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File metadata and controls

648 lines (541 loc) · 20.9 KB

Proposals for Isolated Test Execution

Proposal 1: Scenario-Level Isolation with Process Manager

This approach focuses on creating isolated environments at the scenario level by creating temporary directories and modifying command execution.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Create Isolated Environment Manager:

    • Create a new utility class TestEnvironmentManager that handles:
      • Creating unique temporary directories
      • Copying assets to temp directories
      • Managing cleanup after tests
  2. Modify Scenario Execution:

    • Update executeScenario to create a dedicated temp directory per scenario:
    export async function executeScenario(
      scenario: TestScenario,
      options: { /* existing options */ },
      geminiProvider: BaseModelProvider
    ): Promise<TestScenarioResult> {
      // Create temp directory for this scenario
      const tempDir = await TestEnvironmentManager.createTempDirectory(;
      // Copy required assets
      await TestEnvironmentManager.copyAssets(scenario, tempDir);
      try {
        // Continue with existing scenario execution but in the temp directory
        // Pass the tempDir to the command execution tool
        const tools = [createCommandExecutionTool({ ...options, cwd: tempDir })];
        // Rest of execution logic...
        return result;
      } finally {
        // Clean up temp directory
        await TestEnvironmentManager.cleanup(tempDir);
  3. Modify Command Execution Tool:

    • Update the command execution tool to use the provided CWD:
    export function createCommandExecutionTool(options: {
      debug: boolean;
      cwd?: string; // Add CWD parameter
      // Other options
    }) {
      return {
        name: 'execute_command',
        description: 'Execute a cursor-tools command',
        parameters: {
          command: {
            type: 'string',
            description: 'The cursor-tools command to execute',
        execute: async ({ command }) => {
          // Determine absolute path to cursor-tools entry point
          const cursorToolsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../src/index.ts');
          // Build command using Node with tsx for TypeScript support
          const execCommand = `node --import=tsx "${cursorToolsPath}" ${command}`;
          try {
            // Execute in the temp directory if provided
            const execOptions = { 
              shell: true,
              cwd: options.cwd || process.cwd(),
            // Execute command
            const { stdout, stderr } = await execAsync(execCommand, execOptions);
            return { success: true, output: stdout, error: stderr };
          } catch (error) {
            // Error handling...
  4. Asset Management System:

    • Implement functions to:
      • Parse asset references from scenario descriptions
      • Locate asset files relative to the test file
      • Copy assets to the temporary directory
      • Update asset references in prompts to point to the new locations
  5. Environment Variable Handling:

    • Create isolated environment variable sets for each scenario
    • Merge base environment variables with test-specific ones
    • Pass the environment to the command execution


  • Complete isolation between test scenarios
  • Each test runs in its own directory with its own assets
  • Minimizes interference between parallel tests
  • Straightforward implementation that builds on existing architecture


  • Additional overhead for creating directories and copying assets
  • May require careful handling of asset paths in prompts
  • Requires changes to asset reference resolution

Detailed Implementation Plan for Proposal 1

Based on Gemini's recommendation, we'll proceed with implementing Proposal 1. Here's a detailed plan:

1. TestEnvironmentManager Class

Create a new file src/commands/test/environment.ts:

import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';

