diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index f0fb9fd..b51bb60 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Authors@R: role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "doug.nhp@gmail.com") Description: Calculates topic-specific diagnostics (e.g. mean token length, exclusivity) for - Latent Dirichelet Allocation and Correlated Topic Models fit using the 'topicmodels' package. + Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Correlated Topic Models fit using the 'topicmodels' package. For more details, see Chapter 12 in Airoldi et al. (2014, ISBN:9781466504080), pp 262-272 Mimno et al. (2011, ISBN:9781937284114), and Bischof et al. (2014) . License: MIT + file LICENSE diff --git a/cran-comments.md b/cran-comments.md index 1ba7431..1a86558 100644 --- a/cran-comments.md +++ b/cran-comments.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ ## Resubmission This is a resubmission. In this version I have: +* I fixed a typo in the package description in the DESCRIPTION file. * I have single quoted the software in the package description in the DESCRIPTION file. * I have made the title title-case in the DESCRIPTION file. * Updated the package description in the DESCRIPTION file to have more details about the type of metrics included and type of topic models supported.