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334 lines (250 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

334 lines (250 loc) · 12.6 KB

Issues and Dev Notes

Open Bugs

Sanitize certificate names

  • State “OPEN” from [2020-06-22 Mon 10:32]

Currently things will break in undefined ways if a name is specified that contains path separators and probably other characters that I haven’t thought of. This is dangerously unacceptable and needs to be fixed right away.

Set timer after creating network process

While the current order is necessary for synchronous socks connections, it is unecessary for regular connections which have the no-wait flag set. Furthermore, for these connections, having the timer fire up early means that it interferes with requests for user interaction that may appear during the initial connection setup. E.g., asking for approval of uknown TLS certificates.

Closed Bugs

Downloads failing

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2022-08-09 Tue 10:38]

Downloads fail when focus is shifted away from the elpher buffer before the download has completed.

Relative Gemini links processed improperly

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2021-08-04 Wed 15:54]
  • State “OPEN” from [2021-08-04 Wed 13:53]

Skyjake’s gemlog at gemini:// demonstrate’s the issue. The link back to the root selector in the footer of that page is a relative link to the parent directory, i.e. “..”. For some reason elpher combines this with the current URL and produces “gemini://” as the destination of the link. Such URLs (i.e. without a filename) are allowed as input, but are assumed to not appear internally.

To see why the internal distinction is important, consider a page where the current URL is gemini:// The current directory in this case is “/”, meaning a relative link to “another_page” results in a destination link of “gemini:// On the other hand, if the current URL is gemini://, the same relative link is interpreted as refering to gemini://

The fix will be to ensure gemini:// collapses to gemini:// rather than gemini://

Org mode faces are not present in recent emacs versions

Even 26.1 doesn’t seem to have these. This means that, for many users, elpher doesn’t show any difference between any of the item types. Not a major problem at all, but the faces we inherit from should definitely be ones which have been present for much longer. Perhaps the font lock mode faces are the way to go after all.

Update: changed all default faces to inherit from font-lock and basic faces.

URL-centric addressing breaks bookmark file compatibility

Need a way to allow people to rescue their old bookmark files following this update.

History loops <2019-11-08 Fri>

Occasionally elpher gets stuck in a “history loop” where a node is its own grandparent. Obviously this sucks, as history is elpher’s main mechanism for making gopherspace exploration painless.

I suspect the problem is in either elpher-visit-node or elpher-visit-parent.

Follow-up: this has been fixed by the new stack-based history system in 2.5.

Redirects do not rewrite current address

This is a bug, as gemini:// may get redirected to gemini://, at which point link lines of the form “=> there” should be interpreted as pointing at gemini://, while currently they are interpreted as pointing at gemini://

History inconsistency when restarting elpher <2020-05-26 Tue>

To reproduce:

  1. open elpher and follow a few links until you’re a handful of links below the start page.
  2. kill the elpher buffer with C-x k
  3. Open elpher again, which will show the start page.
  4. Press ‘u’ to go up. Elpher wiill respond stating that there is no previous page.
  5. Press ‘u’ again. Elpher will then jump to the page that was open when the buffer was originally killed.

Expected behaviour: elpher should be once again at the bottom of the history stack and should not remember the previous history.

Observed behaviour: elpher does remember the previous history.

update <2020-05-27 Wed>

Turns out this was just because the `elpher` function was merely setting the `elpher-current-page` variable to nil, then using `elpher-visit-page` to visit the start page, resulting in the nil being pushed onto the existing history stack. Because `elpher-visit-previous-page` always trys to pop from this stack and tests whether the result is nil (which it is when the stack is empty), the first “u” would result in the “no previous page” message but would still pop the stack, meaning that subsequent “u” commands would succeed.

The fix is just to zero out the history list in the `elpher` function just as `elpher-current-page` is cleared.

Improve client certificate scope

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2023-05-05 Fri 10:09]
  • State “OPEN” from [2022-10-12 Wed 09:33]

Once activated, elpher continues to use a client certificate for any connections to the host on which it was activated. However, it’s now common to restrict certificates also to paths below the path where the certificate was activated.

I.e. gemini:// certificates are not applied automatically to gemini://

Open Enhancements

Allow multiple elpher buffers [33%]

Shouldn’t be too hard, just need elpher-current-node to be buffer-local and allow various buffer-switching procedures to do something sensible.

Here are the things that need to be implemented before this can happen:

  • [X] shift history out of node tree and into separate stack
  • [ ] make history stack variables buffer-local
  • [ ] have elpher-with-clean-buffer select appropriate buffer

Closed Enhancements

Turn on lexical scoping

A branch exists for this, but there are some compilation kinks to iron out.

Implement support for telnet entries

Similar to http entries, telnet entries will be handled by code external to elpher. However it seems I made http entry handling a special case, and I don’t want another! So the only option is to bring both http and telnet entries back into the fold by representing them both as standard nodes and having the grunt work done by getter functions.

