Slack-Bot interacting with events from Slack's RTM API integrated with ChatterBot.
- Setup slack app.
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd pyslack-rtmbot
- If you don't have virtualenv Installed, Install it:
pip install virtualenv
- Create virtualenv:
virtualenv env -p python3
- Activate env:
source env/bin/activate # if you're using linux :') env\Scripts\activate # if you're using windows -_-
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- configure your tokens and settings:
cp slack/config.ini slack/config.override.ini nano slack/config.override.ini # or open the file and edit the variables manually
Run the bot: python
` Return the smart_replay at bot/ - get_message_replay method
def get_message_replay(user, meesage):
# dummy_replay = __get_dummy_message_replay__(user, message)
smart_replay = __get_smart_message_replay__(user, message)
return smart_replay