diff --git a/src/ObjCBindings/BindingTypeTag.cs b/src/ObjCBindings/BindingTypeTag.cs
index ce9f34dd4f83..aeb3d3734955 100644
--- a/src/ObjCBindings/BindingTypeTag.cs
+++ b/src/ObjCBindings/BindingTypeTag.cs
@@ -45,4 +45,16 @@ public enum Category : Int64 {
Default = 0,
+ ///
+ /// Flags to be used on strong dictionary bindings.
+ ///
+ [Flags]
+ [Experimental ("APL0003")]
+ public enum StrongDictionary : Int64 {
+ ///
+ /// Use the default values.
+ ///
+ Default = 0,
+ }
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/AnalyzerReleases.Unshipped.md b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/AnalyzerReleases.Unshipped.md
index c2fa06a3b9eb..c13c36ccb555 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/AnalyzerReleases.Unshipped.md
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/AnalyzerReleases.Unshipped.md
@@ -5,9 +5,15 @@
| Rule ID | Category | Severity | Notes |
| RBI0001 | Usage | Error | Binding types should be declared as partial classes. |
-| RBI0002 | Usage | Error | Smart enum values must be tagged with an Field attribute. |
-| RBI0003 | Usage | Error | Smart enum backing field cannot appear more than once. |
-| RBI0004 | Usage | Error | Smart enum backing field must represent a valid C# identifier to be used. |
-| RBI0005 | Usage | Error | Non Apple framework bindings must provide a library name. |
-| RBI0006 | Usage | Warning | Do not provide the LibraryName for known Apple frameworks. |
-| RBI0007 | Usage | Error | Enum values must be tagged with Field. |
+| RBI0002 | Usage | Error | BindingType must be on a class. |
+| RBI0003 | Usage | Error | BindingType must be on a class. |
+| RBI0004 | Usage | Error | BindingType must be on a static class. |
+| RBI0005 | Usage | Error | BindingType must be on an interface. |
+| RBI0006 | Usage | Error | BindingType must be on an enumerator. |
+| RBI0007 | Usage | Error | BindingType must be on a class. |
+| RBI0008 | Usage | Error | Smart enum values must be tagged with an Field attribute. |
+| RBI0009 | Usage | Error | Smart enum backing field cannot appear more than once. |
+| RBI0010 | Usage | Error | Smart enum backing field must represent a valid C# identifier to be used. |
+| RBI0011 | Usage | Error | Non Apple framework bindings must provide a library name. |
+| RBI0012 | Usage | Warning | Do not provide the LibraryName for known Apple frameworks. |
+| RBI0013 | Usage | Error | Enum values must be tagged with Field. |
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzer.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzer.cs
index 482c409b7455..a6179bc06551 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzer.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzer.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
@@ -7,6 +10,7 @@
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer.Extensions;
+using Microsoft.Macios.Generator;
namespace Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer;
@@ -15,39 +19,255 @@ namespace Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer;
/// pattern.
[DiagnosticAnalyzer (LanguageNames.CSharp)]
-public class BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer, IBindingTypeAnalyzer {
+public class BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer, IBindingTypeAnalyzer {
+ ///
+ /// All binding types should be partial.
+ ///
internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0001 = new (
new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0001Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0001MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0001MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources)),
+ "Usage",
+ DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ isEnabledByDefault: true,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0001Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources))
+ );
+ ///
+ /// BindingType<Class> can only decorate partial classes.
+ ///
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0002 = new (
+ "RBI0002",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0002Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0002MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources)),
+ "Usage",
+ DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ isEnabledByDefault: true,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0002Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources))
+ );
+ ///
+ /// BindingType<Category> can only decorate partial classes.
+ ///
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0003 = new (
+ "RBI0003",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0003Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0003MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources)),
+ "Usage",
+ DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ isEnabledByDefault: true,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0003Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources))
+ );
+ ///
+ /// BindingType<Category> can only decorate static classes.
+ ///
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0004 = new (
+ "RBI0004",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0004Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0004MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources)),
+ "Usage",
+ DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ isEnabledByDefault: true,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0004Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources))
+ );
+ ///
+ /// BindingType<Protocol> can only decorate interfaces.
