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ECJ Completion

Stephan Herrmann edited this page Apr 27, 2024 · 4 revisions

< JDT Core Programmer Guide | ECJ

In this page we collect our understanding of how code completion is implemented, in particular the beast that is CompletionParser

General approach

While completion is a monster full of special case heuristics, let's start by explaining the general idea:

  • The main driver is class CompletionEngine which acts as a variant of the compiler using these components:
    • a regular LookupEnvironment for anything related to resolving
    • a special parser: CompletionParser
  • In many situations the completion parser will create one specialized ASTNode as soon as it hits the cursor location: one from the family of CompletionOn* classes.
  • Ideally, when resolving (this.lookupEnvironment.completeTypeBindings(compilationUnit, true);) hits the completion node, it will throw CompletionNodeFound containing what information was available during resolving.
  • Based on data in that exception and depending on the kind of completion node a number of searches are performed, see the long list of CompletionEngine.find* methods
  • When suitable things are found, one InternalCompletionProposal is created for each, which again collect a lot of useful information:
    • #completion the string to be proposed
    • source positions
    • #relevance ranks the proposals so the most relevant can be listed on top
    • much more information for use by JDT/UI or other adopting tools, to support display, filtering, and applying each proposal in a semantically useful way.

Principles vs heuristics
Large parts of the completion machinery could be classified as "opportunistic", i.e,. a number of heuristics are applied to coerce the source code into a likely and useful AST structure, from where the completion engine can make educated guesses about useful proposals. This is essentially different from normal compiler work, e.g., which has no room for heuristics, because there's only correct (vis-a-vis JLS) or incorrect. While part of the completion implementation is actually driven by individual use cases, it is still important to identify some core principles and responsibilities. Any change that resembles an existing precedent will be much easier to understand and maintain than "inventions" in unexpected locations. The below text is a first attempt at identifying some of these principle concepts.

Going deeper the big monster can be sub-divided into to sub-monsters

  • CompletionParser (together with CompletionScanner) ''(6 KLOC + 1 KLOC):
    This component is responsible for trying to make sense of the current source code at and around the cursor location in a purely syntactical sense. Here one of the main challenges is to work around the fact that a regular parser would commonly just reject the input due to syntax errors -- we are by definition in the middle of editing, so syntax errors are the norm.

  • CompletionEngine (>13 KLOC in one file).
    This guy is responsible for all semantic aspects, like figuring out all types involved, finding available members, and performing special matching strategies like camel case, subword etc. While we have a MissingTypesGuesser right in the engine, more guessing business happens in JDT/UI (e.g., ParameterGuessingProposal).

Where information is maintained

When debugging code completion, it is essential to first understand the basic working of the Parser, and in particular its various stacks. Also the story of RecoveredElement currentElement is of great importance for completion parsing.

Additionally, the CompletionParser maintains its own data, which partly overlaps with the regular parser state.

assistNode will hold the node on which assist was invoked. It should be one of the CompletionOn* family of classes, which are instantiated by various overrides consume* in CompletionParser.

assistNodeParent is used in lots of places of CompletionEngine to infer additional context information. Typically this will be the directly enclosing node, a parameterized type reference when completing on a type argument, or an enclosing statement when completing on an expression etc.

  • Some kinds of assistNodeParent are only set when the assistNode is in a specific location, e.g., the condition of an IfStatement, that determines the expected type (here: boolean).
  • When assistNodeParent is not assigned already during parsing, it may be set during CompletionParser.endParse() using a CompletionNodeDetector.

enclosingNode is another ancestor node of assistNode, but with specific purpose:

  • for specific casted-receiver proposals, enclosingNode will hold the enclosing IfStatement(s) (or AND_AND_Statements after ), with instanceof expressions that narrow down the actual type of a receiver.
  • to determine an expected type inside a variable declaration or return statement, or in provides statements (it is also set for uses statements where it appears to be unused).

Additionally, the CompletionParser maintains yet another set of stacks all filled in lock-step as controlled by elementPtr (all inherited from AssistParser):

  • elementKindStack holds constants of the set K_BLOCK_DELIMITER ... K_YIELD_KEYWORD remembering what tokens have already been seen. This semantically overlaps with the automaton stack, but since the automaton stack uses generated constants that should not be interpreted by hand-written code, this addition stack is very useful for inspecting the syntactical context
  • elementInfoStack for each "stack frame" addressed by elementPtr, this stack holds additional information, specific to the element kind. See constants starting at CompletionParser#IF. Unfortunately, it has not been documented precisely, which constants are used for which element kind. Some flags also seem to be used for different kinds alike.
  • elementObjectInfoStack is the most tricky of these stacks, as it may hold on to actual ast nodes which may not be reachable otherwise, as these may survive a parser restart during recovery. See call hierarchy of pushOnElementStack() for who's putting what on this stack.

