Releases: ecmwf-projects/cads-adaptors
Releases · ecmwf-projects/cads-adaptors
What's Changed
- cruft update by @EddyCMWF in #228
- Switch to "__in_adaptor_no_cache" (from "_in_adaptor_no_cache") by @ecmwf-cobarzan in #230
Full Changelog: v1.1.25...v1.1.26
What's Changed
- Scrap aux vars by @garciampred in #225
- download_kwargs for Roocs by @EddyCMWF in #224
- Feature/normalise request to raise known exceptions by @EddyCMWF in #229
- hotfix dont overwrite chunks by @EddyCMWF in #226
Full Changelog: v1.1.22...v1.1.24
Full Changelog: v1.1.22.1...v1.1.22.2
hotfix for legacy data/download format input
Full Changelog: v1.1.22...v1.1.22.1
What's Changed
- Take into account that aux variables may be named the same in different main variables by @garciampred in #195
- removing user log by @EddyCMWF in #196
- fix by @EddyCMWF in #197
- fix elapsed in dummy adaptor by @malmans2 in #199
- Allow cads-adaptors to directly write on the cache filesystem by @malmans2 in #198
- document abstract adaptor methods by @malmans2 in #202
- Introduce kwargs in estimate_costs by @mcucchi9 in #173
- inherit cache_tmp_path from parent by @malmans2 in #203
- h5netcdf -> netcdf4 engine by @EddyCMWF in #206
- Netcdf convertor refactor handle list dict together by @EddyCMWF in #207
- Netcdf convertor refactor handle list dict together by @EddyCMWF in #208
- 201 map request and intersect constraints in normalise request by @EddyCMWF in #204
- Netcdf convertor split on key by @EddyCMWF in #200
- Compute area before writing by @EddyCMWF in #213
- [WIP] Separate list retrieve from open file retrieve by @EddyCMWF in #212
- Replace _pre_retrieve with normalise_request for MultiAdaptors by @EddyCMWF in #211
- Intermediate Caching for adaptors by @malmans2 in #220
- make sure requests are normalised by @malmans2 in #221
- invalidRequest by @EddyCMWF in #222
- Dev/cams+cleanup by @ecmwf-cobarzan in #223
Full Changelog: v1.1.15...v1.1.22
What's Changed
- Do not show traceback 2 by @EddyCMWF in #192
- Do not attempt to apply area subsetting to xarray incompatible data by @JamesVarndell in #193
- Cds 265 url area selector too small selection by @EddyCMWF in #194
Full Changelog: v1.1.14...v1.1.15
What's Changed
- Feature/small logs updates by @EddyCMWF in #188
- Switch default ROOK_MODE to async by @JamesVarndell in #189
- Dev/cams solar radiation timeseries by @ecmwf-cobarzan in #190
Here is the more detailed list of modifications in PR 190:
- refactor and factor in the CAMS-solar-radiation-timeseries adaptor (the initial purpose of this branch)
- cache avoidance logic (by adding a random key under normalise_request, as recommended by Mattia)
- call intersect constraints from the multi adaptor and CAMS-solar-radiation-timeseries adaptor (needed some data range support added to the intersect_constraint logic).
The cache avoidance and constraints intersection are triggered using configuration switches (off by default, so that the preexisting behaviour is preserved).
Full Changelog: v1.1.13...v1.1.14
What's Changed
- Fix for kwargs handling in post_processors by @EddyCMWF in #185
- Fix the case when only an auxiliary variable is requested by @garciampred in #186
Full Changelog: v1.1.12...v1.1.13