diff --git a/node-wasm/README.md b/node-wasm/README.md
index f2742ead..c052c681 100644
--- a/node-wasm/README.md
+++ b/node-wasm/README.md
@@ -40,3 +40,8 @@ const client = await new NodeClient(channel.port2);
await client.waitConnected();
await client.requestHeadHeader();
+## Rust API
+For comprehensive and fully typed interface documentation, see [lumina-node](https://docs.rs/lumina-node/latest/lumina_node/) and [celestia-types](https://docs.rs/celestia-types/latest/celestia_types/) documentation on docs.rs. You can see there the exact structure of more complex types, such as [`ExtendedHeader`](https://docs.rs/celestia-types/latest/celestia_types/struct.ExtendedHeader.html). JavaScript API's goal is to provide similar interface to Rust when possible, e.g. `NodeClient` mirrors [`Node`](https://docs.rs/lumina-node/latest/lumina_node/node/struct.Node.html).
diff --git a/node-wasm/js/.gitignore b/node-wasm/js/.gitignore
index d5025124..18586163 100644
--- a/node-wasm/js/.gitignore
+++ b/node-wasm/js/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/node-wasm/js/README.md b/node-wasm/js/README.md
deleted file mode 120000
index 32d46ee8..00000000
--- a/node-wasm/js/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1c81528
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1386 @@
+**lumina-node-wasm** • [**Docs**](#globalsmd)
+# Lumina node wasm
+A compatibility layer for the [`Lumina`](https://github.com/eigerco/lumina) node to
+work within a browser environment and be operable with javascript.
+# Example
+Starting lumina inside a dedicated worker
+import { spawnNode, NodeConfig, Network } from "lumina-node";
+const node = await spawnNode();
+const mainnetConfig = NodeConfig.default(Network.Mainnet);
+await node.start(mainnetConfig);
+await node.waitConnected();
+await node.requestHeadHeader();
+## Manual setup
+Note that `spawnNode` implicitly calls wasm initialisation code. If you want to set things up manually, make sure to call the default export before using any of the wasm functionality.
+import init, { NodeConfig, Network } from "lumina-node";
+await init();
+const config = NodeConfig.default(Network.Mainnet);
+// client and worker accept any object with MessagePort like interface e.g. Worker
+const channel = new MessageChannel();
+const worker = new NodeWorker(channel.port1);
+// note that this runs lumina in the current context (and doesn't create a new web-worker). Promise created with `.run()` never completes.
+const worker_promise = worker.run();
+// client port can be used locally or transferred like any plain MessagePort
+const client = await new NodeClient(channel.port2);
+await client.waitConnected();
+await client.requestHeadHeader();
+## Rust API
+For comprehensive and fully typed interface documentation, see [lumina-node](https://docs.rs/lumina-node/latest/lumina_node/) and [celestia-types](https://docs.rs/celestia-types/latest/celestia_types/) documentation on docs.rs. You can see there the exact structure of more complex types, such as [`ExtendedHeader`](https://docs.rs/celestia-types/latest/celestia_types/struct.ExtendedHeader.html). JavaScript API's goal is to provide similar interface to Rust when possible, e.g. `NodeClient` mirrors [`Node`](https://docs.rs/lumina-node/latest/lumina_node/node/struct.Node.html).
+# Classes
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / BlockRange
+## Class: BlockRange
+A range of blocks between `start` and `end` height, inclusive
+### Constructors
+#### new BlockRange()
+> **new BlockRange**(): [`BlockRange`](#classesblockrangemd)
+##### Returns
+### Properties
+#### end
+> **end**: `bigint`
+Last block height in range
+##### Defined in
+#### start
+> **start**: `bigint`
+First block height in range
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toJSON()
+> **toJSON**(): `Object`
+* Return copy of self without private attributes.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toString()
+> **toString**(): `string`
+Return stringified version of self.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / ConnectionCountersSnapshot
+## Class: ConnectionCountersSnapshot
+### Constructors
+#### new ConnectionCountersSnapshot()
+> **new ConnectionCountersSnapshot**(): [`ConnectionCountersSnapshot`](#classesconnectioncounterssnapshotmd)
+##### Returns
+### Properties
+#### num\_connections
+> **num\_connections**: `number`
+The total number of connections, both pending and established.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_established
+> **num\_established**: `number`
+The number of outgoing connections being established.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_established\_incoming
+> **num\_established\_incoming**: `number`
+The number of established incoming connections.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_established\_outgoing
+> **num\_established\_outgoing**: `number`
+The number of established outgoing connections.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_pending
+> **num\_pending**: `number`
+The total number of pending connections, both incoming and outgoing.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_pending\_incoming
+> **num\_pending\_incoming**: `number`
+The total number of pending connections, both incoming and outgoing.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_pending\_outgoing
+> **num\_pending\_outgoing**: `number`
+The number of outgoing connections being established.
