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About Knights Watch

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đź‘‹ Welcome to the eLitmus Knights Watch. Knights Watch is a open source project providing a platform suitable for creating modular applications with live video proctoring capabillites.

It provides the following feature:

Future plans:

  • Face detection
  • AI video proctoring
  • AI image proctoring
  • Proctor can see candidate live screen
  • Proctor can chat with candidate
  • Auto Proctoring

This Gem is currently under development and API can change in future


This section demonstrates how to use this engine with the RubyOnRails application to build web-based video proctoring application.

100ms Example

Set Up Variables

  1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'proctoring', '=1.0.0', git: ''
  1. And then execute:
$ bundle install
  1. Mount in application
mount Proctoring::Engine => '/proctoring'
  1. Create initializer file proctoring.rb
Proctoring.setup do |config|
  config.app_name = 'app_name'
  config.hundred_ms_app_access_key = '' #Generate the app accccess key from the 100ms dashboard
  config.hundred_ms_app_secret = '' #Generae the app secret from the 100ms dashboard
  config.hundred_ms_template_id = '' #Generate template id from 100ms dashboard
  config.hundred_ms_s3_bucket = '' #S3 bucket to store the recording fo candidates
  config.hundred_ms_s3_access_key = '' #S3 access key
  config.hundred_ms_s3_access_secret = '' #S3 access secret
  config.hundred_ms_s3_region = '' #S3 region
  config.hundred_ms_auth_secret = '' #32 bit random string

Available API's for Candidate Side:

HTML for showing the candidate video element

<div id="videoreplay">
  <video id="vid" autoplay loop ></video>
<%= render template: 'proctoring/video_streamings/_video_recording100ms.html.erb'%>
<%= content_tag :div, '', id: 'proctoring-user-data', data: { event_id: 'event_code', user: 'user_id', hundred_ms_proctoring_service: true, max_candidate_allowed: '10' } %>

Javascript for the application

  const proctoringData = document.getElementById('proctoring-user-data');
  const {
    hundredMsProctoringService, eventId, user, maxCandidateAllowed,
  } = proctoringData.dataset;
  if (proctoringData && hundredMsProctoringService === 'true') {
    const options = {
      userId: user,
      maxPeopleAllowed: maxCandidateAllowed,
      userRole: 'candidates',

Avaliable API's for the proctor side

HTML for proctor side

  <%= render template: 'proctoring/video_player/live_video_proctoring_100ms.html.erb'%>
  <%= content_tag :div, '', id: 'proctoring-user-data', data: { 'user-id': 'user_id', 'event-id': 'event_code', 'max-proctor-allowed': '2' } %>

Javascript is written in engine itself for proctor. So need to add javascript on the main application.

Kurento Media Server Example

Set Up Variables

  1. Execute the first three steps mentioned in the 100ms Example.

  2. Create initializer file proctoring.rb

Proctoring.setup do |config|
  config.app_name = 'your_name'
  config.media_server_url = 'server-url without protocol and no extra forward slashes'
  config.turn_secret = 'turn_server_secret'
Available API's for Candidate Side:

HTML if want to show video to user ids can be passed to Object.

  title="Monitoring Video"
  data-signaling-server-url = "<%= signaling_server_url %>"
  data-event-id = "<%= event_id %>"
  data-user-id = "<%= user_id %>"
  data-video-proctoring="<%= video_proctoring %>"

<div id="videoreplay">
  <video id="vid" autoplay loop ></video>

<%= render template: 'proctoring/video_streamings/_video_recording.html.erb'%>

Integrate Javascript into the main application.

const connectToScocket = (url, evnt, app, user) => {
  var socket = io(url);

    socket.emit('authorization', {"event_id": evnt, "app_name": app, "user_id": user});
  socket.on('disconnect', function(){
  return socket;

const {
} = document.getElementById('vid-btn').dataset;

const socket = connectToScocket(

const options = {
  event: eventId,
  user: userId,
  socket: socket,


Available API's for Proctor Side:

HTML to integrate proctor side screen.

<%= render template: 'proctoring/video_player/live_video_proctoring.html.erb'%>
<%= content_tag :div, '', id: 'proctoring-user-data', data: { 'signaling-server-url': 'singaling_server_url', 'event': 'event_id', 'user': 'user_id', 'assigned_user_ids': [] }%>

Javascript for proctor side:

const connectToScocketAsAdmin = (url, app) => {
  var socket = io(url);

    socket.emit('admin-authorization', {"app_name": app});
  socket.on('disconnect', function(){
  return socket;

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const userData = document.getElementById('proctoring-user-data');
  const { signalingServerUrl, event, user, assignedUserIds } = userData.dataset;
  const socket = connectToScocketAsAdmin(signalingServerUrl, 'app_name');
  liveVideoUsingSignalingServer({ socket, event, user, assignedUserIds });



  1. Check the Knights Watch 100ms Architecture to get better understanding.


Check our prerequisites to get started.

  1. 100ms Prerequisites


Use our installation guidelines to setup the project on your local

  1. 100ms Installation Guidelines

Useful Links

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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.