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AWS Elasticsearch module

This modules creates an Elasticsearch cluster in a domain, with (optional) redirection service to allow easy access to Kibana web interface.

Registered consul service name

The registered consul service name is elasticsearch, and the default port used is 443.

The actual VPC service and port are registered in consul. Any other services that require Elasticsearch service should always use the actual VPC service name, since the service is hosted under SSL and the SSL certificate to accept is registered under the VPC name (and not the consul service name).

Default Access Policy

Access control to AWS Elasticsearch domain is controlled by a combination of its security group, resource based policy, and identity based policy.

This module sets up the following access controls:

  • A security group to allow access to its HTTPS endpoint on port 443 to the list of CIDRs provided in the es_access_cidr_block variable. If you wish to add rules to the security group, you can add rules to the Security Group ID under the output security_group_id.
  • The resource based policy attached to Elasticsearch allows HTTP access to all Elasticsearch APIs by everyone by default. You can configure the list of IAM principals with the es_http_iam_roles variable, but you would now have to sign requests to Elasticseearch. This is not supported by many of the plugins.
  • No one is granted explicit DENY or ACCEPT permissions to the configuration APIs for Elasticsearch provided by AWS. Use identity based policies to control this.

Slow Index Logs

You can enable logging of slow indexing with the enable_slow_index_log variable. After applying the Terraform module, you will have to manually configure Elasticsearch to log slow indexing.

See the instructions for how to do so.


The module can optionally setup an ELB listener rule to redirect users to the Kibana interface using a much friendlier URL.

We recommend that you use the internal ELB that was created by the Core module. For example, the list below will list the pairs of variables in this module that can use the output from the Core module:

  • var.lb_cname: module.core.internal_lb_dns_name
  • var.lb_zone_id: module.core.internal_lb_zone_id
  • var.redirect_listener_arn: module.core.internal_lb_https_listener_arn

Service Linked Role

If, while applying, you get the error

* Error reading IAM Role
AWSServiceRoleForAmazonElasticsearchService: NoSuchEntity: The role with name
AWSServiceRoleForAmazonElasticsearchService cannot be found.

you can set create_service_linked_role to true.

You can see the relevant issue.

Example Terraform configuration with Core integration

module "core" {
  # ...

module "es" {
  source = ""

  es_domain_name       = "my-cloud-es"
  es_base_domain       = "${data.terraform_remote_state.core.base_domain}"
  es_access_cidr_block = [""]

  es_master_type     = "r4.xlarge.elasticsearch"
  es_instance_type   = "r4.xlarge.elasticsearch"
  es_instance_count  = "3"
  es_ebs_volume_size = "100"  # in GB
  es_ebs_volume_type = "gp2"

  security_group_name            = "my-cloud-es-sg"
  security_group_vpc_id          = "vpc-1a2b3c4d"
  security_group_additional_tags = "${data.terraform_remote_state.core.tags}"

  es_vpc_subnet_ids = [

  enable_slow_index_log = true
  slow_index_log_name   = "my-cloud-es-slow-index"

  # Optional section for redirecting users to the unfriendly Kibana URL

  use_redirect             = true
  redirect_route53_zone_id = "xxx"
  redirect_domain          = ""
  lb_cname                 = "${module.core.internal_lb_dns_name}"
  lb_zone_id               = "${module.core.internal_lb_zone_id}"
  redirect_listener_arn    = "${module.core.internal_lb_https_listener_arn}"


Name Description Type Default Required
create_service_linked_role Create Elasticsearch service linked role. See README string false no
enable_slow_index_log Enable slow log indexing string false no
es_access_cidr_block Elasticsearch access CIDR block to allow access list - yes
es_additional_tags Additional tags to apply on Elasticsearch string <map> no
es_base_domain Base domain for Elasticsearch cluster string - yes
es_consul_service Name to register in consul to identify Elasticsearch service string elasticsearch no
es_default_access Rest API / Web UI access map <map> no
es_domain_name Elasticsearch domain name string - yes
es_ebs_volume_size Volume capacity for attached EBS in GB for each node string - yes
es_ebs_volume_type Storage type of EBS volumes, if used (default gp2) string - yes
es_encrypt_at_rest Encrypts the data stored by Elasticsearch at rest string false no
es_http_iam_roles List of IAM role ARNs from which to permit Elasticsearch HTTP traffic (default ['*']). Note that a client must match both the IP address and the IAM role patterns in order to be permitted access. list <list> no
es_instance_count Number of nodes to be deployed in Elasticsearch string - yes
es_instance_type Elasticsearch instance type for non-master node string - yes
es_kms_key_id KMS Key ID for encryption at rest. Defaults to AWS service key. string aws/es no
es_master_type Elasticsearch instance type for dedicated master node string - yes
es_snapshot_start_hour Hour at which automated snapshots are taken, in UTC (default 0) string 19 no
es_version Elasticsearch version to deploy string 5.5 no
es_vpc_subnet_ids Subnet IDs for Elasticsearch cluster list - yes
es_zone_awareness Enable zone awareness for Elasticsearch cluster string true no
lb_cname DNS CNAME for the Load balancer string `` no
lb_zone_id Zone ID for the Load balancer DNS CNAME string `` no
redirect_domain Domain name to redirect string `` no
redirect_listener_arn LB listener ARN to attach the rule to string `` no
redirect_route53_zone_id Route53 Zone ID to create the Redirect Record in string `` no
redirect_rule_priority Rule priority for redirect string 100 no
security_group_additional_tags Additional tags to apply on the security group string <map> no
security_group_name Name of security group, leaving this empty generates a group name string - yes
security_group_vpc_id VPC ID to apply on the security group string - yes
slow_index_additional_tags Additional tags to apply on Cloudwatch log group string <map> no
slow_index_log_name Name of the Cloudwatch log group for slow index string es-slow-index no
slow_index_log_retention Number of days to retain logs for. string 120 no
use_redirect Indicates whether to use redirect users string false no


Name Description
arn ARN of the created Elasticsearch domain
domain_id Unique identifier for the domain
domain_name Elasticsearch domain name
elasticsearch_url Elasticsearch URL
endpoint Domain-specific endpoint used to submit index, search, and data upload requests
kibana_url Kibana URL
port Elasticsearch service port
security_group_id ID of the Security Group attached to Elasticsearch