Allow users to access selected and current node details.

Implement bookmark system

Currently the bookmark page replaces the current page, and it does so silently (i.e. it doesn’t become part of the link hierarchy). I think this is a mistake, as it results in confusing behaviour when traversing the link hierarchy after visiting one of the bookmarked links.

Instead, I think I should

  1. Make the bookmark page part of the hierarchy, and
  2. Reinstate the visited node hash table to avoid excess link hierarchy pollution.

In order to accomplish 1. it will be necessary to make the bookmark page renderer a proper getter function, and one that never caches the contents of the buffer.

Actually, I might have to think about that a bit more. I don’t know how to answer the question of what the best thing to do with node parent links when using a cached node in place of a new node. (Maybe I always update node.parent unless parent is already an ancestor of node?)

Support character encoding diversity

Make URLs the basic address type.

Currently I waste a lot of effort converting between URL and non-URL representations. This is unnecessary, and actually makes lots of things uglier.

For example, the bookmarks file contains addresses in Elpher’s internal representation, whereas I expect users would prefer it contain URLs.

So the idea would be for (elpher-node-address node) to be a either a string or a symbol, with symbols used for “special” pages (bookmarks, start page, etc). The getter functions `elpher-address-selector’ etc will still do what they currently do, but will process the URL to do it.

This also means that non-gopher URLs will be explicitly represented as such: no more abusing the “h” type for these.

Remove “redraw” command

This is only necessary for returning from displaying the raw server response. If I can provide a better way of doing that then we can get rid of redraw entirely.

Actually, this command can be useful to correct rendering issues that occasionally pop up in termal windows. Lets leave it for now.

Implement Finger support

Improve download performance

This is actually easy to fix - the major problem at the moment is the braindead way the incrementally-retrieved data is recorded: (setq result-string (concat result-string next-bit)). This is O(N^2). Yuck!

Okay, replacing this really does improve things. Large gemini downloads now seem occur at rates I’d expect.

Download/rendering progress feedback

Particularly for large files or complicated pages, elpher can take a few seconds or more to generate a response. Thhis is frustrating for users, who are left staring at a blinking cursor.

A small amount of feedback could help with this.

Implement Gemini support [100%]

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2020-06-20 Sat 22:32]

Here is the checklist of features required before release:

  • [X] basic genimi transactions
  • [X] gemini transactions requiring client certificates
  • [X] gemini input handling
  • [X] gemini map files (text/gemini)
  • [X] Support for plain text responses (text/*)
  • [X] Support for image responses (text/image)
  • [X] Support for mime-specified character encodeing
  • [X] Saving responses to disk
  • [X] Viewing raw responses

The last few will be made infinitely easier if we factor the gopher “getter” code differently.

Allow for grouping of bookmarks

  • State “INVALID” from [2021-07-23 Fri 10:10]
    Since switching to Emacs native bookmarks, this is no longer our concern.
To support this I’d like to add a bookmark page specific set of keybindings. Currently all bindings available on the bookmark page are available everywhere else. But expanding and collapsing bookmark groups sounds like it might need more specific bindings.

Priority bump <2020-05-31 Sun>

As bookmark lists grow, some sort of grouping is becoming more and more important. Furthermore, with this in place it would become feasible (and I really suspect almost trivial) to implement an update-checking system for chosen groups of bookmarks.

For instance, we could prefetch content for each of the addresses within a chosen group, indicating which had been changed since the last fetch. (We could just store hashes of earlier content to detect changes.)

The difficult thing to decide is how the UI for the new bookmark page will work. It already has its own renderer, and we could easily stop using the gopher directory line renderer in favour of something more amenable to displaying the group information. Thus we’re very free to do whatever we like once we also have a special key map in place as well.

I guess I need to look into what native widgets Emacs has for displaying collapsable hierarchies.

Add history browsing

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2021-07-23 Fri 10:09]

Improve gemeini rendering speed

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2021-07-31 Sat 00:18]

Currently pages with many links render extremely slowly.

Example (>2000 links, 15s): gemini://

It turns out that by far the main contributor to this is the use of (url-port) in elpher-address-from-gemini-url. I encountered this problem once before in elpher-remove-redundant-ports. This function call is just incredibly slow for some bizarre reason. Happily, (url-portspec) is functionally equivalent and is orders of magnitude faster. With this replacement, loading the above page takes ~2s and there aren’t any other hotspots.

Replace support for user-specified starting pages

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2021-08-09 Mon 17:46]
This used to be available, but was removed during a refactor.

Make installing existing certificates easier

  • State “CLOSED” from “OPEN” [2023-05-05 Fri 10:10]
  • State “OPEN” from “CLOSED” [2020-06-22 Mon 10:34]

It’s naive to think that people don’t have client certificates created outside of elpher. Thus we need some easy way to “install” these certificates, either by copying them or by referencing them in some way.