diff --git a/ERCS/erc-4337.md b/ERCS/erc-4337.md index 056908e7bb..d5e7ee2c4b 100644 --- a/ERCS/erc-4337.md +++ b/ERCS/erc-4337.md @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ When a bundler receives a `UserOperation`, it must first run some basic sanity c * The `verificationGasLimit` and `paymasterVerificationGasLimits` are lower than `MAX_VERIFICATION_GAS` (`500000`) and the `preVerificationGas` is high enough to pay for the calldata gas cost of serializing the `UserOperation` plus `PRE_VERIFICATION_OVERHEAD_GAS` (`50000`). * The `paymasterAndData` is either empty, or starts with the **paymaster** address, which is a contract that (i) currently has nonempty code on chain, (ii) has a sufficient deposit to pay for the UserOperation, and (iii) is not currently banned. During simulation, the paymaster's stake is also checked, depending on its storage usage - see [reputation, throttling and banning section](#reputation-scoring-and-throttlingbanning-for-global-entities) for details. * The `callGasLimit` is at least the cost of a `CALL` with non-zero value. -* The `maxFeePerGas` and `maxPriorityFeePerGas` are above a configurable minimum value that the bundler is willing to accept. At the minimum, they are sufficiently high to be included with the current `block.basefee`. +* The `maxFeePerGas` and `maxPriorityFeePerGas` are above a configurable minimum value that the bundler is willing to accept. At the minimum, they are sufficiently high to be included with the upcoming `block.basefee`. * The `sender` doesn't have another `UserOperation` already present in the mempool (or it replaces an existing entry with the same sender and nonce, with a higher `maxPriorityFeePerGas` and an equally increased `maxFeePerGas`). Only one `UserOperation` per sender may be included in a single bundle. A sender is exempt from this rule and may have multiple `UserOperations` in the mempool and in a bundle if it is staked (see [reputation, throttling and banning section](#reputation-scoring-and-throttlingbanning-for-global-entities) below).