Status | Accepted |
RFC # | 0002 |
Authors | Donny Greenberg ( |
Deprecates | NA |
Submitted | 2019-12-04 |
Updated | 2020-01-23 |
Release target: 17-Mar-2020
Socialization and consensus of large project designs are critical for a decentralized software team to function, especially working on such complicated and diverse code as Aqua. For this release cycle, Aqua will follow a standard Design Doc+Design Review process. For large projects, owners are expected to write a design doc, book a 30 minute slot in design review, and present their design. Broader members of the software or research team to which a particular design is relevant should be invited to the review. Owners and teams should attempt not to begin investing time in code and systems which have not been socialized and agreed upon in review.
If you are interested in joining any effort below, please reach out to or to the project owner on Qiskit Slack.
- QuantumAlgorithm Hierarchy - Owner: Donny
- Base Classes for QuantumAlgorithms of common purpose (e.g. MinEigensolver) to relate interchangeable algorithms and enforce consistent methods and properties
- Break up algorithms which rely on common code so each hold algorithm-primitive objects of more generic utility
- Operator Refactor 2.0 - Owner: Donny, Chris Wood
- Split Operator into Terra operators and ExpectationValue and Evolution Algorithms
- Coordinate with LadderOperator addition in Chemistry
- Reach: Expectation Value Tomography reconciliation with Ignis Tomography
- Aer ExpectationValue RemoteAlgorithm
- Laying the API groundwork for high priority RemoteAlgorithms (e.g. variational optimization, expectation values)
- Split Operator into Terra operators and ExpectationValue and Evolution Algorithms
- Ansatz (FKA: VariationalForm / FeatureMap) refactor - Owner: Julien
- Hierarchy and structural flexibility: Ansatz Base Utility Class, TwoLocalAnsatz, OperatorEvolutionAnsatz
- Individual parameter access to shared parameters in Ansatze
- Reach: Analytical Gradients expansion
- Circuit Primitives Redesign - Owner: Julien
- Move arithmetic and primitive circuits into Terra, make into gates (including tests)
- Deprecate Circuit Factories (blocked on Terra introducing controlled gates)
- Replace QuantumRegister passing with Gate/Instruction passing across Aqua
- JSON Removal - Owner: Manoel
- Deprecation design
- Implementation across Aqua and tutorials
- Deprecation messages in code and GUI in minor version release (Dec 17)
- Repository structure redesign - Owner: Donny, Manoel
- Break out application-specific code into applications directories
- Modify nomenclature and directory navigation to match user expectations and canonical conventions
- Shard applications-specific components into applications stacks and move algorithmic primitives into the algorithm stack (e.g. QPE)
- Documentation Revamp - Owner: Steve, Manoel
- Long-term plan for Documentation and Docstrings
- Out of scope: full documentation rewrite
- Performance Enhancements - Owner: Donny, Chris Wood
- Pass a parameterized Qobj rather than list of many deepcopied circuits for each parameterization when taking expectation values in Aer and BasicAer
- Replace “matrix mode” statevector simulation with QASM simulation so full statevector doesn’t need to be returned
- Error Mitigation - Owner: Donny, George Barron
- Clear and extensible interface for employing error mitigation, including possible combinations of techniques (Ignis)
- Gate-based Richardson Extrapolation (Ignis)
- Pulse-based Richardson Extrapolation Error Mitigation (Ignis)
- Submatrix Measurement Error Mitigation (Ignis)
Owner: Panos
- Support generic building blocks for Lattice Gauge Theory, including popular lattice models and Hamiltonian forms (e.g. QCD, Fermi-Hubbard)
- Light-matter interaction
- Magnetism
- Protein Folding
Owner: Panos
- Stack design v2
- LadderOperators refactor
- Z2 Symmetry Logic (Steve)
- Basis Optimization
- Rotated Hamiltonian Basis (Pauline)
- Q-UCCSD extension ansatze (Igor)
- Stack design - ElectronicGroundState, ElectronicExcitedState, DissociationCurve
- DFT Drivers
Owner: Stefan
- Stack design v0 - CPLEX OptimizationProblem specification, QUBO/MBO Solver and Result interfaces, IsingQUBOSolver
- Driver interfaces - CPLEX and Convex Solver
- Slack variable MBO Solver
Owner: Stefan
- Stack design v0
- AmplitudeEstimation hierarchy
Owner: Donny
- Stack design v0 - SVC, qGAN, HHL
- Recommendation Systems, qSVE Linear Solver
- Driver interfaces - Pytorch, Scikit