Build and update your Eden AI workflows straight from your python code, without needing a UI!
This way you can easily commit changes to your workflow, as all you need to do is putting this
code into a git repo 🚀
This package is in alpha and the API can still change
pip install edenai_sdk
You can use client.create_or_update(name="my_unique_name", data=data)
to create a workflow. If a workflow with this name already exists
it will update the workflow. You can always view the workflow you've build in the UI in the Eden AI App
To see which parameters are availabe for each feature, you can check our api docs
from edenai_sdk.workflow import workflow_client
def main():
client = workflow_client(
data = {
"nodes": [
"type": "input",
"name": "Input_Node",
"data": [
{"type": "string", "label": "text", "defaultValue": "Hello, world!"}
"type": "text/chat",
"name": "some_chat",
"data": [
{"name": "provider", "value": "openai/gpt-4o"},
{"name": "text", "value": "explain me: {{Input_Node.text}}"},
"type": "translation/automatic_translation",
"name": "Translation",
"data": [
{"name": "provider", "value": "google"},
{"name": "text", "value": "{{some_chat.generated_text}}"},
{"name": "source_language", "value": "en"},
{"name": "target_language", "value": "fr"},
"type": "text/keyword_extraction",
"name": "Keywords",
"data": [
{"name": "provider", "value": "openai"},
{"name": "text", "value": "{{Translation.text}}"},
"type": "code",
"name": "some_code",
"data": [
"name": "code",
"value": "const valueFromInput = {{ Input_Node.text }};\n const valueFromNode = {{ some_chat.generated_text }}; \nfunction greet(msg) {\n return `welcome ${msg}!`;\n};\n\nreturn {\n input: greet(valueFromInput),\n node: greet(valueFromNode),\n};",
"type": "output",
"name": "Output_Node",
"data": [{"name": "french_keywords", "value": "{{Keywords.items[*].keyword}}"}],
response = client.create_or_update(name="code_test", data=data)
execution = client.execute(name="code_test", data={"text": "Tell me a story about Eden AI"})
if __name__ == "__main__":