+ ///
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0005 = new (
+ "RBI0005",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0005Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0005MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources)),
+ "Usage",
+ DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ isEnabledByDefault: true,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0005Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources))
+ );
+ ///
+ /// BindingType can only decorate enumerators.
+ ///
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0006 = new (
+ "RBI0006",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0006Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0006MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources)),
+ "Usage",
+ DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ isEnabledByDefault: true,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0006Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources))
+ );
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0007 = new (
+ "RBI0007",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0007Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0007MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources)),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
- description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0001Description), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources))
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0007Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ typeof (Resources))
- public override ImmutableArray SupportedDiagnostics { get; } = [RBI0001];
+ public override ImmutableArray SupportedDiagnostics { get; } = [
+ RBI0001,
+ RBI0002,
+ RBI0003,
+ RBI0004,
+ RBI0005,
+ RBI0006,
+ RBI0007,
+ ];
public override void Initialize (AnalysisContext context)
context.ConfigureGeneratedCodeAnalysis (GeneratedCodeAnalysisFlags.None);
context.EnableConcurrentExecution ();
- context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction (AnalysisContext, SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration);
+ context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction (AnalysisContext,
+ SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration,
+ SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration,
+ SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration);
void AnalysisContext (SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
=> this.AnalyzeBindingType (context);
- public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName _, ClassDeclarationSyntax declarationNode, INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
+ static readonly HashSet attributes = new HashSet (AttributesNames.BindingTypes);
+ public IReadOnlySet AttributeNames => attributes;
+ ImmutableArray ValidateClass (BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax declarationNode, INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
+ {
+ var bucket = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder ();
+ if (declarationNode is ClassDeclarationSyntax classDeclarationSyntax) {
+ if (!classDeclarationSyntax.IsPartial ()) {
+ var partialDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0001, // Binding types should be declared as partial classes.
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (partialDiagnostic);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var notAClassDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0002, // BindingType must be on a class
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (notAClassDiagnostic);
+ }
+ return bucket.ToImmutable ();
+ }
+ ImmutableArray ValidateCategory (BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax declarationNode, INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
- if (declarationNode.Modifiers.Any (x => x.IsKind (SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword)))
- return [];
+ var bucket = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder ();
+ if (declarationNode is ClassDeclarationSyntax classDeclarationSyntax) {
+ if (!classDeclarationSyntax.IsPartial ()) {
+ var partialDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0001, // Binding types should be declared as partial classes.
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (partialDiagnostic);
+ }
- var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (RBI0001, // Binding types should be declared as partial classes.
- declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (), // point to where the 'class' keyword is used
- symbol.ToDisplayString ());
- return [diagnostic];
+ if (!classDeclarationSyntax.IsStatic ()) {
+ var partialDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0004, // BindingType must be on a static class
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (partialDiagnostic);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var notAClassDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0003, // BindingType must be on a class
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (notAClassDiagnostic);
+ }
+ return bucket.ToImmutable ();
+ ImmutableArray ValidateProtocol (BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax declarationNode, INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
+ {
+ var bucket = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder ();
+ if (declarationNode is InterfaceDeclarationSyntax interfaceDeclarationSyntax) {
+ if (!interfaceDeclarationSyntax.IsPartial ()) {
+ var partialDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0001, // Binding types should be declared as partial classes.
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (partialDiagnostic);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var notAInterfaceDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0005, // BindingType must be on an interface
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (notAInterfaceDiagnostic);
+ }
+ return bucket.ToImmutable ();
+ }
+ ImmutableArray ValidateStrongDictionary (BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax declarationNode,
+ INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
+ {
+ var bucket = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder ();
+ if (declarationNode is ClassDeclarationSyntax classDeclarationSyntax) {
+ if (!classDeclarationSyntax.IsPartial ()) {
+ var partialDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0001, // Binding types should be declared as partial classes.
