vermeulen)
- applicationName added to the Mongo client #311 (pWoz)
v3 (2021-01-27)
Merged pull requests:
- Provide information on the exception about the response status code a… #305 (stzanakis)
- MET-3217 fix for the zip files containing directories #304 (pWoz)
- Feat/met 3187 restarts in http topology #303 (pWoz)
- Update metis version to new SNAPSHOT #302 (stzanakis)
- Changes in HttpTopologyTaskSubmitter #287 (pWoz)
v2 (2020-10-12)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-3049 Count records not entire data set (records priority) + test … #286 (pWoz)
- Changes so that the with new metis SNAPSHOT the build works #285 (stzanakis)
- Feat/met 2875 resolving ghost records in task by state table #284 (pWoz)
- MET-2933: when Http Topology task is restarted it is dropped #283 (helinek)
- OaiTopologyTaskSubmitter modifications #282 (pWoz)
- MET-2934 UnfinishedTasksExecutor implementation #281 (pWoz)
- Feat/met 2931 update other topologies task submitter #280 (helinek)
- MET-2930: processed_records and record_processing_state integrated in… #279 (helinek)
- Feat/met 2702 avoid needless thumbnail generation #278 (helinek)
- Feat/met 2228 acknowledgements for oai #277 (helinek)
- Feat/met 2679 inconsistencies in task counters #273 (pWoz)
v1 (2020-06-10)
v1.10.0 (2020-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-2697 exception_in_oai_harvesting (additional information for logg… #265 (pWoz)
- Bug/met 2644 #264 (pWoz)
- MET-2607 Add configuration for read preference for IndexingSettings #263 (stzanakis)
- Feat/met 2478 spring update in uis #262 (pWoz)
- Met 2479 spring update for aas #261 (pWoz)
- not needed exclusions removed from pom files #259 (pWoz)
- MET-2623 Encapsulate network dps client exceptions #258 (stzanakis)
- MET-2375 Updating spring to 5.2 in pom.xml in DPS service REST depend… #256 (marcin-rp)
v1.9.0 (2020-03-31)
Merged pull requests:
- Feat/met 2423 making notification bolt fault tolerant #254 (marcin-rp)
- MET-2452 Integrate redirection support for metis indexing #253 (stzanakis)
- MET-2412 Maven project java version upgraded from 1.7 to 1.8. Also sp… #252 (marcin-rp)
v1.8.0 (2020-01-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Feat/met 2227 oai topology by record instead of task #251 (margraf)
- Met 2227 oai topology by record instead of task #249 (pWoz)
- Met 2315 id for dps app #248 (pWoz)
v1.7.0 (2019-11-13)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-2271 fix in iteration mechanism #246 (pWoz)
- Fix issue with dependency management of spring web. #245 (stzanakis)
- Met 2251 change the counter behaviour #244 (jochen-vermeulen)
- MET-2239 file metadata (mimeType and size) will be sent to s3 also #243 (pWoz)
- Met 2194 missing records #241 (pWoz)
v1.6.0 (2019-09-26)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-2188, fix the bug inside latest_dataset_representation_revision_v… #242 (margraf)
- MET-2180, fix records count for http topology #240 (tarekkh)
- Met 2170 #239 (tarekkh)
- MET-2182 Add RECORD_DATE parameter in indexing topology #238 (stzanakis)
- Met 2109 #236 (tarekkh)
- Met 1492 #235 (tarekkh)
- Met 1659 #234 (tarekkh)
v1.5.1 (2019-07-25)
v1.5.0 (2019-07-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Met 2053 #232 (tarekkh)
- MET-728, refactor UIS client #231 (tarekkh)
- Met 2024 #230 (tarekkh)
- MCS dependencies related with logging updated #229 (pWoz)
- MET-1914 Prepare scripts for files cleaning on monitoring stack #228 (margraf)
- Met 1934 multithread migration tool #227 (tarekkh)
- MET 1547 DPS REST log file is empty but application logs are in catal… #226 (margraf)
- MET-1516 remove unnecessary keys/properties in config files #225 (tarekkh)
v1.3.2 (2019-06-03)
v1.4.0 (2019-05-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Met 1943 #224 (margraf)
- MET-1922, handle deleted records #223 (tarekkh)
- extract CollectorWrapper and use it to remove duplications #222 (tarekkh)
- Met 1893 #221 (tarekkh)
v1.3.1 (2019-04-16)
