If you plan to change anything (and I recommend at least bringing number of rows and columns in sync with your matrix) - skip this section.
IF you plan to use vanilla firmware (which will have 8x12 matrix, default pinout and will expect buckling spring switches) - you can get away with smaller download. You will still need a Windows machine though (see next section for "Windows machine" notes).
- Download PSoC Programmer and install it.
- Plug the KitProg side in.
- Open "CommonSense/Capsense.cydsn/Compiled/Capsense.hex".
- IF the "Program" button is grayed out - go to "Utilities", click "Update Firmware". It usually takes ~30 seconds to update. After update, something like "KitProg/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" will appear in "Port Selection" window and the button will become blue.
- Click "Program". Takes about a minute to flash.
From now on, you can update firmware using FlightController. Flightcontroller uses .cyacd files, which will be in the same directory as .hex