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (partialDiagnostic);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var notAInterfaceDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0007, // BindingType must be on a class
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (notAInterfaceDiagnostic);
+ }
+ return bucket.ToImmutable ();
+ }
+ public ImmutableArray ValidateSmartEnum (BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax declarationNode,
+ INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
+ {
+ var bucket = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder ();
+ if (declarationNode is not EnumDeclarationSyntax) {
+ var notAInterfaceDiagnostic = Diagnostic.Create (
+ descriptor: RBI0006, // BindingType must be on an enumerator
+ location: declarationNode.Identifier.GetLocation (),
+ messageArgs: symbol.ToDisplayString ());
+ bucket.Add (notAInterfaceDiagnostic);
+ }
+ return bucket.ToImmutable ();
+ }
+ public ImmutableArray Analyze (string matchedAttribute, PlatformName _,
+ BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax declarationNode, INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
+ => matchedAttribute switch {
+ AttributesNames.BindingClassAttribute => ValidateClass (declarationNode, symbol),
+ AttributesNames.BindingCategoryAttribute => ValidateCategory (declarationNode, symbol),
+ AttributesNames.BindingProtocolAttribute => ValidateProtocol (declarationNode, symbol),
+ AttributesNames.BindingAttribute => ValidateSmartEnum (declarationNode, symbol),
+ AttributesNames.BindingStrongDictionaryAttribute => ValidateStrongDictionary (declarationNode, symbol),
+ _ => throw new InvalidOperationException ($"Not recognized attribute {matchedAttribute}.")
+ };
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Extensions/BaseTypeDeclarationSyntaxExtensions.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Extensions/BaseTypeDeclarationSyntaxExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc8ce3dd9b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Extensions/BaseTypeDeclarationSyntaxExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+using System.Linq;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
+using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
+namespace Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer.Extensions;
+public static class BaseTypeDeclarationSyntaxExtensions {
+ ///
+ /// Returns if the base type declaration was declared as a partial one.
+ ///
+ /// The declaration under test.
+ /// True if the declaration is partial.
+ public static bool IsPartial (this BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax baseTypeDeclarationSyntax)
+ => baseTypeDeclarationSyntax.Modifiers.Any (x => x.IsKind (SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword));
+ ///
+ /// Returns if the based type declaration was declared as a static one.
+ ///
+ /// The declaration under test.
+ /// True if the declaration is static.
+ public static bool IsStatic (this BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax baseTypeDeclarationSyntax)
+ => baseTypeDeclarationSyntax.Modifiers.Any (x => x.IsKind (SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword));
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Extensions/IBindingTypeAnalyzerExtensions.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Extensions/IBindingTypeAnalyzerExtensions.cs
index 1079f5e45b37..55dd3924013f 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Extensions/IBindingTypeAnalyzerExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Extensions/IBindingTypeAnalyzerExtensions.cs
@@ -26,19 +26,18 @@ public static void AnalyzeBindingType (this IBindingTypeAnalyzer self, Syn
- // the c# syntax is a a list of lists of attributes. That is why we need to iterate through the list of lists
+ // The c# syntax is a a list of lists of attributes. That is why we need to iterate through the list of lists
foreach (var attributeData in boundAttributes) {
// based on the type use the correct parser to retrieve the data
var attributeType = attributeData.AttributeClass?.ToDisplayString ();
- switch (attributeType) {
- case AttributesNames.BindingAttribute:
- // validate that the class is partial, else we need to report an error
- var diagnostics = self.Analyze (context.Compilation.GetCurrentPlatform (),
- declarationNode, declaredSymbol);
- foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
- context.ReportDiagnostic (diagnostic);
- break;
- }
+ // ignore attrs whose name we cannot get, or we do not care about
+ if (attributeType is null || !self.AttributeNames.Contains (attributeType))
+ continue;
+ var diagnostics = self.Analyze (attributeType, context.Compilation.GetCurrentPlatform (),
+ declarationNode, declaredSymbol);
+ foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
+ context.ReportDiagnostic (diagnostic);
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/IBindingTypeAnalyzer.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/IBindingTypeAnalyzer.cs
index 4a16c6876bc9..8e2fad622545 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/IBindingTypeAnalyzer.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/IBindingTypeAnalyzer.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
+using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
@@ -10,5 +12,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer;
/// Interface to be implemented by those analyzer that will be looking at BindingTypes.
