diff --git a/eng/Version.Details.xml b/eng/Version.Details.xml
index 50de12efe0141b..e26dd79d7615c6 100644
--- a/eng/Version.Details.xml
+++ b/eng/Version.Details.xml
@@ -6,69 +6,69 @@
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
diff --git a/eng/Versions.props b/eng/Versions.props
index 423bf49890345d..935f406380f734 100644
--- a/eng/Versions.props
+++ b/eng/Versions.props
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 2.5.1-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
- 6.0.0-beta.21205.1
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 2.5.1-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
+ 6.0.0-beta.21207.4
diff --git a/eng/common/cross/build-android-rootfs.sh b/eng/common/cross/build-android-rootfs.sh
index 42516bbeebc3f4..c29c8267e7a4c2 100755
--- a/eng/common/cross/build-android-rootfs.sh
+++ b/eng/common/cross/build-android-rootfs.sh
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ __AndroidPackages+=" libandroid-glob"
__AndroidPackages+=" liblzma"
__AndroidPackages+=" krb5"
__AndroidPackages+=" openssl"
+__AndroidPackages+=" openldap"
for path in $(wget -qO- http://termux.net/dists/stable/main/binary-$__AndroidArch/Packages |\
grep -A15 "Package: \(${__AndroidPackages// /\\|}\)" | grep -v "static\|tool" | grep Filename); do
diff --git a/eng/common/cross/build-rootfs.sh b/eng/common/cross/build-rootfs.sh
index b26622444f5ba1..81e641a57b53d8 100755
--- a/eng/common/cross/build-rootfs.sh
+++ b/eng/common/cross/build-rootfs.sh
@@ -55,11 +55,13 @@ __UbuntuPackages+=" libcurl4-openssl-dev"
__UbuntuPackages+=" libkrb5-dev"
__UbuntuPackages+=" libssl-dev"
__UbuntuPackages+=" zlib1g-dev"
+__UbuntuPackages+=" libldap2-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" curl-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" krb5-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" openssl-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" zlib-dev"
+__AlpinePackages+=" openldap-dev"
@@ -68,11 +70,13 @@ __FreeBSDPackages+=" icu"
__FreeBSDPackages+=" libinotify"
__FreeBSDPackages+=" lttng-ust"
__FreeBSDPackages+=" krb5"
+__FreeBSDPackages+=" libslapi-2.4"
__IllumosPackages+=" mit-krb5-1.16.2nb4"
__IllumosPackages+=" openssl-1.1.1e"
__IllumosPackages+=" zlib-1.2.11"
+__IllumosPackages+=" openldap-client-2.4.49"
diff --git a/eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml b/eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e6755df2234295..00000000000000
--- a/eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- steps: [] # optional -- any additional steps that need to happen before pulling down the performance repo and sending the performance benchmarks to helix (ie building your repo)
- variables: [] # optional -- list of additional variables to send to the template
- jobName: '' # required -- job name
- displayName: '' # optional -- display name for the job. Will use jobName if not passed
- pool: '' # required -- name of the Build pool
- container: '' # required -- name of the container
- osGroup: '' # required -- operating system for the job
- extraSetupParameters: '' # optional -- extra arguments to pass to the setup script
- frameworks: ['netcoreapp3.0'] # optional -- list of frameworks to run against
- continueOnError: 'false' # optional -- determines whether to continue the build if the step errors
- dependsOn: '' # optional -- dependencies of the job
- timeoutInMinutes: 320 # optional -- timeout for the job
- enableTelemetry: false # optional -- enable for telemetry
-- template: ../jobs/jobs.yml
- parameters:
- dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
- enableTelemetry: ${{ parameters.enableTelemetry }}
- enablePublishBuildArtifacts: true
- continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- jobs:
- - job: '${{ parameters.jobName }}'
- ${{ if ne(parameters.displayName, '') }}:
- displayName: '${{ parameters.displayName }}'
- ${{ if eq(parameters.displayName, '') }}:
- displayName: '${{ parameters.jobName }}'
- timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
- variables:
- - ${{ each variable in parameters.variables }}:
- - ${{ if ne(variable.name, '') }}:
- - name: ${{ variable.name }}
- value: ${{ variable.value }}
- - ${{ if ne(variable.group, '') }}:
- - group: ${{ variable.group }}
- - IsInternal: ''
- - HelixApiAccessToken: ''
- - HelixPreCommand: ''
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - ${{ if eq( parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- - HelixPreCommand: 'set "PERFLAB_UPLOAD_TOKEN=$(PerfCommandUploadToken)"'
- - IsInternal: -Internal
- - ${{ if ne(parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- - HelixPreCommand: 'export PERFLAB_UPLOAD_TOKEN="$(PerfCommandUploadTokenLinux)"'
- - IsInternal: --internal
- - group: DotNet-HelixApi-Access
- - group: dotnet-benchview
- workspace:
- clean: all
- pool:
- ${{ parameters.pool }}
- container: ${{ parameters.container }}
- strategy:
- matrix:
- ${{ each framework in parameters.frameworks }}:
- ${{ framework }}:
- _Framework: ${{ framework }}
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- clean: true
- # Run all of the steps to setup repo
- - ${{ each step in parameters.steps }}:
- - ${{ step }}
- - powershell: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\eng\testing\performance\performance-setup.ps1 $(IsInternal) -Framework $(_Framework) ${{ parameters.extraSetupParameters }}
- displayName: Performance Setup (Windows)
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/testing/performance/performance-setup.sh $(IsInternal) --framework $(_Framework) ${{ parameters.extraSetupParameters }}
- displayName: Performance Setup (Unix)
- condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- - script: $(Python) $(PerformanceDirectory)/scripts/ci_setup.py $(SetupArguments)
- displayName: Run ci setup script
- # Run perf testing in helix
- - template: /eng/common/templates/steps/perf-send-to-helix.yml
- parameters:
- HelixSource: '$(HelixSourcePrefix)/$(Build.Repository.Name)/$(Build.SourceBranch)' # sources must start with pr/, official/, prodcon/, or agent/
- HelixType: 'test/performance/$(Kind)/$(_Framework)/$(Architecture)'
- HelixAccessToken: $(HelixApiAccessToken)
- HelixTargetQueues: $(Queue)
- HelixPreCommands: $(HelixPreCommand)
- Creator: $(Creator)
- WorkItemTimeout: 4:00 # 4 hours
- WorkItemDirectory: '$(WorkItemDirectory)' # WorkItemDirectory can not be empty, so we send it some docs to keep it happy
- CorrelationPayloadDirectory: '$(PayloadDirectory)' # it gets checked out to a folder with shorter path than WorkItemDirectory so we can avoid file name too long exceptions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/global.json b/global.json
index 53a1175bb3252f..5b10ca8f8875be 100644
--- a/global.json
+++ b/global.json
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
"python3": "3.7.1"
"msbuild-sdks": {
- "Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.TargetFramework.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21205.1",
- "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21205.1",
- "Microsoft.DotNet.Helix.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21205.1",
- "Microsoft.DotNet.SharedFramework.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21205.1",
+ "Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.TargetFramework.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21207.4",
+ "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21207.4",
+ "Microsoft.DotNet.Helix.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21207.4",
+ "Microsoft.DotNet.SharedFramework.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21207.4",
"Microsoft.Build.NoTargets": "2.0.17",
"Microsoft.Build.Traversal": "2.1.1",
"Microsoft.NET.Sdk.IL": "6.0.0-preview.4.21205.1"