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toJSON()
+> **toJSON**(): `Object`
+* Return copy of self without private attributes.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toString()
+> **toString**(): `string`
+Return stringified version of self.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / NetworkInfoSnapshot
+## Class: NetworkInfoSnapshot
+Information about the connections
+### Constructors
+#### new NetworkInfoSnapshot()
+> **new NetworkInfoSnapshot**(): [`NetworkInfoSnapshot`](#classesnetworkinfosnapshotmd)
+##### Returns
+### Properties
+#### connection\_counters
+> **connection\_counters**: [`ConnectionCountersSnapshot`](#classesconnectioncounterssnapshotmd)
+Gets counters for ongoing network connections.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_peers
+> **num\_peers**: `number`
+The number of connected peers, i.e. peers with whom at least one established connection exists.
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toJSON()
+> **toJSON**(): `Object`
+* Return copy of self without private attributes.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toString()
+> **toString**(): `string`
+Return stringified version of self.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / NodeClient
+## Class: NodeClient
+`NodeClient` is responsible for steering [`NodeWorker`] by sending it commands and receiving
+responses over the provided port.
+[`NodeWorker`]: crate::worker::NodeWorker
+### Constructors
+#### new NodeClient()
+> **new NodeClient**(`port`): [`NodeClient`](#classesnodeclientmd)
+Create a new connection to a Lumina node running in [`NodeWorker`]. Provided `port` is
+expected to have `MessagePort`-like interface for sending and receiving messages.
+##### Parameters
+• **port**: `any`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### addConnectionToWorker()
+> **addConnectionToWorker**(`port`): `Promise`\<`void`\>
+Establish a new connection to the existing worker over provided port
+##### Parameters
+• **port**: `any`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### close()
+> **close**(): `Promise`\<`void`\>
+Requests SharedWorker running lumina to close. Any events received afterwards wont
+be processed and new NodeClient needs to be created to restart a node.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### connectedPeers()
+> **connectedPeers**(): `Promise`\<`any`[]\>
+Get all the peers that node is connected to.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### eventsChannel()
+> **eventsChannel**(): `Promise`\<`BroadcastChannel`\>
+Returns a [`BroadcastChannel`] for events generated by [`Node`].
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### getHeaderByHash()
+> **getHeaderByHash**(`hash`): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Get a synced header for the block with a given hash.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Parameters
+• **hash**: `string`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### getHeaderByHeight()
+> **getHeaderByHeight**(`height`): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Get a synced header for the block with a given height.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Parameters
+• **height**: `bigint`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### getHeaders()
+> **getHeaders**(`start_height`?, `end_height`?): `Promise`\<`any`[]\>
+Get synced headers from the given heights range.
+If start of the range is undefined (None), the first returned header will be of height 1.
+If end of the range is undefined (None), the last returned header will be the last header in the
+## Errors
+If range contains a height of a header that is not found in the store.
+Returns an array of javascript objects with given structure:
+##### Parameters
+• **start\_height?**: `bigint`
+• **end\_height?**: `bigint`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### getLocalHeadHeader()
+> **getLocalHeadHeader**(): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Get the latest locally synced header.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### getNetworkHeadHeader()
+> **getNetworkHeadHeader**(): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Get the latest header announced in the network.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### getSamplingMetadata()
+> **getSamplingMetadata**(`height`): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Get data sampling metadata of an already sampled height.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Parameters
+• **height**: `bigint`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### isRunning()
+> **isRunning**(): `Promise`\<`boolean`\>
+Check whether Lumina is currently running
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### listeners()
+> **listeners**(): `Promise`\<`any`[]\>
+Get all the multiaddresses on which the node listens.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### localPeerId()
+> **localPeerId**(): `Promise`\<`string`\>
+Get node's local peer ID.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### networkInfo()
+> **networkInfo**(): `Promise`\<[`NetworkInfoSnapshot`](#classesnetworkinfosnapshotmd)\>
+Get current network info.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### peerTrackerInfo()
+> **peerTrackerInfo**(): `Promise`\<[`PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot`](#classespeertrackerinfosnapshotmd)\>
+Get current [`PeerTracker`] info.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### requestHeaderByHash()
+> **requestHeaderByHash**(`hash`): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Request a header for the block with a given hash from the network.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Parameters
+• **hash**: `string`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### requestHeaderByHeight()
+> **requestHeaderByHeight**(`height`): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Request a header for the block with a given height from the network.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Parameters
+• **height**: `bigint`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### requestHeadHeader()
+> **requestHeadHeader**(): `Promise`\<`any`\>
+Request the head header from the network.