public interface IBindingTypeAnalyzer where T : BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax {
- ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, T declarationNode, INamedTypeSymbol symbol);
+ IReadOnlySet AttributeNames { get; }
+ ImmutableArray Analyze (string matchedAttribute, PlatformName platformName, T declarationNode, INamedTypeSymbol symbol);
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.Designer.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.Designer.cs
index e671b0176398..ae3a368d09cc 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.Designer.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.Designer.cs
@@ -170,5 +170,113 @@ internal static string RBI0007Title {
return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0007Title", resourceCulture);
+ internal static string RBI0008Description {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0008Description", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0008MessageFormat {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0008MessageFormat", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0008Title {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0008Title", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0009Description {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0009Description", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0009MessageFormat {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0009MessageFormat", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0009Title {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0009Title", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0010Description {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0010Description", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0010MessageFormat {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0010MessageFormat", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0010Title {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0010Title", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0011Description {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0011Description", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0011MessageFormat {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0011MessageFormat", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0011Title {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0011Title", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0012Description {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0012Description", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0012MessageFormat {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0012MessageFormat", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0012Title {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0012Title", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0013Description {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0013Description", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0013MessageFormat {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0013MessageFormat", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ internal static string RBI0013Title {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("RBI0013Title", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.resx b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.resx
index 7b695353ded7..d7139f18bd6b 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.resx
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/Resources.resx
@@ -18,80 +18,173 @@
System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
In order for the code to be generated all binding types have to be declared as partial classes.
- The binding type '{0}' must declared as a partial class
+ The binding type '{0}' must be declared partial'{0}' is the name of the class.Binding type declaration must be partial
- In order for the code to be generated a smart enum value has to have a backing field.
+ BindingType<Class> can only decorate partial classes.
+ BindingType<Class> can only be used to decorate a class but was found on '{0}' which is not a class
+ '{0}' is the name of type.
+ BindingType<Class> must be on a class
+ BindingType<Category> can only decorate partial classes.
+ BindingType<Category> can only be used to decorate a class but was found on '{0}' which is not a class
+ '{0}' is the name of type.
+ BindingType<Category> must be on a class
+ BindingType<Category> can only decorate static classes.
+ BindingType<Category> can only be used to decorate a static class but was found on '{0}' which is not static
+ '{0}' is the name of type.
+ BindingType<Category> must be on a static class
+ BindingType<Protocol> can only decorate interfaces.
+ BindingType<Protocol> can only be used to decorate an interface but was found on '{0}' which is not an interface
+ '{0}' is the name of type.
+ BindingType<Protocol> must be on an interface
+ BindingType can only decorate enumerators.
+ BindingType can only be used to decorate an enumerator but was found on '{0}' which is not an enumerator
+ '{0}' is the name of type.
+ BindingType must be on an enumerator
+ BindingType<StrongDictionary> can only decorate classes.
+ BindingType<StrongDictionary> can only be used to decorate a class but was found on '{0}' which is not a class
+ '{0}' is the name of type.
+ BindingType<StrongDictionary> must be on a class
+ In order for the code to be generated a smart enum value has to have a backing field.
The enum value '{0}' must be tagged with a Field<EnumValue> attribute'{0}' is the name of the enumerator value.
Smart enum values must be tagged with an Field<EnumValue> attribute
Smart enum backing field cannot appear more than once.
The backing field '{0}' for the enum value '{1}' is already in use for the enum value '{2}''{0}' is the name of the enum value. '{1}' is the name of a native field. '{2}' is the previous enum value
Smart enum backing field cannot appear more than once
Smart enum backing field must be a valid identifier.
The enum value '{0}' backing field '{1}' is not a valid identifier'{0}' is the name of the enum value. '{1}' is the name of a native field.
Smart enum backing field must represent a valid C# identifier to be used
Smart enum backing field for a non Apple framework must provide a library name.
