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Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  1. Understand common data format and database structures specific to representative fields of environmental science
  2. Demonstrate technical competency in handling common data types routinely encountered in the environmental sciences and identify relevant open-source data repositories
  3. Identify and design suitable data analysis strategies that consider data types, data distribution constraints, strength, benefits and limitations of statistical and modelling tools and environmental dynamics.
  4. Understand the limitation of available data and data analysis products. Understand sources of errors and demonstrate ability to comprehensively characterize uncertainties and interpret results in the context of these uncertainties, including measurement errors, environmental uncertainties as well as errors stemming from the analytical procedure itself (e.g. calibration of analysis using synthetic data/models).

Description of contents:

This module will deliver the core knowledge and skills required for processing and analysing data in the context of climate science. This week, we will focus on:

  1. understanding climate modelling, and learn how and where to access climate data
  2. basics of time-series analysis
  3. basics of geostatistics

We won't be able to go through these topics in detail, but it is hoped that the material covered will help you develop your own skills.

The key objective of the course is to equip the students with the information and technical skills needed to design comprehensive data analysis strategies and deliver thorough analytical results that best exploit the data available considering differences in data types, spatio-temporal coverage and associated uncertainties and errors.

Supplementary/recommended reading and useful resources:

Lecture schedule

Date Lecture Instructor Moderator
2025-01-06 9:00-12:00 Mon Intro to climate modelling Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-06 14:00-17:00 Mon Intro to climate modelling (cont) Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-07 9:00-12:00 Tue Working with climate data I Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-07 14:00-17:00 Tue Working with climate data II Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-08 9:00-12:00 Wed Temporal data; time series analysis Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-08 14:00-17:00 Wed Free Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-09 9:00-12:00 Thu Spatial data; geostatistics Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-09 14:00-17:00 Thu Practical 'Winery project' Y Plancherel GTA
2025-01-10 9:00-12:00 Fri self-study

Assessment exercises

Assessment will be 100% by coursework/quiz. It is open book but absoluetly forbids use of any AI tools or internet resources.

Questions will be distributed and submitted via GitHub Classroom on Friday.

Release Date Due Date Topic
2025-01-24 Fri 14:00 2024-01-24 16:00 Fri Assessment, Environmental data weeks 1,2,3


Material for week 1 of the Environmental Data module for EDSML







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