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A client connection handle for interacting with the faktory server. Holds a pool of 1 or more underlying connections. Safe for concurrent use and tolerant of unexpected connection terminations. Use this object for all interactions with the factory server.


A class wrapping a JobPayload


Representation of a worker process with many concurrent job processors. Works at the concurrency set in options during construction. Will hold at most concurrency jobs in-memory while processing at any one time. Listens for signals to quiet or shutdown. Should not be started more than once per-process, nor should more than one worker be started per-process.


JobThunk : function

A function returned by a job function that will be called with the job context as its only argument and awaited. This exists to allow you to define simple job functions that only accept their job args, but in many cases you might need the job's custom properties or stateful connections (like a database connection) in your job and want to attach a connection for your job function to use without having to create it itself.

Context : object

A context object passed through middleware and to a job thunk

Registry : Object.<Jobtype, JobFunction>

A lookup table holding the jobtype constants mapped to their job functions

Command : Array.<string>

A command to send the server in array form


Jobtype : string

Discriminator used by a worker to decide how to execute a job. This will be the name you used during register.

timestamp : string

An RFC3339-format datetime string

JobPayload : object

A work unit that can be scheduled by the faktory work server and executed by clients

JobFunction : function

A function that executes work

HI : object

An after-connect initial message from the server to handshake the connection

HELLO : object

The client's response to the server's HI to initiate a connection



A client connection handle for interacting with the faktory server. Holds a pool of 1 or more underlying connections. Safe for concurrent use and tolerant of unexpected connection terminations. Use this object for all interactions with the factory server.

Kind: global class

new Client([options])

Creates a Client with a connection pool

Param Type Default Description
[options] object
[options.url] string "tcp://localhost:7419" connection string for the faktory server (checks for FAKTORY_PROVIDER and FAKTORY_URL)
[] string "localhost" host string to connect to
[options.port] number | string 7419 port to connect to faktory server on
[options.password] string faktory server password to use during HELLO
[options.wid] string optional wid that should be provided to the server (only necessary for a worker process consuming jobs)
[options.labels] Array.<string> [] optional labels to provide the faktory server for this client
[options.poolSize] number 10 the maxmimum size of the connection pool


const client = new Client();

const job = await client.fetch('default');

client.connect() ⇒ Promise

Explicitly opens a connection and then closes it to test connectivity. Under normal circumstances you don't need to call this method as all of the communication methods will check out a connection before executing. If a connection is not available, one will be created. This method exists to ensure connection is possible if you need to do so. You can think of this like sqlx#MustConnect

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: Promise - resolves when a connection is opened

client.close() ⇒ undefined

Closes the connection to the server

Kind: instance method of Client

client.job(jobtype, ...args) ⇒ Job

Creates a new Job object to build a job payload

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: Job - a job builder with attached Client for PUSHing
See: Job

Param Type Description
jobtype String name of the job function
...args * arguments to the job function


Borrows a connection from the connection pool, forwards all arguments to Connection.send, and checks the connection back into the pool when the promise returned by the wrapped function is resolved or rejected.

Kind: instance method of Client
See: Connection.send

Param Type Description
...args * arguments to Connection.send

client.fetch(...queues) ⇒ Object | null

Fetches a job payload from the server from one of ...queues

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: Object | null - a job payload if one is available, otherwise null

Param Type Description
...queues String list of queues to pull a job from

client.beat() ⇒ String

Sends a heartbeat for this.wid to the server

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: String - string 'OK' when the heartbeat is accepted, otherwise may return a state string when the server has a signal to send this client (quiet, terminate)

client.push(job) ⇒ String

Pushes a job payload to the server

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: String - the jid for the pushed job

Param Type Description
job Job | Object job payload to push

client.flush() ⇒ Promise

Sends a FLUSH to the server

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: Promise - resolves with the server's response text ⇒ Object

Sends an INFO command to the server

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: Object - the server's INFO response object

client.ack(jid) ⇒ String

Sends an ACK to the server for a particular job ID

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: String - the server's response text

Param Type Description
jid String the jid of the job to acknowledge, e) ⇒ String

Sends a FAIL command to the server for a particular job ID with error information

Kind: instance method of Client
Returns: String - the server's response text

Param Type Description
jid String the jid of the job to FAIL
e Error an error object that caused the job to fail


A class wrapping a JobPayload

Kind: global class

new Job(jobtype, [client])

Creates a job

Param Type Description
jobtype string Jobtype string
[client] Client a client to use for communicating to the server (if calling push)


// with a client
const client = await faktory.connect();
const job = client.job('SendWelcomeEmail', id);


// without a client
const job = new Job('SendWelcomeEmail');
job.args = [id];
job.queue = 'mailers';


sets the jid

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type Description
value string the >8 length jid


sets the queue

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type Description
value string queue name


sets the args

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type Description
value Array array of positional arguments


sets the priority of this job

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type Description
value number 0-9


sets the retry count

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type Description
value number {@see external:JobPayload}

sets the scheduled time

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type Description
value Date | string the date object or RFC3339 timestamp string


sets the reserveFor parameter

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type
value number


sets the custom object property

Kind: instance property of Job
See: external:JobPayload

Param Type Description
value object the custom data

job.toJSON() ⇒ object

Generates an object from this instance for transmission over the wire

Kind: instance method of Job
Returns: object - the job as a serializable javascript object
Link: external:JobPayload|JobPayload}
See: external:JobPayload

job.push() ⇒ string

Pushes this job to the faktory server. Modifications after this point are not persistable to the server

Kind: instance method of Job
Returns: string - return of client.push(job)

Job.jid() ⇒ string

generates a uuid

Kind: static method of Job
Returns: string - a uuid/v4 string


Representation of a worker process with many concurrent job processors. Works at the concurrency set in options during construction. Will hold at most concurrency jobs in-memory while processing at any one time. Listens for signals to quiet or shutdown. Should not be started more than once per-process, nor should more than one worker be started per-process.

