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Testing Guide

This document describes in-depth our rust-modules and the zero-knowledge proof, and how to run various tests.

For better understanding, lets look at roundtrip of the proofing system:

  1. Request and retrieval of banking documents with daily statements (EBICS request and response) through an EBICS banking client, e.g. [ebics-java-client]. The client
  2. Pre-Processing of the EBICS Response, which is an XML document. Pre-processing is necessary to off-load as much as possible from expensive proof-generation and to get a small footprint of the proof-code. Pre-processing is done with script 'data/'
  3. Present data from the previous step and the private key of the client to the prover, and generate proof of computation (a STARK) and produce the [Receipt] which contains balance, currency date and account-number.
  4. A generic risc0 based verifier can check the proof, thus the above account data can be trusted.
  5. On-chain integration (validation) of the proof-system using the Substrate Off-Chain-Worker.

Important note: Milestone 1 only covers step 2. and 3., generating and validating the STARK with the Risk-Zero framework - other steps will be done in later milestones. Starting with milestone 3 integration with substrate gets implemented.

Note: You may remove RISC0_DEV_MODE=true variable to create a real proof, expect the execution time to be several hours to create the STARK. You may add --verbose after each command (host or verifier) to see what is going on. Use RUST_BACKTRACE=1 to debug.

Note for MacOS: Images on Dockerhub are built locally and pushed to dockerhub due to restriction of github-actions. If a certain version is needed on MacOs which was not pushed to dockerhub, build the image locally with docker build . -t fridge or using the Script to pushlish a release to github or dockerhub. See MacOS Development for help to give some guidance for the development environment in MacOS.

codecov Remark on code coverage: Module methods/guest can not be shown because the Risc-Zero framework compiles to Risc V instruction set.

Test with Docker

Docker containers are on dockerhub. It is crucial to understand the concept of a "sealed" binary. Means, that the (RiscV) binary producing the STARK is pinned by its hash ("Image-ID"). Proofs can only be validated if you know the Image-Id, that is why we included the Image-ID in the releases and docker tags and as a file (IMAGE_ID.hex) in the distributions.

Preparations for using Docker

Use bash:

echo $0 
# output: bash ..

We are using docker, make sure its installed:

docker --version 
# output, e.g. Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b

Label the hyperfridge container from dockerhub you want to use with a shortcut "fridge" for later usage:

On Linux:

docker pull e36io/hyperfridge-r0:latest
docker tag  e36io/hyperfridge-r0:latest fridge
# no output is given by docker

On MacOS:

docker pull e36io/hyperfridge-r0:macos-latest
docker tag  e36io/hyperfridge-r0:macos-latest fridge
# no output is given by docker

Or test with docker using your local container on Linux:

# optional, don't do this for first tests unless you know what you are doing
docker  build -f DockerfileLinux . -t fridge

On MacOs use:

# optional, don't do this for first tests unless you know what you are doing
docker  build -f DockerfileMacOs . -t fridge

Creating MacOS image will take several hours and is not possible on github free tier. The script is used for building and publishing the image from the local Mac.

Integration tests with provided test data

We included all test data which is necessary to run a quick shake-down test to generate and validate a proof in one go. This creates a proof based on test data, prints the JSON-receipt which is the STARK-proof and contains public and committed data. Steps "3." and "4." of the roundtrip are tested in that way.

# The test generates a proof and validates it
docker run --env RISC0_DEV_MODE=true  fridge host test

The output

Create a receipt (STARK proof)

Show help output:

# show help
docker run fridge host prove-camt53 --help

Create the proof as JSON file, which can be deserialized and verified in Rust:

# create the proof
docker run --env RISC0_DEV_MODE=true  fridge host prove-camt53 \
    --request=../data/test/test.xml --bankkey ../data/pub_bank.pem \
    --clientkey ../data/client.pem --witnesskey ../data/pub_witness.pem \
    --clientiban CH4308307000289537312

Check Receipt (STARK proof)