v1.3.0 (2019-03-26)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-1773, fix attribute statistcs #220 (tarekkh)
- Met 1775 fix for data set assignments by revision id table #219 (pWoz)
- Met 1778 #218 (tarekkh)
- Met 1705 #217 (tarekkh)
- Met 1248 linkcheck topology #216 (tarekkh)
- MET-1765 , check errors report #215 (pWoz)
- Met 1692 #214 (tarekkh)
- MET-1711 , Add parameter to specify the reason behind the cancelation #213 (tarekkh)
- MET-1706 , validate the parameters of link check task on rest side #212 (tarekkh)
- Feat/met 1694 #211 (tarekkh)
- Feat/met 1698 #210 (tarekkh)
- Met 1551 incremental backups #209 (pWoz)
- Feat/met 1671 #208 (tarekkh)
v1.2.0 (2019-01-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Feat/met 816 new media topology design #207 (tarekkh)
- MET-1577: added info when no persistent version is present for a record #206 (helinek)
- MET-989 , cancel media tasks #205 (tarekkh)
- Feat/met 1591 create media topollogy #204 (tarekkh)
- MET-1590 , EDM Enrichment Bolt #203 (tarekkh)
- Feat/met 1588 download parse bolt #202 (tarekkh)
- MET-1589 , processing link bolt #201 (tarekkh)
- MET-1577: added possibility to grant access to versions for migrated … #200 (helinek)
- MET-1588 , download and Parse Bolt #199 (tarekkh)
- Met 1537 kafka logging removal #198 (pWoz)
- scripts updated #197 (olanowak)
v1.1.3 (2019-01-03)
v1.1.2 (2018-12-18)
v1.1.1 (2018-11-19)
v1.1.0 (2018-11-06)
Merged pull requests:
- metis depenencies upgraded to 1.0.0 #196 (olanowak)
- MET-743, multiple tasks will be executed in parallel #195 (tarekkh)
- MET-1423: fixed memory problem in DataSetReaderSpout of MediaTopology #194 (helinek)
- MET-1438 spouts will not pick up dropped tasks #193 (olanowak)
- MET-1427: exceptions handling added, some errors fixed #192 (helinek)
- Met 1414 dataset deletion from solr and mongo #190 (tarekkh)
- MET-1356: provide RecordService with necessary constructor. #189 (jochen-vermeulen)
- MET-1401: Reuse indexer connections indexing topology. #188 (jochen-vermeulen)
- Multithreading spout #187 (tarekkh)
- MET-1383: DLS removed from ECloud #186 (helinek)
- MET-1381 persistent version removal is now possible #185 (pWoz)
- MET-1341 #184 (tarekkh)
- Met 1355 #183 (tarekkh)
- MET-1265 timeouts in client connections added #182 (olanowak)
v1.0.0 (2018-11-06)
v1.0.2 (2018-08-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Met 1323 #181 (olanowak)
- MET-1235 , extend the changes to include other topologies #180 (tarekkh)
- MET-1235 , Add indexing stack trace error to additional info column #178 (tarekkh)
- Met 1297 #176 (tarekkh)
- MET-1272 Add parameter to preserve timestamps during indexing. #175 (stzanakis)
- MET-1262: Add timeout and default timeout to DPS client. #174 (jochen-vermeulen)
- Met 1192 #173 (tarekkh)
- Oai spout fixing #172 (tarekkh)
- MET-1259 upgrade storm dependencies (1.1.3) #171 (olanowak)
v1.0.1 (2018-07-18)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-1239 FastDateFormat used (because it's thread-safe) #170 (olanowak)
- MET-1203 edm:preview generation modified #169 (olanowak)
- Met 597 #168 (tarekkh)
- MET-1178 using europeana ids to create cloud in HTTP harvesting topology #167 (olanowak)
- Met 1076 #165 (pWoz)
- MET-1177 using europeana identifiers in OAI Topology #164 (olanowak)
- MET-1186 Add extra parameter handling in transformation topology. #163 (stzanakis)
- MET-1172 #162 (tarekkh)
v1.0 (2018-06-14)
Merged pull requests:
- MET-1052 , emit files batch by batch when reading using revisions #161 (tarekkh)
- Met 1023 #160 (pWoz)
- MET-1096 #159 (tarekkh)
- Met 1051 #158 (tarekkh)
- Media topology merge #157 (mmatela)
- MET-1053 , RepresentationIterator throws null pointer exception in a … #156 (tarekkh)
- MET-999 Fix for provider_dataset_representation table. #155 (pWoz)
- MET-998 Fix for latest_provider_dataset_representation_revision table. #154 (pWoz)
- Met 1050 #153 (tarekkh)
- MET-861 resourceUrl will be filled now when exception will happen #152 (pWoz)
- Met 642 #151 (tarekkh)
- MET-872, improve task cancellation #150 (tarekkh)
