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Slope target for workout intervals

Dimitar Marinov edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 7 revisions

This feature can be tested with the Chili Pepper workout which starts with a regular warmup in ERG mode and switches to Slope targets in the main interval section.

You can add Slope targets by editing the xml file of the workout. There are two options:

  1. Adding Slope attribute to <SteadyState/> and <FreeRide/> or OnSlope and OffSlope attributes to <IntervalsT/>.
  2. Adding Sim attribute to <FreeRide/>.


  1. <SteadyState Power="0.98" Slope="5.0"/>

Will result in slope target of 5.0% grade, and power target to be reached of 98% of FTP.

  1. <IntervalsT Repeat="10" OnDuration="40" OffDuration="20" OnPower="1.21" OffPower="0.44" OnSlope="8" OffSlope="0"/>

Will result in 'on' slope target of 8.0% grade, and power target to be reached of 121% of FTP and 'off'slope target of 0.0% grade and power target for 44% of FTP all for 10 repeats.

  1. <FreeRide Duration="20" Sim="0,4, 1,4, 2,4, 3,4, 4,4"/>, where "0,4" is a slope duration pair "<slope>,<duration>"

Will result in slope targets of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 each for for seconds. You can use different duration for each one, but min duration is 1 second.

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