+Returns a javascript object with given structure:
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### requestVerifiedHeaders()
+> **requestVerifiedHeaders**(`from_header`, `amount`): `Promise`\<`any`[]\>
+Request headers in range (from, from + amount] from the network.
+The headers will be verified with the `from` header.
+Returns an array of javascript objects with given structure:
+##### Parameters
+• **from\_header**: `any`
+• **amount**: `bigint`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### setPeerTrust()
+> **setPeerTrust**(`peer_id`, `is_trusted`): `Promise`\<`void`\>
+Trust or untrust the peer with a given ID.
+##### Parameters
+• **peer\_id**: `string`
+• **is\_trusted**: `boolean`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### start()
+> **start**(`config`): `Promise`\<`void`\>
+Start a node with the provided config, if it's not running
+##### Parameters
+• **config**: [`NodeConfig`](#classesnodeconfigmd)
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### syncerInfo()
+> **syncerInfo**(): `Promise`\<[`SyncingInfoSnapshot`](#classessyncinginfosnapshotmd)\>
+Get current header syncing info.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### waitConnected()
+> **waitConnected**(): `Promise`\<`void`\>
+Wait until the node is connected to at least 1 peer.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### waitConnectedTrusted()
+> **waitConnectedTrusted**(): `Promise`\<`void`\>
+Wait until the node is connected to at least 1 trusted peer.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / NodeConfig
+## Class: NodeConfig
+Config for the lumina wasm node.
+### Constructors
+#### new NodeConfig()
+> **new NodeConfig**(): [`NodeConfig`](#classesnodeconfigmd)
+##### Returns
+### Properties
+#### bootnodes
+> **bootnodes**: `string`[]
+A list of bootstrap peers to connect to.
+##### Defined in
+#### network
+> **network**: [`Network`](#enumerationsnetworkmd)
+A network to connect to.
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toJSON()
+> **toJSON**(): `Object`
+* Return copy of self without private attributes.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toString()
+> **toString**(): `string`
+Return stringified version of self.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### default()
+> `static` **default**(`network`): [`NodeConfig`](#classesnodeconfigmd)
+Get the configuration with default bootnodes for provided network
+##### Parameters
+• **network**: [`Network`](#enumerationsnetworkmd)
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / NodeWorker
+## Class: NodeWorker
+### Constructors
+#### new NodeWorker()
+> **new NodeWorker**(`port_like_object`): [`NodeWorker`](#classesnodeworkermd)
+##### Parameters
+• **port\_like\_object**: `any`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### run()
+> **run**(): `Promise`\<`void`\>
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot
+## Class: PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot
+Statistics of the connected peers
+### Constructors
+#### new PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot()
+> **new PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot**(): [`PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot`](#classespeertrackerinfosnapshotmd)
+##### Returns
+### Properties
+#### num\_connected\_peers
+> **num\_connected\_peers**: `bigint`
+Number of the connected peers.
+##### Defined in
+#### num\_connected\_trusted\_peers
+> **num\_connected\_trusted\_peers**: `bigint`
+Number of the connected trusted peers.
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toJSON()
+> **toJSON**(): `Object`
+* Return copy of self without private attributes.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toString()
+> **toString**(): `string`
+Return stringified version of self.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / SyncingInfoSnapshot
+## Class: SyncingInfoSnapshot
+Status of the synchronization.
+### Constructors
+#### new SyncingInfoSnapshot()
+> **new SyncingInfoSnapshot**(): [`SyncingInfoSnapshot`](#classessyncinginfosnapshotmd)
+##### Returns
+### Properties
+#### stored\_headers
+> **stored\_headers**: [`BlockRange`](#classesblockrangemd)[]
+Ranges of headers that are already synchronised
+##### Defined in
+#### subjective\_head
+> **subjective\_head**: `bigint`
+Syncing target. The latest height seen in the network that was successfully verified.
+##### Defined in
+### Methods
+#### free()
+> **free**(): `void`
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toJSON()
+> **toJSON**(): `Object`
+* Return copy of self without private attributes.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+#### toString()
+> **toString**(): `string`
+Return stringified version of self.
