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박지율 edited this page Oct 16, 2021
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작성자 | 작성일시 |
earthkingman | 2021-10-16 |
모듈 설치 npm install class-validator --save
DTO 파일 생성
import { Min, Max, Length } from "class-validator";
export class Question {
@Length(1, 20)
private readonly title: string;
@Length(1, 5000)
private readonly text: string;
- 유효성 검사 미들웨어 CreatePostDto 클래스에서 모든 필드가 필수이며 나머지 속성을 전달하지 않고 일부 속성만 업데이트할 수 있는 HTTP PATCH를 사용하고 있습니다. skipMissingProperties 옵션을 사용하면 상황에 알맞게 사용할 수 있습니다.
import { plainToClass } from 'class-transformer';
import { validate, ValidationError } from 'class-validator';
import * as express from 'express';
import { HttpException } from '../exception/http_exception';
export function validationMiddleware<T>(type: any, skipMissingProperties = false): express.RequestHandler {
return (req, res, next) => {
validate(plainToClass(type, req.body), { skipMissingProperties })
.then((errors: ValidationError[]) => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
const message = errors.map((error: ValidationError) => {
return Object.values(error.constraints)
}).join(', ');
next(new HttpException(400, message))
} else
- 라우터 class-validator 패키지를 사용하여 POST 및 PATCH 처리기에서 들어오는 데이터의 유효성을 검사
import express from "express";
import { s3Util } from "../aws/s3_utils";
import { authJwt } from "../middlewares/auth.middleware";
import { QuestionController } from "../controllers/question"
import { AnswerController } from "../controllers/answer";
import { CommentController } from "../controllers/comment";
import { LikeController } from "../controllers/like";
import { Question } from "../controllers/dto/question"
import { Answer } from "../controllers/dto/answer"
import { Comment } from "../controllers/dto/comment"
import { validationMiddleware } from "../middlewares/validation.middleware"
export const postRouter = express.Router();
postRouter.delete('/answer', authJwt, s3Util.s3DeletePhoto, AnswerController.deleteAnswer)
postRouter.post('/answer', authJwt, s3Util.s3ImageUpload({ folder: 'author' }).array("imgFile"), validationMiddleware(Answer, true), AnswerController.uploadAnswer)
postRouter.patch('/answer', authJwt, s3Util.s3ImageUpload({ folder: 'author' }).array("imgFile"), validationMiddleware(Answer), AnswerController.updateAnswer)
postRouter.delete('/question', authJwt, s3Util.s3DeletePhoto, QuestionController.deleteQuestion)
postRouter.post('/question', authJwt, s3Util.s3ImageUpload({ folder: 'author' }).array("imgFile"), validationMiddleware(Question, true), QuestionController.uploadQuestion)
postRouter.patch('/question', authJwt, s3Util.s3ImageUpload({ folder: 'author' }).array("imgFile"), validationMiddleware(Question), QuestionController.updateQuestion)
postRouter.delete('/comment', authJwt, CommentController.deleteComment)
postRouter.post('/comment', authJwt, validationMiddleware(Comment, true), CommentController.uploadComment)
postRouter.patch('/comment', authJwt, validationMiddleware(Comment), CommentController.updateComment)