To summarize, the CompletionParser has four kinds of sources for ast nodes:

the regular astStack, expressionStack ... family of stacks the top result of which is provided as the result of parse()
the individual nodes assistNode, assistNodeParent and enclosingNode directly accessible to CompletionEngine
the currentElement 'cursor tree' ''internal to the parser, i.e., it needs to be materialized into astStack before parse() terminates
nodes on the elementObjectInfoStack (with interpretation hints in the sibling stacks). same as above

Source code range

Steps towards today's solution

  • The initial strategy of CompletionParser was to restrict the source code range to [method.bodyStart, cursorLocation], i.e, when the scanner hits the cursorLocation it would answer TokenNameEOF.
    • This made the parser totally ignorant to any potential syntax errors after the cursor location
    • OTOH it required significant machinery in and around attachOrphanCompletionNode() to wrap up some parts that haven't yet made it into the main astStack.
  • With the introduction of lambdas this was no longer sufficient and so bug 423987 implemented an option to extend the source when we discover we need more.
    • Later this proved problematic because at the time the source range was extended, the observed EOF had already muddled with some internal state / stacks.
  • In bug 473654 first experiments to avoid setting EOF to cursorLocation caused regressions, so at that time the experiment was abandoned.
  • Since bug 539685 the strategy has been reversed indeed: we always start with a range corresponding to the entire method body.
    • The new method CompletionParser.fetchNextToken() will only ever answer EOF at or after cursorLocation when it's "safe" to do so.
    • Consequently, more code locations need to check cursorLocation to detect when completion specific behavior should trigger.

Unfortunately, a few other locations still manipulate Scanner.eofPosition:

  • CompletionParser.consumeToken() sets EOF for specific situations of fields / field initializers. -- it would be great if this could be solved in some other way.
  • The above is conditionally compensated inside AssistParser.fallBackToSpringForward()
  • A few more locations could be listed here, but those seem to be of less significance.

As a fine point in the implementation of CompletionParser.fetchNextToken() conditionally delay EOF using the following strategy:

  • If no lambda is in sight, answer EOF directly at cursorLocation or as the next following token.
  • Otherwise, keep parsing until the expression stack is empty, as to ensure that any complex expression involving a lambda will always be parsed in entirety.

Coping with incomplete AST

Here we face two kinds of incompleteness:

  1. AST may be incomplete due to syntax errors, which can naturally occur since the user is in the middle of editing.
  2. AST may be incomplete because parsing is stopped at or near the cursor location.

Issue (1) is not particular to code completion and basically follows the strategy outlined in JDT Core Programmer Guide/ECJ/Parse#Recovery.

In this case additional, completion-specific recovery happens below method updateRecoveryState() overridden in CompletionParser

  • relevant things may happen below attachOrphanCompletionNode():
    • Directly in this method we try to splice the assistNode into currentElement
      • we possibly synthesize some complex ast node from parser stacks, of which the assist node will be a child.
    • -> buildMoreCompletionEnclosingContext() has special treatment for code nested in an if statement and specifically for instanceof. Also here ast nodes may be synthesized.
    • also assistNodeParent and enclosingElement may be assigned when we have that information.

In very specific situations, parsing will need specific help at the input-side, to produce any useful nodes. In particular, parsing will have difficulties with incomplete lambda expressions

Collecting nodes in absence of a syntax error

If no syntax error has been observed, we may cleanly parse all the way into CompletionParser.endParse(), where we wrap up similar to attachOrphanCompletionNode(), but with much simplified strategy, since we expect all relevant AST nodes to exist on some stacks etc.

  • when parsing block statements of a method or constructor, we inspect referenceContext (in this case being an AbstractMethodDeclaration):
    • if statements is still null we assign the most suitable node from one of these locations: astStack, assistNodeParent, assistNode.
    • if statements exist, and also a currentElement we may splice the assist node (or its parent) into the current element and feed the result into the AST using updateParseTree()
  • additionally, a CompletionNodeDetector will be used to populate assistNodeParent and enclosingNode, if necessary. These elements will be directly used by CompletionEngine. This detector uses a few heuristics to find most-suitable parent/enclosing nodes.
    • enclosingNode is specifically selected for casted-receiver completions (see next).
    • assistNodeParent will specifically drive the computation of expected types (and some more tasks).

Supporting casted-receiver completions

Here is a special kind of completion, for which the AST may be created opportunistically, even inventing some structure may happen.

The core idea is that in statements like if (o instanceof Foo) o.| completion should propose members of Foo even if o has a different static type. We want this to apply in more situations, too: nested if statements. && expressions where the left operand is an instanceof test.

NB: I couldn't find similar treatment for ConditionalExpression, which looks inconsistent / incomplete to me. Also CompletionEngine.computeExpectedTypes() has a code comment indicating room for improvement: "for future use".

This strategy consists of two parts:

  • CompletionNodeDetector will detect the outermost of a chain of IfStatement or AND_AND_Expression of which the condition / left operand is known to be true at the cursorLocation (i.e., the cursor is in the then-branch or right operand). The result will be found in #enclosingNode.
  • CompletionEngine.findFieldsAndMethodsFromCastedReceiver(..) needs to consider both kinds of nodes during traversal (findGuardingInstanceOf() and findGuardedInner()). It should be straight-forward to also integrate ConditionalExpression in the same manner.

Lambda Specifics

Completion involving lambdas has essentially been implemented via bug 422468 and bug 423987.