 * Manages isolated test environments for each test scenario.
 * Handles temporary directory creation, asset copying, and cleanup.
export class TestEnvironmentManager {
   * Creates a unique temporary directory for a test scenario.
   * @param scenarioId The ID of the test scenario
   * @returns The path to the created temporary directory
  static async createTempDirectory(scenarioId: string): Promise<string> {
    // Create a unique directory name with timestamp and random suffix for collision avoidance
    const timestamp =;
    const randomSuffix = crypto.randomBytes(4).toString('hex');
    const dirName = `cursor-tools-test-${scenarioId}-${timestamp}-${randomSuffix}`;
    const tempDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), dirName);
    // Ensure the directory exists
    await fs.promises.mkdir(tempDir, { recursive: true });
    if (process.env.DEBUG) {
      console.log(`[DEBUG] Created temporary directory: ${tempDir}`);
    return tempDir;
   * Extracts asset references from a scenario task description.
   * Supports both inline content references [[asset:name]] and path references {{path:name}}.
   * @param taskDescription The task description containing asset references
   * @returns Array of asset references with their type (inline or path)
  static extractAssetReferences(taskDescription: string): Array<{
    type: 'inline' | 'path';
    name: string;
    originalRef: string;
  }> {
    const assetRefs: Array<{
      type: 'inline' | 'path';
      name: string;
      originalRef: string;
    }> = [];
    // Extract inline content references: [[asset:name]]
    const inlineMatches = taskDescription.matchAll(/\[\[asset:([^\]]+)\]\]/g);
    for (const match of inlineMatches) {
        type: 'inline',
        name: match[1],
        originalRef: match[0],
    // Extract path references: {{path:name}}
    const pathMatches = taskDescription.matchAll(/\{\{path:([^\}]+)\}\}/g);
    for (const match of pathMatches) {
        type: 'path',
        name: match[1],
        originalRef: match[0],
    return assetRefs;
   * Resolves the actual file path for an asset based on the scenario ID.
   * @param assetRef The asset reference object
   * @param scenarioId The ID of the test scenario
   * @param testDir The base directory for test files (optional)
   * @returns The absolute path to the asset file
  static resolveAssetPath(
    assetRef: { name: string; type: 'inline' | 'path' },
    scenarioId: string,
    testDir: string = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'tests/feature-behaviors')
  ): string {
    // Scenario ID format: category/file-name/scenario-id
    // We extract the category and file name to locate the asset directory
    const parts = scenarioId.split('/');
    if (parts.length < 2) {
      throw new Error(`Invalid scenario ID: ${scenarioId}. Expected format: category/file-name/scenario-id`);
    const category = parts[0];
    const fileName = parts[1];
    // Asset directory is named the same as the file (minus extension)
    const assetDir = path.join(testDir, category, `${fileName}`);
    const assetPath = path.join(assetDir,;
    // Verify the asset exists
    if (!fs.existsSync(assetPath)) {
      throw new Error(`Asset file not found: ${assetPath}`);
    return assetPath;
   * Copies all assets referenced in a scenario to the temporary directory.
   * @param scenario The test scenario
   * @param tempDir The temporary directory to copy assets to
   * @returns Modified task description with updated asset references
  static async copyAssets(scenario: any, tempDir: string): Promise<string> {
    // Extract asset references from task description
    const assetRefs = this.extractAssetReferences(scenario.taskDescription);
    if (assetRefs.length === 0) {
      return scenario.taskDescription;
    // Create assets directory in temp dir
    const assetsTempDir = path.join(tempDir, 'assets');
    await fs.promises.mkdir(assetsTempDir, { recursive: true });
    let modifiedTaskDescription = scenario.taskDescription;
    // Process each asset reference
    for (const assetRef of assetRefs) {
      // Resolve the asset path based on scenario ID
      const sourcePath = this.resolveAssetPath(assetRef,;
      const assetFileName = path.basename(sourcePath);
      const destPath = path.join(assetsTempDir, assetFileName);
      // Copy the asset file
      await fs.promises.copyFile(sourcePath, destPath);
      if (process.env.DEBUG) {
        console.log(`[DEBUG] Copied asset: ${sourcePath} -> ${destPath}`);
      // Update references in the task description
      if (assetRef.type === 'inline') {
        // For inline references, load the content
        const content = await fs.promises.readFile(destPath, 'utf-8');
        modifiedTaskDescription = modifiedTaskDescription.replace(
      } else {
        // For path references, replace with the new absolute path
        modifiedTaskDescription = modifiedTaskDescription.replace(
    return modifiedTaskDescription;
   * Cleans up the temporary directory after test execution.
   * @param tempDir The temporary directory to clean up
  static async cleanup(tempDir: string): Promise<void> {
    try {
      // Recursive directory removal
      await fs.promises.rm(tempDir, { recursive: true, force: true });
      if (process.env.DEBUG) {
        console.log(`[DEBUG] Cleaned up temporary directory: ${tempDir}`);
    } catch (error) {
      // Log but don't throw - cleanup failures shouldn't fail tests
      console.error(`[WARNING] Failed to clean up temporary directory: ${tempDir}`, error);

2. Update Scenario Execution

Modify src/commands/test/executor.ts to use the TestEnvironmentManager:

