This module is designed to extend Sale Price computation in Odoo.
This module add a new model 'Margin Classifications' linked to Product Templates.
A margin classification has a 'Profit Margin' field and extra fields to manage computation method, like in Pricelist Item model (Markup Rate, Rounding and Surcharge fields)
If product has a margin classification defined and the theoretical price is not the same as the sale price, an extra field 'Theoretical Price' is displayed, based on the Margin Classification and a button is available to change sale price.
On the Margin classification Form, user can change computation fields. (Margin, Rounding method, ...) Three buttons are available to apply theoretical prices: * to all products, * only for products that are too expensive * only for products that are too cheap
User can so see easily products with incorrect margins in the tree views, and in the menu:
This module use both [Markup]( and [Profit Margin]( concepts.
You could be interested by native Pricelist functionalities, setting sale prices based on Cost prices. The main problem of this design is that sale price change automaticaly when cost price changes, that is not desired in some user cases. For exemple, if you have a shop, you want to changes sale prices when customers is not in the shop, and after having changed labels in the shop.
Table of contents
Once Installed
- Go to : 'Sale' / 'Product Variants' / 'Margin Classifications'
- Create new classifications
- Set classification to your products
Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.
- Sylvain LE GAL <>
- Marc Poch Mallandrich <>
This module is maintained by the OCA.
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.
This module is part of the OCA/sale-workflow project on GitHub.
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