Show help:

# show help
docker run fridge verifier verify  --help

Verify a receipt (json-file) and show its contents (public commitments):

# we need the image id and the receipt
imageid=$(docker run fridge cat /app/IMAGE_ID.hex)

# check the proof
docker run --env RISC0_DEV_MODE=true  fridge verifier verify --imageid-hex=$imageid --proof-json=$proof

Only Linux: Test with binary Release and command line

The binary distribution can be downloaded from github. To understand versioning concept, is crucial to understand the concept of a "sealed" binary. Means, that the (RiscV) binary producing the STARK is pinned by its hash ("Image-ID"). Proofs can only be validated if you know the Image-Id, that is why we included the Image-ID in the releases and docker tags and as a file (IMAGE_ID.hex) in the distributions.

Preparations for command line and scripts

Download binary realease from this repo, unzip the release to ./bin. Test your installation by cd-ing to bin and showing the command line help:

cd app
./host --help
# output should show command line parameters: Usage: host [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] ...

Get Image-ID of the linked guest code:

./host show-image-id
# output, e.g.: a54af3e5a903cc5d80f900f12785a337c1872098c2aacf0b7de28d7b8d6c3fe6

We included all test data in data directory which is necessary to run a quick shake-down test to generate and validate a proof in one go. This creates a proof based on test data, prints the JSON-receipt which is the STARK-proof and contains public and committed data. Steps "3." and "4." of the roundtrip are tested in that way.

# The test generates a proof and validates it
RISC0_DEV_MODE=true ./host test 

You may create new keys, additional test data and payload which is described here.

Create dev receipt (STARK proof)

In the app directory:

# show help
./host prove-camt53 --help
# create the proof
RISC0_DEV_MODE=true ./host prove-camt53 \
    --request ../data/test/test.xml --bankkey ../data/pub_bank.pem \
    --clientkey ../data/client.pem --witnesskey ../data/pub_witness.pem \
    --clientiban CH4308307000289537312

Check Receipt (STARK proof)

In the app directory of the binary distribution:

# show help
./verifier verify  --help

Verify the proof:

# we need the image id and the receipt
./host show-image-id > IMAGE_ID.hex
imageid=$(cat IMAGE_ID.hex)
echo verify with $imageid
RISC0_DEV_MODE=true  ./verifier verify --imageid-hex=$imageid --proof-json=$proof

Tests in Rust-development environment (Linux and MacOs)

We assume you have installed rust and risk zero environment. Check with rustup toolchain list --verbose | grep risc0. Clone project: git clone

Unit tests

Unit tests for the host program in host will create receipt for the test data:

cd hyperfridge-r0
cd host
RISC0_DEV_MODE=true cargo test  -- --nocapture

Most important, run unit test for the guest code in directory methods/guest:

cd ..
cd methods/guest
RISC0_DEV_MODE=true cargo test --features debug_mode -- --nocapture 

Create own test data

Use local development environment on Linux

If you are using the binary distribution make sure you are running a glibc compatible environment and necessary tools are installed to run the scripts for pre-processing the EBICS Response. On debian based systems you may use apt install -y openssl perl qpdf xxd libxml2-utils inotify-tools - versions are given only as FYI, we are not aware of any version related dependencies.

Check if those commands are available/installed on Linux

apt install -y openssl perl qpdf xxd libxml2-utils inotify-tools
ldd /bin/bash # (0x00007ffc33bee000) ....
opennssl version # output, e.g. OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022)
xxd --version # xxd 2021-10-22 by Juergen Weigert et al.
zlib-flate --version # zlib-flate from qpdf version 10.6.3
xmllint --version # xmllint: using libxml version 20913
perl --version # 5 Version 34
rustup toolchain list --verbose | grep risc0 # risc-zero installed: risc0 (...path...) 