- Met 698 #149 (tarekkh)
- MET-861 file reordering introduced to validation topology #148 (pWoz)
- MET-757 ffprobe installation fixes #147 (apecyna-psnc)
- Feature/met 746 cleaning normalisation topology #146 (olanowak)
- Feature/met 381 indexing topology #145 (pWoz)
- MET-844 , Ignore MAC temp folder/file #144 (tarekkh)
- Met 888 #142 (tarekkh)
- Met 804 #141 (tarekkh)
- Met 843 #140 (tarekkh)
- MET-837 indexing topology handled on REST level #139 (olanowak)
- Met 62 #138 (tarekkh)
- MET-683, adding static http topology #137 (tarekkh)
- MET-757 library for converting png images #136 (apecyna-psnc)
- Met 684 #135 (tarekkh)
- MET-573 xslt topology is using metis transformation service now #134 (pWoz)
- Met 652 dps reports contain additional info #133 (tarekkh)
- MET-685 , handle http service on rest level #132 (tarekkh)
- Feature/met 679 #131 (tarekkh)
- MET-669 fix coverage for sonar #130 (olanowak)
- Met 450 #129 (tarekkh)
- Bugfix/met 557 #128 (olanowak)
- MET-529 , remove endTask method #127 (tarekkh)
- MET-549 new version of xoai library used, should fix harvest when set… #126 (olanowak)
- MET-534 validation topology updated #125 (pWoz)
- Met 552 #124 (tarekkh)
- MET-477 spout improvements #123 (pWoz)
- MET-532 , handle empty tasks #122 (tarekkh)
- Feature/met 409 statistics part2 #121 (helinek)
- MET-469, fixing output representaion problem for oaiRecordWriter #120 (tarekkh)
- Met 488 #119 (helinek)
- Feature/met 276 dataset id support #118 (olanowak)
- Met 313 inject dataset id to xslt #117 (helinek)
- Met 487 #116 (olanowak)
- Story met 328 #115 (tarekkh)
- Met 494 #114 (tarekkh)
- MET-312: introduced mandatory METIS_DATASET_ID parameter in the task … #113 (helinek)
- MET-357: DROPPED state for notifications removed #112 (helinek)
- MET-454: error reports changed #111 (helinek)
- MET-489 , Creating Enrichment-dereference bolt #110 (tarekkh)
- MET-492 , Validate enrichment-dereference task #109 (tarekkh)
- MET-486 API for retrieving statistics #108 (olanowak)
- Met 225 #107 (tarekkh)
- MET-410: fixed a problem with retrieving incorrect attributes for the… #106 (helinek)
- close open streams #105 (tarekkh)
- Met 411 create statistics bolt #104 (helinek)
- Met 420 integration #103 (tarekkh)
- remove cancelation code #102 (tarekkh)
- Met 410 #101 (helinek)
- Met 413 #100 (tarekkh)
- Met 208 #99 (tarekkh)
- MET-308 , exclude another dependency #98 (tarekkh)
- MET-308: implemented validation bolt #97 (helinek)
- Bugfix/met 272 #96 (tarekkh)
- Met 226 ack #95 (pWoz)
- Met 286 #94 (tarekkh)
- MET-315: resource is set when the identifier is emitted to record har… #93 (helinek)
- Met 316 #92 (olanowak)
- MET-167: error reports implemented #91 (helinek)
- MET-314, Validate DPS task for the validation Service #90 (tarekkh)
- Met 309 #89 (tarekkh)
- MET-270 , Cannot specify output revision in OAI topology #88 (tarekkh)
- MET-244 , Improve the current responses of the reporting APIs #87 (helinek)
- MET-163 use completeListSize to count number of records to harvest in OAI-topology #86 (olanowak)
- Ecl 1218 #85 (helinek)
- Met 162 #84 (helinek)
- Met 161 #83 (tarekkh)
- Met 165 #82 (helinek)
v0.7 (2017-11-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Ecl 1190 bucketing on provider record #81 (helinek)
- Ecl 1201 #80 (helinek)
- Ecl 1205 #79 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1126 oai harvesting topology #77 (akrystian)
- ECL-1185: creating new record corrected together with test for it #74 (helinek)
- Ecl 1129 #73 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1128 #72 (helinek)
- ECL-1185 , Modify WriteRecordBolt to store oai records in MCS #71 (tarekkh)
- ECL-1186 , Adapt XSLT topology to work with the new writing bolt #70 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1187 #69 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1130 dpstask validator accept external sources #68 (akrystian)
- Ecl 1127 #67 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1156 record harvesting bolt #65 (pWoz)
