This folder contains the program used to generate the Unicode character categories file CharUnicodeInfoData.cs.
Before running this tool, ensure the following are all in sync:
The package at contains the up-to-date Unicode data you want to process.
The element in $(REPOROOT)\eng\Versions.props contains the correct version of the package mentioned above.
The element in .\GenUnicodeProp.csproj contains the UCD version of the files you wish to process.
Once this has been configured, from this directory, invoke:
dotnet run
If you want to include casing data (simple case mappings + case folding) in the generated file, execute:
dotnet run -- -IncludeCasingData
Then move the generated CharUnicodeInfoData.cs file to $(LIBRARIESROOT)\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Globalization, overwriting the file in that directory, and commit it. DO NOT commit the file to this directory.