For running the tests with a new ebics response, lets copy the existing into a new file, then we create the proof for it:

# simulates the download of ebics file
cd data
mkdir myrequest
cp response_template.xml myrequest.xml
cp -r response_template/camt53 myrequest
# you may edit the myrequest and payload in ../data/myrequest/camt53 now

# Data above needs to be compressed, signed etc.
# Create the signed ebics response and pre-process data for proofing:
xml_file=myrequest.xml ./

# now create the proof
# note that the proof needs the singed file:  --request="../data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml"
cd ../host
cargo run  -- --verbose prove-camt53  \
   --request="../data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml"  --bankkey ../data/pub_bank.pem \
    --clientkey ../data/client.pem --witnesskey ../data/pub_witness.pem --clientiban CH4308307000289537312

Lets check the output:

# You see receipt in output of the command and serialized in a json file: 
 ls -la ../data/myrequest-generated/*.json
 cat ../data/myrequest-generated/*.json

Now let's try to create a fake proof - we will use wrong public keys where the verification of signatures should fail:

# note that we use witness key for bank: --bankkey ../data/pub_witness.pem
cd host
cargo run  -- --verbose prove-camt53  \
    --request="../data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml" --bankkey ../data/pub_witness.pem \
    --clientkey ../data/client.pem --witnesskey ../data/pub_witness.pem --clientiban CH4308307000289537312
# panics, output: 
# verify bank signature
# ---> error Verification

Wrong witness:

# note that we use bank key for witness: --witnesskey ../data/pub_bank.pem 
cargo run  -- --verbose prove-camt53  \
    --request="../data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml" --bankkey ../data/pub_bank.pem \
    --clientkey ../data/client.pem --witnesskey ../data/pub_bank.pem --clientiban CH4308307000289537312
# panics, output: 
# verify the verify_order_data_signature by witness
# ---> error Verification

Use docker environment on MacOS

Bash into the container:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash fridge

For running the tests with a new ebics response, lets copy the existing into a new file, then we create the proof for it:

# simulates the download of ebics file
cd /data
rm -R -f /data/myrequest && mkdir -p myrequest
cp response_template.xml myrequest.xml
cp -r response_template/camt53 myrequest
# you may edit the myrequest and payload in ../data/myrequest/camt53 now

# Data above needs to be compressed, signed etc.
# Create the signed ebics response and pre-process data for proofing,
# should result in "Secret Input Data generated."
xml_file=myrequest.xml ./

# now create the proof
# note that the proof needs the singed file:  --request="../data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml"
cd /app
    host  prove-camt53  \
   --request="/data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml"  --bankkey /data/pub_bank.pem \
    --clientkey /data/client.pem --witnesskey /data/pub_witness.pem --clientiban CH4308307000289537312

Lets check the output:

# You see receipt in output of the command and serialized in a json file: 
 ls -la /data/myrequest-generated/*.json
 cat /data/myrequest-generated/*.json

Now let's try to create a fake proof - we will use wrong public keys where the verification of signatures should fail:

# note that we use witness key for bank: --bankkey ../data/pub_witness.pem
cd /app
    host prove-camt53  \
        --request="../data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml" --bankkey ../data/pub_witness.pem \
        --clientkey ../data/client.pem --witnesskey ../data/pub_witness.pem --clientiban CH4308307000289537312
# panics, output: 
# verify bank signature
# ---> error Verification

Wrong witness:

# note that we use bank key for witness: --witnesskey ../data/pub_bank.pem 
    host prove-camt53  \
        --request="/data/myrequest-generated/myrequest-generated.xml" --bankkey /data/pub_bank.pem \
        --clientkey /data/client.pem --witnesskey /data/pub_bank.pem --clientiban CH4308307000289537312
# panics, output: 
# verify the verify_order_data_signature by witness
# ---> error Verification

Notes on provided test data

The test data was taken from the productive systems (Hypo Lenzburg), decrypted and encrypted again with generated keys as it can be seen in scripts data/ and data/ A productive sample has been added to data/test/test.xml (prod).zip, the payload of test data remained unchanged from the productive system.