- Ecl 1132 - cassandra backup script #64 (akrystian)
v0.5.3 (2017-09-12)
v0.5.2 (2017-09-12)
Merged pull requests:
v0.6.1 (2017-06-16)
Merged pull requests:
- ECL-1109 - Unit Test fails randomly #63 (akrystian)
- ECL-1113 mimeType matching improved #62 (helinek)
- Ecl 1122 #61 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1107 limit java clients dependencies #60 (akrystian)
- Ecl 1060 #59 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1058 #58 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1097 #57 (helinek)
- Ecl 1095 #56 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1092 revision support for xslt topology #55 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1092 revision support for xslt topology #54 (helinek)
- Ecl 1070 #53 (tarekkh)
- ECL-1094 , Representation Name parameter should be mandatory for DPS … #52 (tarekkh)
v0.6 (2017-02-23)
Merged pull requests:
v0.6-revisions (2017-02-22)
Merged pull requests:
- ECL-998, implement workflow 4 and add java client for query num 9 #50 (tarekkh)
- ECL-997, implement workflow 2 #49 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1023 #48 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 958 #46 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1047 #45 (akrystian)
- ECL-1019,unexpected behaviour while updating DPS.basic_info in a mult… #30 (tarekkh)
ecloud_2017_01_31_freeze (2017-01-31)
Merged pull requests:
- Ecl 1028,q 6 b #44 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1006 optimze cassandra unit tests #42 (akrystian)
- ECL-1039 - Update docker storm from 0.9.4 to 1.0.2 #41 (akrystian)
- Ecl 934 #40 (helinek)
- Hotfix test env 23 09 2016 #39 (olanowak)
- Ecl 1028 #38 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1000 #36 (tarekkh)
- ECL-1027: changes supporting jpg to jp2000 conversion using external … #35 (olanowak)
- Ecl 960 query no 9 #33 (pWoz)
- Ecl 957 partitions #32 (helinek)
- ECL-1018, Cannot retrieve progress or notification #31 (tarekkh)
- ECL-1011,add jmeter test cases #29 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 1012 test upload and download on mcs #28 (akrystian)
- Ecl 996 #27 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 974 cassandra migration tool #26 (akrystian)
- ECL-879-records-downloader-tool #24 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 958 #21 (akrystian)
v0.5.1 (2017-01-17)
test_env_23_09_2016 (2016-09-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Ecl 939 dps results to data set #25 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 936 batch request #23 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 864 #22 (akrystian)
- Ecl 964 #20 (tarekkh)
- ECL-965 multiple versions from same representation can be assigned to… #19 (pWoz)
- ECL-956 available representation names in dataset #18 (pWoz)
- ECL-935 representation creation, file uploading and representation pe… #17 (pWoz)
- Ecl 902 #16 (tarekkh)
- Dps performance issues #15 (tarekkh)
- ECL-952 - allow filtering removed #14 (pWoz)
- ECL-943 changes in DPS Notification table, ECL-944 small improvements #13 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 944 #12 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 929 read dataset bolt refactoring #11 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 931 remove unnecessary data #10 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 926 refactor xslt bolt #9 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 928 #8 (tarekkh)
- Ecl 753 method not allowed #7 (pWoz)
- ECL-890 upgrade jersey to version 2.23.1 #5 (akrystian)
- Ecl 885 fix listing cloud ids for data provider #4 (akrystian)
v0.5 (2016-05-09)
v0.4 (2015-11-25)
v0.4-test (2015-09-30)
v0.3 (2015-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
ecloud_2014_11_26_freeze (2014-11-25)
ecloud-parent-0.2 (2014-10-01)
ecloud_2014_08_28_freeze (2014-08-28)
inmemmory-alive (2014-03-17)
ecloud-parent-0.1 (2014-02-03)
Merged pull requests:
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator