All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Make zonetransfer module failsafe (323959a)
- Minor refactors on zonetransfer module (bf1e37b)
- Use dns-lookup crate instead of hickory, avoid kills (55e883d)
- Add commentline on lookup interface, [skip ci] (34fd9a8)
- Brute command optimizations (4e979d5)
- Refactor and update pre-commit hooks (4f6bd1a)
- Minor refactors (455b6a0)
- Remove unnecessary struct definition (c1fdfcc)
- Refactor brute pool (7ec2a3c)
- Update dependency versions (be132a3)
- Minor refactors (b338b0c)
- Increase coverage (6e513de)
- Update Cargo.lock (8996281)
- Typo fixes (260331f)
- Update pre-commit hook versions (0800144)
- Update coverage upload step condition (d9f6584)
- Update workflows (e4b2876)
- Update release-plz workflow (d3435cb)
- Update workflows (d9ff92f)
- Update release-plz config (06fb8ae)
- Update workflows (3bb67c3)
- Update release-plz config (5b6250d)
- Release-plz workflow (3a8e08d)
- Release v0.1.7 (5768685)
- Codecov warnings on ci (5c560c3)
- Rustfmt linter job (b1631ef)
- Rustfmt linter job (d9a96db)
- Change default verbosity level, [skip ci] (3ab4f7f)
- Cargo-dist release yml file, [skip ci] (bbfb8e3)
- Verbosity flag test, [skip ci] (d124375)
- Coverage workflow argument, [skip ci] (81e2ee7)
- Dnsdumpster module and add dnsdumpsterapi integration, [skip ci] (b0c9a0b)
- Chrome panic error, [skip ci] (c6e6093)
- Environment variable izolation on github tests (3960f1b)
- Try to fix coverage (b9b10d1)
- Update scraper version, [skip ci] (45af435)
- Downgrade scraper version (4dc63b0)
- Add llvm-symbolizer package, [skip ci] (8777584)
- Add llvm-symbolizer package (f60b159)
- Remove llvm install steps, [skip ci] (5b80265)
- Install llvm-lld package (1fb4f89)
- Zonetransfer module subdomain extraction fix, [skip ci] (41aea39)
- Fix windows carriage returns in cli tests (a70abaa)
- Clippy fixes (a59733c)
- Machete false positive error ignore (fa4d642)
- Update to fix clippy (3231dd5)
- Don not panic when chome requester cannot visit the page, [skip ci] (c7639d2)
- Run onyle one runner instance while running sinle module, [skip ci] (411bdd5)
- Runner pool logic (59b9c25)
- Github module exit if apikey is not available (5999f18)
- Dnsdumpster requeter configuration fixes, [skip ci] (8aeafc1)
- Docstring wrong reference (a434dfe)
- Clippy fixes (66814b4)
- Coverage branch (3463913)
- Add codecov token (a073ec0)
- Chrome requester tab cannot closes after got content (5cdc822)
- Do not use default executiable path while opening browser (9f8a1e1)
- Requester interface configure method logic fixes (43ffbfa)
- Add examples, [skip ci] (cfa516e)
- Update docstrings, [skip ci] (0c48f82)
- Update env docs (8b6ddb2)
- Update module docstrings (a768452)
- Add subdomain module dispatcher docstrings (ec4a214)
- Update docstrings (548e218)
- Update docstrings (6ca7473)
- Add example in chrome requester docstring (d7a747e)
- Update requesters, extractors and types documentation (df36028)
- Extractors and interfaces documentations and extractor tests (f9beebb)
- Write enums documentations (8af9580)
- Add requester cache methods docstrings (27a81c8)
- Write basic module docstrings (807731e)
- Extend build targets, [skip ci] (3f95803)
- Docker multiplatform build workflows, [skip ci] (b40c749)
- Add linux arm support for docker, [skip ci] (05efd15)
- Update Cargo.lock file, [skip ci] (85d2294)
- Update Dockerfile, [skip ci] (9025041)
- Add Cargo.lock file, [skip ci] (4ce6f78)
- Add Dockerfile, [skip ci] (b78fd37)
- Add brute force command implementations, [skip ci] (0b96f7a)
- Add ip resolve feature, [skip ci] (801787b)
- Add netcraft module, [skip ci] (c7e28ad)
- Add html output format, [skip ci] (182c84a)
- Implement csv output format (eccd9b4)
- Implement txt output format (27a82d5)
- Implement json output format (d417522)
- Add zonetransfer module, [skip ci] (f67e717)
- Add modules and skips arguments to filter modules, [skip ci] (93176fe)
- Add scan result structures for reporting (ba65bfc)
- Add output argument on cli (3b58622)
- Extend logging messages and colorized log lines (9308bfe)
- Add logging (511f3e0)
- Add subscan module runner struct and runner pool struct to run modules as async (66c590e)
- Add new cli commands, [skip ci] (212a21c)
- Add subscan main struct, [skip ci] (1d7acc3)
- New dnsrepo integration module, [skip ci] (886f5aa)
- Add new waybackarchive integration, [skip ci] (3cc64d1)
- Add new securitytrails module, [skip ci] (de89507)
- Add new netlas module integration, [skip ci] (1283003)
- Github non-generic module implementations, [skip ci] (c2e76ff)
- New dnsdumpster non-generic module implementation, [skip ci] (0fd65c5)
- New commoncrawl module, its implemented as a non-generic, [skip ci] (e2a7346)
- Add requester handler system for custom requests (b01ccca)
- Add basic http auth method (9ff6a82)
- Add new zoomeye api integration module (6abc3ff)
- Extend module environments and refactor env system (45889cb)
- New whoisxmlapi api integration module (35ef3af)
- Add new virustotal api integration module (75b69a7)
- Add new subdomaincenter api integration module (ba4800c)
- New sitedossier integration module (268e4f2)
- Add coverage ci yml file (f675720)
- Add new shodan api integration module (3c1169c)
- Add leakix api integration (97b5c08)
- Add hackertarget integration module (1c5a170)
- New digitorus integration module implementation (ebd629c)
- Add new integration module (0c11be6)
- Add new chaos integration module (2b67574)
- Add new certspotter integration module (eafeb26)
- Use static dispatching for modules (e3dacf2)
- Add new censys integration module (4f4c30d)
- Add builtwith integration module (67e5f48)
- New bufferover integration module (2d49316)
- Add pagination system into generic api module (b5d35d9)
- Binaryedge module (be5450f)
- Basic API key system (1a2de4c)
- Add generic api integration module and implement anubis and alienvault integrations (41b6054)
- Add rust cache on ci stages (ff00985)
- Get rid of requester cache (689e039)
- Add new pre-commit hooks (f6741f0)
- Add rust-cargo-test.yml workflow (cdcdbde)
- Pre-commit integration and Makefile (100361c)
- Add new duckduckgo engine (ed9c0d8)
- Add get_content method on chrome requester (e01b52d)
- Add requester dispatcher enum for performance increase, add static dispatcher for requesters (d01e71a)
- Configure requesters on startup and refactor extractors (0c86a3e)
- Add multiple domain address enumeration (1710bba)
- Requester interface implementations (bdb9a26)
- Implement extractors, rquesters and generic modules (f81e16a)
- Start project structure design (7740b43)
- Implement base search engine and api integration interfaces and modules (11ed813)
- Add anubis and alienvault integration basics (9cfe388)
- Add yahoo and bing engines (1b449e6)
- Add google engine logics (0f2efa3)
- Update cliff.toml file (6ac646c)
- Update Cargo.toml file (50a283d)
- Update cliff.toml file (65f02cb)
- Update releze-plz workflow (75190d0)
- Update workflow ymls, [skip ci] (ca5f4f2)
- Update, [skip ci] (b4d3cb4)
- Update, [skip ci] (e1d64ce)
- Update Makefile, [skip ci] (e41c3fe)
- Update security workflow, [skip ci] (16f078d)
- Update coverage workflow (b00f56f)
- Update coverage yml workflow (0e36eba)
- Add comment line into coverage workflow, [skip ci] (ce120c1)
- Update, [skip ci] (d2a8765)
- Update test workflows, [skip ci] (6df09e8)
- Update test workflows (2abf933)
- Update coverage workflow (79afc65)
- Update test workflows (769a231)
- Fix hadolint workflow (23c6c73)
- Update coverage workflow (a2dfa5e)
- Update hadolint workflow (90a8b6f)
- Update coverage workflow (ca51934)
- Add typos config file (f3eb862)
- Update, [skip ci] (8858810)
- Update, [skip ci] (1c7d8de)
- Update, [skip ci] (9ec83e3)
- Update, [skip ci] (80eab90)
- Update, [skip ci] (8bd666e)
- Update, [skip ci] (b9a242b)
- Update, [skip ci] (b1482f1)
- Update, [skip ci] (f8835e3)
- Update github workflows (3763f70)
- Update release-plz workflow job names (be83987)
- Update release pipeline (f76c9d3)
- Update release pipeline, [skip ci] (82f6e83)
- Add docker build badge in, [skip ci] (0b0ab0d)
- Update deny.toml, ignore instant, [skip ci] (164bf70)
- Update Cargo.lock, [skip ci] (84975aa)
- Clippy fixes, [skip ci] (534b657)
- Update Cargo.toml, [skip ci] (7260743)
- Update Cargo.toml, [skip ci] (c00b1b5)
- Update Cargo.toml, [skip ci] (a97c80a)
- Format fixes on dist configurations, [skip ci] (a8b2322)
- Integrate cargo-dist, [skip ci] (1c58c8c)
- Update Cargo.lock, [skip ci] (c9fb875)
- Update Makefile, [skip ci] (00d9c87)
- Release-plz workflow, [skip ci] (b402cc7)
- Update Makefile, [skip ci] (d9528d6)
- Use log instead of println, [skip ci] (92ee10a)
- Update Makefile, [skip ci] (1a46739)
- Update docstring, [skip ci] (fc7e7c2)
- Update pre-commit hook versions, [skip ci] (e7bbc10)
- Update Dockerfile, [skip ci] (b6c7358)
- Update .dockerignore file, [skip ci] (1db0a34)
- Update Dockerfile, [skip ci] (756bbfe)
- Update .gitignore file, [skip ci] (f583112)
- Remove Cargo.lock file, [skip ci] (cb25f88)
- Bump version, [skip ci] (b5e5852)
- Change var name on dnsdumpstercrawler test, [skip ci] (bf3d495)
- Change error message text on dnsdumpstercrawler, [skip ci] (e9f64e3)
- Sort cache, [skip ci] (494b205)
- Update pre-commit hook versions, [skip ci] (9dec267)
- Update docstrings, [skip ci] (2df8231)
- Update dependencies, [skip ci] (0067db4)
- Bump version to 0.1.5, [skip ci] (13ed751)
- Update Makefile, [skip ci] (ed047fa)
- Refactor subscan module pool, [skip ci] (374f684)
- Remove space, [skip ci] (b40ca78)
- Update docstrings, [skip ci] (6972ee4)
- Avoid code duplication on tests, [skip ci] (da053fa)
- Refactor tests, [skip ci] (76530e2)
- Refactor on module pool, [skip ci] (1a8fe01)
- Minor refactors, [skip ci] (fdb2416)
- Update, [skip ci] (9208eb3)
- Update pre-commit hook dependency versions, [skip ci] (82efad1)
- Struct name changes, [skip ci] (0b693cc)
- Minor refactor module commons, [skip ci] (c89198f)
- Minor refactor on output methods, [skip ci] (8a30516)
- Group imports, [skip ci] (afe3218)
- Remove unneeded impl, [skip ci] (57a5d5e)
- Minor refactor on zonetransfer tests, [skip ci] (007d0ce)
- Minor refactor on zonetransfer module, [skip ci] (f737302)
- Change method name, [skip ci] (df6c61d)
- Change tmp vars to temp, [skip ci] (156f020)
- Refactor tmp stub creation steps, [skip ci] (5801167)
- Change configs to constants, [skip ci] (885ae82)
- Remove attr tests on cli tests (55aeb00)
- Ignore logger and lib in coverage (c286a0b)
- Change gitleaks-scan token permissions (3e77380)
- Add doctests to increase coverage (a0802ea)
- Ignore cli in coverage (1b16a31)
- Minor refactors (dee6bcb)
- Get rid of unnecessary for loop in run command (a4acd18)
- Minor refactor on log utils, [skip ci] (1a57929)
- Remove unnecessary docstrings, [skip ci] (ce3148d)
- Minor refactor, [skip ci] (b5dfde0)
- Update, [skip ci] (bcee497)
- Change utils folder to utilities, [skip ci] (214ef80)
- Update cli docstrings, [skip ci] (054e1df)
- Split file, [skip ci] (19c1620)
- Minor refactors, [skip ci] (5279f5a)
- Refactor result types and extend doctests, [skip ci] (c054543)
- Add docstring, [skip ci] (816fe12)
- Get rid of clippy warns (9e46941)
- Move runner pool into pools folder (e3743f3)
- Update dependencies (b706908)
- Split enums package into different files (6a3f492)
- Split result definitions in a different module file (ee4484c)
- Remove unused var (6790f95)
- Update table colors (6d18a92)
- Remove space (a9c8cb0)
- Minor refactor (4e84f97)
- Minor refactor, [skip ci] (8189ecb)
- Minor refactor, [skip ci] (f68f726)
- Add banner and refactor cli components, [skip ci] (f9dd605)
- Minor refactor, [skip ci] (82e10f8)
- Refactors on cache and cli, [skip ci] (cdcc8f0)
- Minor refactor, [skip ci] (f0d658b)
- Minor refactor, [skip ci] (55054e5)
- Minor refactor, [skip ci] (146ad83)
- Update docstring, [skip ci] (94afdf9)
- Update file, [skip ci] (f9dc4c0)
- Minor refactors, [skip ci] (23d8b9d)
- Change logo height, [skip ci] (4432d11)
- Change badge colors, [skip ci] (6e9b30d)
- Change badge colors, [skip ci] (1a84351)
- Change logo, [skip ci] (2b639b7)
- Change badge colors, [skip ci] (1e8cae1)
- Refactor commoncrawl module, [skip ci] (3f3dc2d)
- Sort cache lines, [skip ci] (39a70ba)
- Minor refactors, [skip ci] (64b14db)
- Minor refactors, [skip ci] (37b084e)
- Remove unnecessary line, [skip ci] (d5b9cbb)
- Revert requester handler function (5ef6cad)
- Add pre-commit badge, [skip ci] (c31b17c)
- Add pre-commit badge, [skip ci] (0ad1fea)
- Add pre-commit badge, [skip ci] (d9718b6)
- Update docstrings and refactors, extended generic integration tests (94d32c9)
- Remove post_request method rightnow (823c05e)
- Update, [skip ci] (55a75f9)
- Update logo size, [skip ci] (0fcf6cf)
- Update logo size, [skip ci] (10c8fc3)
- Change variable name on tests, [skip ci] (461961b)
- Update, [skip ci] (71cec2d)
- Update, [skip ci] (825a742)
- Update, [skip ci] (a0fb078)
- Update, [skip ci] (7d62e1d)
- Update, [skip ci] (3525e51)
- Update, [skip ci] (0b3f313)
- Update, [skip ci] (b78c022)
- Update, [skip ci] (c3c9ae6)
- Update, [skip ci] (80f5fdf)
- Update, [skip ci] (5183ae5)
- Update, [skip ci] (a09b00e)
- Update, [skip ci] (ec5e412)
- Update (a1cfc99)
- Update (9696d90)
- Update (c0c5781)
- Update (46d37c0)
- Update (d5c55fc)
- Update (9b5b814)
- Update (b7b21e0)
- Update (50f2616)
- Update logo (6deff5f)
- Update logo (9a58223)
- Update (a7997fb)
- Update (94c554b)
- Update logos (c3fbc3f)
- Update logos (d38dfb2)
- Update logos (a1fc00b)
- Update logos (96f2641)
- Update logos (0ee659e)
- Update logos (076f151)
- Update logos (f616187)
- Update logos (0e6fd15)
- Add logo, update readme (96e1d16)
- Remove space (1e2ddad)
- Update .env.template file format (64d324b)
- Refactor query types (b8743e5)
- Testing coverage line (c2f7512)
- Add lint-docs step on workflows (9aee7e0)
- Update codecov.yml file (9c32112)
- Update coverage ci yml file (bfa0e1c)
- Refactor engine tests, [skip ci] (1696b3d)
- Disable codecov patch and increase code coverage, [skip ci] (33973ce)
- Add wrapper main method on no_run marked doctests to avoid coverage fp, [skip ci] (b487b76)
- Add codecov status check configurations (a348253)
- Remove tarpaulin (aaca61f)
- Remove tarpaulin (cfc3363)
- Change tarpaulin image tag (2c19921)
- Change run method test name (566e5fd)
- Change import syntaxes (bb01164)
- Refactor generic module names (ddcdfc4)
- Update digitorus description (65cce10)
- Update rustfmt.toml (0aaf4ca)
- Bump project version (eece0d3)
- Docstring simplify code (5a69aa5)
- Minor changes (2e424a7)
- Update digitorus module docstring, close #45 (aec1c56)
- Test refactors (a463750)
- Docstring fixes (29f7822)
- Update dependency versions (ca1343a)
- Get rid of test baz subdomain (f67fc69)
- Change function name on module common mocks (a12b22d)
- Made private function (0b852d1)
- Refactor integrations (1ac02d1)
- Refactor integration tests (6f36525)
- Add bufferover module into cache (830a5ac)
- Rename stub file name (d53d273)
- Docstring updates (52925ef)
- Test uppercase (d6a9cb5)
- Update .env.template file (c127f3a)
- Update .env.template file (ec34e43)
- Refactor bevigil and binaryedge tests (6113333)
- Update docstring (ebd2266)
- Change type names (aa5eab8)
- Bump version to 0.1.1 (395a672)
- Minor refactor (b965693)
- Minor refactor on generic api integration (55f13c5)
- Refactor on generic api integration module (7e4aff6)
- Minor refactoring (556a5de)
- Minor syntax fix (f2530c0)
- Rename workflow files (156d127)
- Minor syntax fixes (6d7ad0e)
- Remove unnecessary module doc strings (b82471a)
- Remove unnecessary integration module docstrings (c39b4d0)
- Use new method instead of default while create btreeset (2b7fbd1)
- Change method names (165bd2c)
- Add blank lines after func definition (6a38818)
- Change module name on docstring (a3b6f88)
- Fix markdown table (6c40cc3)
- Update workflow yml files (1d0c905)
- Update workflow yml files (e780d65)
- Minor refactor (b60e521)
- Minor refactor (b8d3131)
- Minor refactor (41a099c)
- Refactor tests folder structure (1070460)
- Refactor types and add common mocks module (cd043e4)
- Generic search engine minor refactor (f8d14d3)
- Update .pre-commit-config.yaml file (9f2297e)
- Refactor tests (170d304)
- Update workflow yml files (82f69b3)
- Update workflow yml files (9ea40ac)
- Update workflow yml files (5a5deb9)
- Update workflow yml files (c794343)
- Update tests yml workflow (b61e259)
- Update Makefile (9222bb5)
- Update Makefile (2660d4c)
- Split ci yml files (a023fbe)
- Update ci workflow yml file (020820a)
- Update Makefile (8964f04)
- Update Makefile (8b0bf5f)
- Clippy fixes (687ce6b)
- Update rust-cargo-test.yml (b6bd746)
- Allow deadcode common constants (6562e36)
- Refactor cache tests (efde714)
- Rustfmt fixes (e3e6ead)
- Html extractor doctest refactor (9bf5fd1)
- Refactor chrome requester (8cafe6c)
- Refactor cache tests (0376d28)
