You can find the implementation of ecosystem tools in the following location:
File Path: packages/core/src/ecosystem-tools.ts
Below is an example demonstrating how to use getEcosystems to retrieve ecosystem information based on an issuer's DID.
Importing the Function First, ensure you import getEcosystems from the SDK:
import {getEcosystems} from '@docknetwork/wallet-sdk-core/src/ecosystem-tools';
Fetching Ecosystem Details
To fetch the details of ecosystems associated with a specific issuerDID, you can use the following code snippet:
Copy code
async function fetchEcosystemDetails() {
const result = await getEcosystems({
issuerDID: 'did:dock:5HLbQLSmirNuZVRsdWKbsgdajw9QTGzSFJABSVzMT5EBj5sb',
When you run the above code, you should expect an output similar to this:
"0xc5671b2d1552db9b47a3501109ddbeb861a55fe3f7a0cb7a26791203abe9fcc8": {
"name": "clarity partners",
"convener": "did:dock:5GKaHgDoSzHpfR6aiXGu5F1oUYgXk8tHXMSNbZE2jdm9FAnT",
"govFramework": "0x68747470733a2f2f6170692d746573746e65742e646f636b2e696f2f74727573742d726567697374726965732f3078633536373162326431353532646239623437613335303131303964646265623836316135356665336637613063623761323637393132303361626539666363382f7075626c6963"
This JSON output contains the details of the ecosystems associated with the given issuerDID.
For more examples and usage, please refer to the integration test at:
Test File Path: This test file provides comprehensive examples on how to interact with ecosystem tools effectively.