+##### Returns
+##### Defined in
+# Enumerations
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / Network
+## Enumeration: Network
+Supported Celestia networks.
+### Enumeration Members
+#### Arabica
+> **Arabica**: `1`
+Arabica testnet.
+##### Defined in
+#### Mainnet
+> **Mainnet**: `0`
+Celestia mainnet.
+##### Defined in
+#### Mocha
+> **Mocha**: `2`
+Mocha testnet.
+##### Defined in
+#### Private
+> **Private**: `3`
+Private local network.
+##### Defined in
+# Functions
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+[lumina-node-wasm](#globalsmd) / setup\_logging
+## Function: setup\_logging()
+> **setup\_logging**(): `void`
+Set up a logging layer that direct logs to the browser's console.
+### Returns
+### Defined in
+[**lumina-node-wasm**](#readmemd) • **Docs**
+# lumina-node-wasm
+## Enumerations
+- [Network](#enumerationsnetworkmd)
+## Classes
+- [BlockRange](#classesblockrangemd)
+- [ConnectionCountersSnapshot](#classesconnectioncounterssnapshotmd)
+- [NetworkInfoSnapshot](#classesnetworkinfosnapshotmd)
+- [NodeClient](#classesnodeclientmd)
+- [NodeConfig](#classesnodeconfigmd)
+- [NodeWorker](#classesnodeworkermd)
+- [PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot](#classespeertrackerinfosnapshotmd)
+- [SyncingInfoSnapshot](#classessyncinginfosnapshotmd)
+## Functions
+- [setup\_logging](#functionssetup_loggingmd)
diff --git a/node-wasm/js/package.json b/node-wasm/js/package.json
index 7a08aea9..6268e746 100644
--- a/node-wasm/js/package.json
+++ b/node-wasm/js/package.json
@@ -27,5 +27,13 @@
- ]
+ ],
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "concat-md": "^0.5.1",
+ "typedoc": "^0.26.7",
+ "typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^4.2.9"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "update-readme": "typedoc --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --out ./docs --readme ../README.md ../pkg/lumina_node_wasm.d.ts && concat-md --decrease-title-levels --dir-name-as-title docs > README.md"
+ }
diff --git a/node-wasm/src/wrapper/libp2p.rs b/node-wasm/src/wrapper/libp2p.rs
index 932c72f4..db486842 100644
--- a/node-wasm/src/wrapper/libp2p.rs
+++ b/node-wasm/src/wrapper/libp2p.rs
@@ -6,20 +6,30 @@ use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+/// Information about the connections
pub(crate) struct NetworkInfoSnapshot {
+ /// The number of connected peers, i.e. peers with whom at least one established connection exists.
pub num_peers: usize,
+ /// Gets counters for ongoing network connections.
pub connection_counters: ConnectionCountersSnapshot,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct ConnectionCountersSnapshot {
+ /// The total number of connections, both pending and established.
pub num_connections: u32,
+ /// The total number of pending connections, both incoming and outgoing.
pub num_pending: u32,
+ /// The total number of pending connections, both incoming and outgoing.
pub num_pending_incoming: u32,
+ /// The number of outgoing connections being established.
pub num_pending_outgoing: u32,
+ /// The number of outgoing connections being established.
pub num_established: u32,
+ /// The number of established incoming connections.
pub num_established_incoming: u32,
+ /// The number of established outgoing connections.
pub num_established_outgoing: u32,
impl From for NetworkInfoSnapshot {
diff --git a/node-wasm/src/wrapper/node.rs b/node-wasm/src/wrapper/node.rs
index 63e070d8..032003f1 100644
--- a/node-wasm/src/wrapper/node.rs
+++ b/node-wasm/src/wrapper/node.rs
@@ -1,25 +1,34 @@
use lumina_node::node::{PeerTrackerInfo, SyncingInfo};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
+/// Statistics of the connected peers
pub struct PeerTrackerInfoSnapshot {
+ /// Number of the connected peers.
pub num_connected_peers: u64,
+ /// Number of the connected trusted peers.
pub num_connected_trusted_peers: u64,
+/// A range of blocks between `start` and `end` height, inclusive
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BlockRange {
+ /// First block height in range
pub start: u64,
+ /// Last block height in range
pub end: u64,
+/// Status of the synchronization.
pub struct SyncingInfoSnapshot {
+ /// Ranges of headers that are already synchronised
pub stored_headers: Vec,
+ /// Syncing target. The latest height seen in the network that was successfully verified.
pub subjective_head: u64,