The field attribute for the enum value '{0}' must set the property 'LibraryName''{0}' is the name of the enumerator value.
Non Apple framework bindings must provide a library name
Fields of known Apple frameworks should not provide a LibraryName.
The Field attribute for the enum value '{0}' must not provide a value for 'LibraryName''{0}' is the name of the native field.
Do not provide the LibraryName for known Apple frameworks
Wrong flags were used in the FieldAttribute when applying it on an enum value.
Used attribute '{0}' on enum value '{1}' when 'ObjCBindings.FieldAttribute<ObjCBindings.EnumValue>' was expected'{0}' is the name of an attribute. '{1}' is the name of the enumerator value.
Enum values must be tagged with Field<EnumValue>
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/SmartEnumsAnalyzer.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/SmartEnumsAnalyzer.cs
index 3413f74a7b44..815ab55fe2ce 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/SmartEnumsAnalyzer.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer/SmartEnumsAnalyzer.cs
@@ -23,96 +23,102 @@ public class SmartEnumsAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer, IBindingTypeAnalyzer
/// All enum values must have a Field attribute
- internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0002 = new (
- "RBI0002",
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0002Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0002MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0008 = new (
+ "RBI0008",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0008Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0008MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources)),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
- description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0002Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0008Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources))
/// Do not allow duplicated backing fields
- internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0003 = new (
- "RBI0003",
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0003Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0003MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0009 = new (
+ "RBI0009",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0009Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0009MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources)),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
- description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0003Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0009Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources))
/// Fields must be a valid identifier
- internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0004 = new (
- "RBI0004",
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0004Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0004MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0010 = new (
+ "RBI0010",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0010Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0010MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources)),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
- description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0004Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0010Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources))
/// If not an apple framework, we should provide the library path
- internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0005 = new (
- "RBI0005",
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0005Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0005MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0011 = new (
+ "RBI0011",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0011Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0011MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources)),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
- description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0005Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0011Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources))
/// if apple framework, the library path should be empty
- internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0006 = new (
- "RBI0006",
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0006Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0006MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0012 = new (
+ "RBI0012",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0012Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0012MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources)),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
- description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0006Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0012Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources))
/// User used the wrong flag for the attribute
- internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0007 = new (
- "RBI0007",
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0007Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
- new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0007MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ internal static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor RBI0013 = new (
+ "RBI0013",
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0013Title), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof (Resources)),
+ new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0013MessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources)),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
- description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0007Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
+ description: new LocalizableResourceString (nameof (Resources.RBI0013Description), Resources.ResourceManager,
typeof (Resources))
- public override ImmutableArray SupportedDiagnostics { get; } =
- [RBI0002, RBI0003, RBI0004, RBI0005, RBI0006, RBI0007];
+ public override ImmutableArray SupportedDiagnostics { get; } = [
+ RBI0008,
+ RBI0009,
+ RBI0010,
+ RBI0011,
+ RBI0012,
+ RBI0013,
+ ];
public override void Initialize (AnalysisContext context)
@@ -124,7 +130,10 @@ public override void Initialize (AnalysisContext context)
void AnalysisContext (SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
=> this.AnalyzeBindingType (context);
- public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclarationSyntax declarationNode,
+ static readonly HashSet attributes = [AttributesNames.BindingAttribute];
+ public IReadOnlySet AttributeNames => attributes;
+ public ImmutableArray Analyze (string matchedAttribute, PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclarationSyntax declarationNode,
INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
// we want to ensure several things:
@@ -162,7 +171,7 @@ public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclar
if (attributes.Count == 0) {
// All enum values are marked with a Field attribute, therefore add a diagnostic
bucket.Add (Diagnostic.Create (
- RBI0002, // Smart enum values must be tagged with an Field attribute.