// Import the TestEnvironmentManager
import { TestEnvironmentManager } from './environment';
// ... existing imports

export async function executeScenario(
  scenario: TestScenario,
  options: {
    model: string;
    timeout: number;
    retryConfig: RetryConfig;
    debug: boolean;
    mcpServers?: string[];
    scenarioId: string;
    outputBuffer?: string[];
  geminiProvider: BaseModelProvider
): Promise<TestScenarioResult> {
  const { model, timeout, retryConfig, debug, scenarioId, outputBuffer = [] } = options;

  // Create a temporary directory for this scenario
  const tempDir = await TestEnvironmentManager.createTempDirectory(scenarioId);
  // Copy assets and update task description with new references
  const modifiedTaskDescription = await TestEnvironmentManager.copyAssets(scenario, tempDir);
  // Create a modified scenario with updated task description
  const modifiedScenario = {
    taskDescription: modifiedTaskDescription
  const appendToBuffer = (text: string, shouldPrefix: boolean = true) => {
    // ... existing implementation

  try {
    // Create the command execution tool with the temp directory
    const tools = [
        cwd: tempDir,

    // Continue with existing execution logic, using modifiedScenario
    // ...

    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    // ... existing error handling
  } finally {
    // Clean up the temporary directory
    await TestEnvironmentManager.cleanup(tempDir);

3. Update Command Execution Tool

Update the command execution tool in src/commands/test/tools.ts (create this file if it doesn't exist):

import * as path from 'path';
import * as util from 'util';
import * as child_process from 'child_process';

const execAsync = util.promisify(child_process.exec);

export function createCommandExecutionTool(options: {
  debug: boolean;
  cwd?: string;
  scenarioId: string;
  appendToBuffer: (text: string, shouldPrefix?: boolean) => void;
}) {
  const { debug, cwd, scenarioId, appendToBuffer } = options;

  return {
    name: 'execute_command',
    description: 'Execute a cursor-tools command',
    parameters: {
      properties: {
        command: {
          type: 'string',
          description: 'The cursor-tools command to execute',
      required: ['command'],
    execute: async ({ command }: { command: string }) => {
      // Determine absolute path to cursor-tools entry point
      const cursorToolsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../src/index.ts');
      // Build command using Node with tsx for TypeScript support
      const execCommand = `node --import=tsx "${cursorToolsPath}" ${command}`;
      if (debug) {
        appendToBuffer(`[DEBUG] Executing in ${cwd}: ${execCommand}`);
      try {
        // Execute in the temporary directory if provided
        const execOptions: child_process.ExecOptions = { 
          shell: true,
          cwd: cwd || process.cwd(),
          maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 10, // 10MB buffer for large outputs
        // Execute command
        const { stdout, stderr } = await execAsync(execCommand, execOptions);
        if (stdout) {
          appendToBuffer(`COMMAND OUTPUT:\n${stdout}`);
        if (stderr) {
          appendToBuffer(`COMMAND ERRORS:\n${stderr}`);
        return { 
          success: true, 
          output: stdout, 
          error: stderr 
      } catch (error) {
        const errorMessage = error instanceof Error 
          ? error.message 
          : String(error);
        appendToBuffer(`COMMAND ERROR: ${errorMessage}`);
        return { 
          success: false, 
          output: '', 
          error: errorMessage 

4. Integration with LLM Client

Ensure that the LLM client uses the updated task description and properly forwards the temporary directory context:

// Update the LLM client initialization to pass the modified scenario
const llmClient = new ToolEnabledLLMClient({
  model: options.model,
  timeout: options.timeout,
  debug: options.debug,

// Pass the modified scenario content
const messages = buildScenarioPrompt(modifiedScenario);

5. Testing and Validation

Test the implementation with various scenarios:

  1. Scenarios with no assets
  2. Scenarios with inline asset references
  3. Scenarios with path-based asset references
  4. Scenarios that execute commands that interact with files
  5. Parallel execution of scenarios

Proposal 2: Process-Level Isolation with Child Processes

This approach focuses on complete process isolation by spawning child processes for each cursor-tools command, each with its own working directory and environment.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Create Process Isolation System:

