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NetSuite - SuiteTalk REST Web Services


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Make requests to SuiteTalk REST Web Services


npm i netsuite-rest

ESM or CommonJS?

This package is still compatible with CommonJS. But some dependencies, like got are now available only in ESM. This package will not be modified to support latest got versions to stay compatible with CommonJS. Instead you can use the native ESM module netsuite-api-client, which is a fork of the current package.

Quick Start

To set up TBA in Netsuite, see the help topic Getting Started with Token-based Authentication.

var NsApiWrapper = require('netsuite-rest');
NsApi = new NsApiWrapper({
	consumer_key: 'consumer_key',
	consumer_secret_key: 'consumer_secret_key',
	token: 'token',
	token_secret: 'token_secret',
	realm: 'realm'
	//,base_url: 'base_url' // optional

Sample Requests

All requests are signed.

Test Request

    path: '*',
    method: "OPTIONS"
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));

GET Request:

    path: 'record/v1/customer/'
.then(response =>
.then(data => console.log(data.links))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));


NOTE: If you are interested only in the SuiteQL, check SuiteQL package or view source code. SuiteQL class extends this class and can return promise or stream for large number of rows.

SuiteQL is a subservice of the query service. Following is an example to execute SuiteQL queries:

    path: 'query/v1/suiteql?limit=5',
    method: "POST",
    body: `{
			id, companyName, email, dateCreated
         FROM customer WHERE
            dateCreated >= '01/01/2019'
           	AND dateCreated < '01/01/2020'"
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));


Requests are returned with promise support (.then(...)). HTTP response codes other than 2xx will cause the promise to be rejected.


NsApi.request({path: 'record/v1/metadata-catalog/'})

Record is the name of the service we are trying to access, v1 is the service version, and metadata-catalog is the sub-resource, that is, the record metadata. The response informs you through HATEOAS links about the possible mediaType flavor in which the response can be obtained.


You can navigate to the referenced resources without deeper knowledge of the system. A typical response contains "links" sections for each resource, which can be a sub-resource of a parent resource or any other referenced resource. You can use links to work with those resources.

More Resources

SuiteTalk REST Web Services

Overview and Setup - Official Documentation

Netsuite Rest API Browser

REST API Browser provides a visual overview of the structure and capabilities of the REST web services Record API. The data presented in the REST API Browser is based on OpenAPI 3.0 metadata.