This method will essentially try two strategies:

  1. Can we close a pending lambda, either by the next real token, or by one of a fixed set of RECOVERY_TOKENS?
    • Since bug 539685 "real next token" should only be relevant outside of methods (field / field initializer).
  2. If not, can we just jump to the next 'thing'?

For strategy (1) we first check if the eofPosition needs to be pushed past the cursor location, allowing to scan at least up-to the end of the current method body.

For strategy (2) we keep a stack (since bug 535743) of snapshots, represented by instances of CompletionParser, which mainly hold copies of the various stacks, plus various assist-specific fields.

  • The snapshots are created / updated by calling commit() when various elements are consumed which could contain a lambda expression (see triggerRecoveryUponLambdaClosure()).
  • In one arm, fallBackToSpringForward() will copy the state of the latest / matching snapshot into the current parser. After such copyState() the parser will be told, to RESUME (rather than RESTART) in order to keep the parsing state reached thus far.
  • It's crucial that each snapShot will be removed from the stack at the right point in time (from triggerRecoveryUponLambdaClosure, consumeBlock, or consumeMethodDeclration).

Within fallBackToSpringForward() we may signal shouldStackAssistNode() which tells subsequent consumeEmptyStatement() to replace the top of astStack with assistNode.

While shouldStackAssistNode() is called on multiple arms, the method can and should be refactored to call it only directly before this.currentToken = TokenNameSEMICOLON; return RESUME; -- here the semi allows the parser to proceed, but if it just creates and empty statement that one will be replaced.


Via bug 473654 another strategy for closing a pending lambda has been added:

Method actFromTokenOrSynthetic() may synthesize an arbitrary sequence of RECOVERY_TOKENS as long as they can be accepted by the parser. Here we are feeding the tokens right into the parser as if they were coming from the scanner.

Breakpoints and expectations

Here's a rough guide at how to narrow down a problem with completion. It's given by way of some breakpoints and a description of what could be checked at each of them.

(A) All of completion is orchestrated in method CompletionEngine.complete(ICompilationUnit, int, int, ITypeRoot) so this is a good place for first breakpoints.

  • Parsing is done in two phases (as usual), so you may check the results:
    • diet parsing right after parser.dietParse(sourceUnit...)
    • full parse (for method bodies) right after parseBlockStatements(parsedUnit...)


  • In the debugger's Variables view, the toString() of the resulting AST should show one of the <CompletionOn_:_> nodes. Is it the expected node, i.e., correctly classified, and showing the correct detail like prefix already typed by the user?
  • Does the completion node have suitable context? Specifically lambda expressions need a target type for resolving, so is the lambda embedded in a suitable assignment or invocation? Also invocations of generic methods need that target type during resolving.

(B) If the AST structure looks good, the next stop could be the resolve_ method of the identified completion node (otherwise proceed to (D)). Set a breakpoint in all candidate resolve or getBinding methods.


  • Does the breakpoint fire at all?
  • Does resolving succeed to resolve relevant details that will determine reciever type and/or target type?
  • Is exception CompletionNodeFound thrown with all relevant information?

(C) If CompletionNodeFound is correctly thrown, then debugging will continue in CompletionEngine. Stepping through the private complete(ASTNode,ASTNode...) will be useful.


  • does computeExpectedTypes call addExpectedType() with desired types?
  • if all looks well so far you may have to step via the long if-else cascade into the individual completionOn_ method and try to follow its specific logic.
  • specifically check, if the engine fails due to insufficient information in the parser's field assistNodeParent and enclosingElement - in which case you should proceed at (D).

(D) If the AST seen is insufficient (or assistNodeParent or enclosingElement), the previous location to stop would be CompletionParser.endParse(). Please see that it may be called twice (during dietParse and parseBlockStatements), you want the second execution.


  • if information was missing in the AST, you may inspect parser stacks, as well as Parser.currentElement, whether the desired nodes can be found in any of them. Specifically have a look at AssistParser.elementObjectInfoStack which may hold AST nodes, too.
  • if AST basically looks OK, but assistNodeParent or enclosingElement are not correctly set, then CompletionNodeDetector might be the culprit.

(E) If at (D) you cannot find the expected nodes anywhere near or far, check if recovery has done its work. A first breakpoint would be in attachOrphanCompletionNode() after the early exit in the first line.


  • If assistNode holds a useful completion node, then this method should "understand" its context and splice the completion node into the most suitable location of existing AST snippets. You will have to step through the detailed logic of this method incl. any of the buildMore_CompletionContext() methods.

(F) When in doubt whether a completion node was ever created, identify the expected class CompletionOn_ and set a breakpoint in its contructor.

(G) Completion proposals have a relevance for sorting the list in the proposal popup. Constants used for raising the relevance according to given criteria can be found in RelevanceConstants. When a proposal has unexpected relevance, set a breakpoint in method CompletionEngine.computeBaseRelevance(). After returning from that method you will be able to step through a bunch of similar methods, each responsible for one or more of these constants.

NB: it is recommended to specify test expectations using these constants in order to express what reasons for relevance are expected - a recommendation not followed in all existing tests.

to be continued.