    • Create a new utility class IsolatedProcessManager that handles:
      • Creating a unique temporary directory for each test scenario
      • Preparing assets and environment for each command execution
      • Spawning isolated child processes for commands
  2. Modify Test Executor Architecture:

    export async function executeScenario(
      scenario: TestScenario,
      options: { /* existing options */ },
      geminiProvider: BaseModelProvider
    ): Promise<TestScenarioResult> {
      // Create base temp directory for this scenario
      const scenarioTempDir = await IsolatedProcessManager.createScenarioDirectory(;
      // Parse and copy all assets needed for the scenario
      await IsolatedProcessManager.prepareAssets(scenario, scenarioTempDir);
      try {
        // Create custom tool for isolated execution
        const isolatedExecutionTool = {
          name: 'execute_command',
          description: 'Execute a cursor-tools command in an isolated environment',
          parameters: {
            command: {
              type: 'string',
              description: 'The cursor-tools command to execute',
          execute: async ({ command }) => {
            // For each command execution, create a fresh command-specific temp directory
            const commandTempDir = await IsolatedProcessManager.createCommandDirectory(
            // Determine entry point path
            const entryPoint = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'src/index.ts');
            // Build the execution environment
            const env = IsolatedProcessManager.buildEnvironment();
            // Execute the command in the isolated directory
            const result = await IsolatedProcessManager.executeCommand(
            return result;
        // Use the isolated execution tool
        const tools = [isolatedExecutionTool];
        // Continue with LLM client execution using the isolated tool
        // Rest of execution logic...
        return result;
      } finally {
        // Clean up all temp directories
        await IsolatedProcessManager.cleanup(scenarioTempDir);
  3. Process Manager Implementation:

    export class IsolatedProcessManager {
      static async createScenarioDirectory(scenarioId: string): Promise<string> {
        const tempDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `cursor-tools-test-${scenarioId}-${}`);
        await fs.promises.mkdir(tempDir, { recursive: true });
        return tempDir;
      static async createCommandDirectory(scenarioDir: string, command: string): Promise<string> {
        // Create unique directory for each command execution
        const commandHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(command).digest('hex').slice(0, 8);
        const commandDir = path.join(scenarioDir, `cmd-${commandHash}`);
        await fs.promises.mkdir(commandDir, { recursive: true });
        return commandDir;
      static buildEnvironment(): NodeJS.ProcessEnv {
        // Create clean environment with only necessary variables
        return {
          // Add test-specific environment variables
          CURSOR_TOOLS_TEST_MODE: 'true',
      static async executeCommand(
        entryPoint: string,
        command: string,
        cwd: string,
        env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv,
        debug: boolean
      ): Promise<{ success: boolean; output: string; error: string }> {
        try {
          // Execute node with tsx for TypeScript support
          const execCommand = `node --import=tsx "${entryPoint}" ${command}`;
          if (debug) {
            console.log(`[DEBUG] Executing in ${cwd}: ${execCommand}`);
          // Execute command in specified directory with custom environment
          const { stdout, stderr } = await execAsync(execCommand, { 
            shell: true,
          return { success: true, output: stdout, error: stderr };
        } catch (error) {
          // Handle execution errors
          return { 
            success: false, 
            output: '', 
            error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) 
      static async prepareAssets(scenario: TestScenario, tempDir: string): Promise<void> {
        // Parse asset references from scenario
        const assetRefs = this.extractAssetReferences(scenario.taskDescription);
        // For each asset reference
        for (const assetRef of assetRefs) {
          // Locate the asset file
          const assetPath = this.resolveAssetPath(assetRef,;
          // Copy to temp directory
          await fs.promises.copyFile(
            path.join(tempDir, path.basename(assetPath))
      // Additional methods for asset extraction, resolution, and cleanup
  4. Asset Reference System:

    • Implement a robust system to:
      • Extract asset references from task descriptions using regex
      • Resolve asset paths relative to test files
      • Transform asset references in prompts to point to the temp directory
      • Support both inline content loading and path references


  • Complete isolation at both scenario and command level
  • Each command execution gets a fresh environment
  • No state bleeding between commands
  • Better mimics real-world usage where each command is discrete
  • More robust for complex test scenarios with multiple steps


  • More complex implementation
  • Higher overhead for directory creation and process spawning
  • May be slower for scenarios with many command executions
  • Requires more sophisticated asset and environment management