- Change headless_chrome version definition (cda8c3e)
- Update Cargo.toml dependency versions (392ab7a)
- Update cargo dependencie versions (c54e476)
- Formattings (cefb8cf)
- Refactor update_many method on searchquery (861c354)
- Import format fix (87de048)
- Formatting fixes (5bf3fa1)
- Refactor manager and import fixes (41ae8b1)
- Refactoring manager module (7a75919)
- Refactoring base structure (d517033)
- Refactor some code bases and implement memoizing for modules and requesters (69ee769)
- Change get_start_query method name (a09060b)
- Refactor generic search engine module (2d5c035)
- Refactor core types (47b04bd)
- Remove unnecessary signatures from types (c40a340)
- Refactor generic search engine module (90c1839)
- Cargo fix and refactoring (31c4e00)
- Refactor generic searchengine module (70a70d8)
- Use iterators on google engine (ea40b18)
- Initialize rust cargo (320507b)
- Group overlaped imports (2e15256)
- Update save method (f4406f2)
- Generic api integration module auth method (396ae9b)
- Api key logics (3b03eaf)
- Generic api integration (00840cd)
- Add resolver tests, [skip ci] (8a691d8)
- Increase coverage on netcraft, [skip ci] (c0a88e1)
- Add netcraft module tests, [skip ci], close #118 (c9b03a0)
- Add save method tests (e458599)
- Add zonetransfer module run method tests, [skip ci] (ba0fa71)
- Extend doctests, [skip ci] (dcc86c1)
- Add zonetransfer module tests (704a4c3)
- Add attribute tests on command args (7e742a7)
- Add cli tests (2b23290)
- Add doctests (3af4878)
- Get rid of static ports (b1ed726)
- Remove unnecessary module definition on cache tests, [skip ci] (6e00eb6)
- Add dnsrepo module tests, [skip ci] (fc51670)
- Add waybackarchive tests, close #98, [skip ci] (e2ebb6a)
- Add securitytrails module tests, [skip ci] (659fc58)
- Add netlas module tests, close #93, [skip ci] (684f8c1)
- Add github module tests, close #91, [skip ci] (05222fb)
- Add dnsdumpster module tests, [skip ci] (fe103ca)
- Add commoncrawl non-generic module tests, close #43, [skip ci] (0e9d2af)
- Extend client tests, also refactor, [skip ci] (1a686e0)
- Add zoomeye integration tests, close #78 (c42780a)
- Add threatcrowd integration tests, close #70 (d011904)
- Add threatcrowd api integration module (9095609)
- Add whoisxmlapi integration tests, close #69 (f511c3c)
- Virustotal integration module tests, close #68 (1ad4a7d)
- Add subdomaincenter integration module tests, close #67 (33c8d3d)
- Add sitedossier integration module tests, close #66 (a2b24b7)
- Add get_next_url tests for each module (11908aa)
- Add shodan integration module tests (29b3369)
- Add leakix integration tests, close #52 (faaa5ec)
- Add hackertarget integration module tests, close #49 (62cf874)
- Add digitorus integration tests (8bb1e61)
- Add content enumeration method tests (6a676af)
- Add crtsh integration module tests, close #44 (d53d509)
- Add censys module tests (8b096ca)
- Add bufferover integration module tests (28b976f)
- Add binaryedge module tests (0d33855)
- Extend generic api integration tests according to auth methods (d2a4a7c)
- Add json extractor tests and docstring updates (717a173)
- Extend anubis and alienvault tests (153739b)
- Add anubis and alienvault tests (a2fb662)
- Engine module tests and documentations (dee454b)
- Requester tests and documentations (3eb3957)
- Add requester tests and add new method in chrome requester (8d251db)