+ RBI0008, // Smart enum values must be tagged with an Field attribute.
fieldSymbol.Locations.First (),
fieldSymbol.ToDisplayString ()));
@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclar
if (backingFields.TryGetValue (fieldData.Value.SymbolName, out var previousEnumValue)) {
// All symbol names have to be unique
bucket.Add (Diagnostic.Create (
- RBI0003, // The backing field '{0}' for the enum value '{1}' is already in use for the enum value '{2}'
+ RBI0009, // The backing field '{0}' for the enum value '{1}' is already in use for the enum value '{2}'
fieldSyntax.GetLocation (),
fieldSymbol.ToDisplayString (), fieldData.Value.SymbolName,
fieldSymbol.ToDisplayString ().Trim (), previousEnumValue));
@@ -196,7 +205,7 @@ public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclar
// If the Field attribute is not from a known apple library, the library name is set
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (fieldData.Value.LibraryName)) {
bucket.Add (Diagnostic.Create (
- RBI0005, // Non Apple framework bindings must provide a library name.
+ RBI0011, // Non Apple framework bindings must provide a library name.
fieldSyntax.GetLocation (),
fieldSymbol.ToDisplayString ()));
@@ -204,7 +213,7 @@ public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclar
// If the Field attribute is from a known apple library, the lib should be null
if (fieldData.Value.LibraryName is not null) {
bucket.Add (Diagnostic.Create (
- RBI0006, // Do not provide the LibraryName for known Apple frameworks.
+ RBI0012, // Do not provide the LibraryName for known Apple frameworks.
fieldSyntax.GetLocation (),
fieldSymbol.ToDisplayString ()));
@@ -214,7 +223,7 @@ public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclar
switch (errorTuple.Error) {
case FieldData.ParsingError.NotIdentifier:
// Backing field is not a valid identifier.
- bucket.Add (Diagnostic.Create (RBI0004,
+ bucket.Add (Diagnostic.Create (RBI0010,
.GetLocation (), // Smart enum backing field must represent a valid C# identifier to be used.
fieldSymbol.ToDisplayString (), errorTuple.Value));
@@ -227,7 +236,7 @@ public ImmutableArray Analyze (PlatformName platformName, EnumDeclar
.FirstOrDefault (s => s.StartsWith (AttributesNames.FieldAttribute));
if (fieldAttr is not null) {
bucket.Add (Diagnostic.Create (
- RBI0007, // Enum values must be tagged with Field.
+ RBI0013, // Enum values must be tagged with Field.
fieldSymbol.Locations.First (),
fieldAttr, fieldSymbol.ToDisplayString ()));
diff --git a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/AttributesNames.cs b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/AttributesNames.cs
index 2a59e148b1ae..436e45225e2f 100644
--- a/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/AttributesNames.cs
+++ b/src/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Generator/AttributesNames.cs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ static class AttributesNames {
public const string BindingCategoryAttribute = "ObjCBindings.BindingTypeAttribute";
public const string BindingClassAttribute = "ObjCBindings.BindingTypeAttribute";
public const string BindingProtocolAttribute = "ObjCBindings.BindingTypeAttribute";
+ public const string BindingStrongDictionaryAttribute = "ObjCBindings.BindingTypeAttribute";
public const string FieldAttribute = "ObjCBindings.FieldAttribute";
public const string EnumFieldAttribute = "ObjCBindings.FieldAttribute";
public const string ExportFieldAttribute = "ObjCBindings.ExportAttribute";
@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ static class AttributesNames {
- BindingProtocolAttribute
+ BindingProtocolAttribute,
+ BindingStrongDictionaryAttribute,
@@ -42,6 +44,9 @@ static class AttributesNames {
if (type == typeof (ObjCBindings.Protocol)) {
return BindingProtocolAttribute;
+ if (type == typeof (ObjCBindings.StrongDictionary)) {
+ return BindingStrongDictionaryAttribute;
+ }
return null;
diff --git a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer.Tests/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzerTests.cs b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer.Tests/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzerTests.cs
index fd77bd9e9e7a..493566bc3d17 100644
--- a/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer.Tests/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzerTests.cs
+++ b/tests/rgen/Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer.Tests/BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzerTests.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
@@ -10,12 +13,115 @@
namespace Microsoft.Macios.Bindings.Analyzer.Tests;
public class BindingTypeSemanticAnalyzerTests : BaseGeneratorWithAnalyzerTestClass {
+ class TestDataBindingTypeAnalyzerTests : IEnumerable