Kind: global class

new Worker([options])

Param Type Default Description
[options] object
[options.wid] String uuid().slice(0, 8) the wid the worker will use
[options.concurrency] Number 20 how many jobs this worker can process at once
[options.shutdownTimeout] Number 8 the amount of time in seconds that the worker may take to finish a job before exiting ungracefully
[options.beatInterval] Number 15 the amount of time in seconds between each heartbeat
[options.queues] Array.<string> ['default'] the queues this worker will fetch jobs from
[options.middleware] Array.<function()> [] a set of middleware to run before performing each job in koa.js-style middleware execution signature
[options.registry] Registry Registry the job registry to use when working


const worker = new Worker({
  queues: ['critical', 'default', 'low'],

worker.inProgress ⇒ array

Returns an array of ids of processors with a job currently in progress

Kind: instance property of Worker
Returns: array - array of processor ids ⇒ Worker

starts the worker fetch loop and job processing

Kind: instance method of Worker
Returns: Worker - self, when working has been stopped by a signal or concurrent call to stop or quiet

  • Worker.quiet
  • Worker.stop

worker.quiet() ⇒ undefined

Signals to the worker to discontinue fetching new jobs and allows the worker to continue processing any currently-running jobs

Kind: instance method of Worker

worker.stop() ⇒ promise

stops the worker

Kind: instance method of Worker
Returns: promise - resolved when worker stops

JobThunk : function

A function returned by a job function that will be called with the job context as its only argument and awaited. This exists to allow you to define simple job functions that only accept their job args, but in many cases you might need the job's custom properties or stateful connections (like a database connection) in your job and want to attach a connection for your job function to use without having to create it itself.

Kind: global typedef
See: Context

Param Type Description
ctx object context object containing the job and any other data attached via userland-middleware


// assumes you have middleware that attaches `db` to `ctx`

faktory.register('UserWelcomer', (...args) => (ctx) => {
  const [ id ] = args;
  const user = await ctx.db.users.find(id);
  const email = new WelcomeEmail(user);
  await email.deliver();

Context : object

A context object passed through middleware and to a job thunk

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Context.job object the job payload
Context.fn function a reference to the job function

Registry : Object.<Jobtype, JobFunction>

A lookup table holding the jobtype constants mapped to their job functions

Kind: global typedef

  • external:Jobtype
  • external:JobFunction


  SendWelcomeUser: (id) => {
    // job fn
  GenerateThumbnail: (id, size) => {
    // job fn

Command : Array.<string>

A command to send the server in array form

Kind: global typedef

// multiple string arguments
['FETCH', 'critical', 'default']

// json string as an argument
['PUSH', '{"jid": "123"}']

// single string argument
['ACK', '123']

Jobtype : string

Discriminator used by a worker to decide how to execute a job. This will be the name you used during register.

Kind: global external

// where `MyFunction` is the jobtype

faktory.register('MyFunction', () => {})

timestamp : string

An RFC3339-format datetime string

Kind: global external


new Date().toISOString();
// => '2019-02-11T15:59:15.593Z'

JobPayload : object

A work unit that can be scheduled by the faktory work server and executed by clients

Kind: global external


Name Type Default Description
[jid] string "uuid()" globally unique ID for the job.
jobtype Jobtype
[queue] string "default" which job queue to push this job onto.
[args] array [] parameters the worker should use when executing the job.
[priority] number 5 higher priority jobs are dequeued before lower priority jobs.
[retry] number 25 number of times to retry this job if it fails. 0 discards the failed job, -1 saves the failed job to the dead set.
[at] timestamp run the job at approximately this time; immediately if blank
[reserve_for] number 1800 number of seconds a job may be held by a worker before it is considered failed.
custom object provides additional context to the worker executing the job.

JobFunction : function

A function that executes work

Kind: global external

Param Type Description
...args * arguments from the job payload


function(...args) {
  // does something meaningful

HI : object

An after-connect initial message from the server to handshake the connection

Kind: global external
See: external:HELLO

Name Type Description
v number faktory server protocol version number
i number only present when password is required. number of password hash iterations. see HELLO.
s string only present when password is required. salt for password hashing. see HELLO.

HELLO : object

The client's response to the server's HI to initiate a connection

Kind: global external


Name Type Description
v string the faktory client protocol version
hostname string name of the host that is running this worker
wid string globally unique identifier for this worker
pid number local process identifier for this worker on its host
labels Array.<string> labels that apply to this worker, to allow producers to target work units to worker types.
pwdhash string This field should be the hexadecimal representation of the ith SHA256 hash of the client password concatenated with the value in s.