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171 lines (146 loc) · 9.73 KB


MIT License Build status

MichMich's MagicMirror2 module to display next transportation means for a configured list of stations/destinations.

Forked from MMM-Paris-RATP-PG see more detailed information on github.


A module to display:

  • the different buses, metros, rers, tramways & transiliens, in order to avoid waiting too much for them when leaving home
  • general traffic information for lines of metros, rers, tramways & transiliens
  • available docks & bikes in selected Velib stations, along with the trend over the last day (configurable).


screenshot screenshot screenshot


API examples are provided into api subdirectory, as POSTMAN collections.

Some infos require FREE subscription to services, see below:

Citymapper realtime API

To use this API you need to request credentials, please create account HERE.

Once key has been given to you back, you've just to enter it in configuration file for citymapperToken value.

Transilien realtime API with IDF Mobilités

To use this API you need to create an account and request a dynamic token, please submit it HERE.

Finally, transilienToken value to be entered in configuration file will be the generated token value.


  1. Clone repository into /modules/ inside your MagicMirror folder
  2. Install yarn
  3. Run yarn install inside /modules/MMM-IDF-LOCALTRANSPORT/ folder
  4. Check that MMM-IDF-LOCALTRANSPORT.js and node_helper.js scripts have been created into current folder
  5. Add the module to the MagicMirror config:
	        module: 'MMM-IDF-LOCALTRANSPORT',
	        position: 'bottom_right',
	        header: 'Connections',
	        config: { // see below }
  1. Make sure all required API keys have been acquired (see previous chapter).

Specific configuration

  • [name]: [default value], // information
  • maximumEntries: 2, // if APIs send several results for the incoming transport how many should be displayed. Also applies to concatenated arrivals
  • initialLoadDelay: 0, //time in ms before first request
  • updateInterval: 60000, //time in ms between pulling request for new times (update request)
  • convertToWaitingTime: true, // messages received from API can be 'hh:mm' in that case convert it in the waiting time 'x mn'
  • maxLettersForDestination: 22, //will limit the length of the destination string
  • concatenateArrivals: true, //if for a transport there is the same destination and several times, they will be displayed on one line
  • showSecondsToNextUpdate: true, // display a countdown to the next update pull (should I wait for a refresh before going ?)
  • showLastUpdateTime: false, //display the time when the last pulled occured (taste & color...)
  • oldUpdateOpacity: 0.5, //when a displayed time age has reached a threshold their display turns darker (i.e. less reliable)
  • oldThreshold: 0.1, //if (1+x) of the updateInterval has passed since the last refresh... then the oldUpdateOpacity is applied
  • debug: false, //console.log more things to help debugging
  • devMode: false, // uses mocked API responses from dev-server to help with development (see Dev Server below)
  • stations: [] // stations/directions to monitor (bus, RERs, tramways and subways), as an array of objects with different properties (see example below):
  • transilienToken: 'xxxxxxxx' : mandatory to access transilien realtime API (account required, see section above)
  • citymapperToken: 'xxxxxxxx' : mandatory to access citymapper realtime API (account required, see section above)
  • messages: (Optional, see example below) : key-values to convert generic messages to your preferred language
    • If not provided, some default messages are used (in english)
    • To make changes, paste ALL default values and modify to your likings.


transilienToken: 'bG9naW46cGFzc3dvcmQ',

stations: [
  // Next transport at stops (bus, metros, rers, tramways)
  {type: 'bus', line: 38, station: 'observatoire+++port+royal', destination: 'A'},
  {type: 'metros', line: '6', station: 'raspail', destination: 'A'},
  {type: 'rers', line: 'B', station: 'port+royal', destination: 'A'},
  {type: 'tramways', line: '3a', station: 'georges+brassens', destination: 'R'},
  // Next transport at stops (transiliens)
  // With station name only to catch all destinations:
  {type: 'transiliens', station: 'BECON LES BRUYERES', label: 'Becon L', line: 'L'},
  // With station and destination names to filter:
  {type: 'transiliens', station: 'BECON LES BRUYERES', destination: 'NANTERRE UNIVERSITE', line 'L'},
  // With reference data codes:
  {type: 'transiliens', station: 'BECON LES BRUYERES', destination: 'SAINT NOM LA BRETECHE', transilienRefData: { lineRef: 'C01740', stopAreaRef: '87382002', destinationRef: '471811'} },

  // Traffic status (bus, metros, rers, tramways)
  {type: 'traffic', line: ['rers', 'B']},
  // Label to avoid confusion with metros line 1:
  {type: 'traffic', line: ['tramways', 1], label: 'T1'},

  // Traffic status (transiliens)
  {type: 'transiliensTraffic', line: 'L'},

  // Velib station infos
  {type: 'velib', station: 5029, destination: 'leaving', label: 'RER'},

messages: {
  ago: 'ago',
  loading: 'Loading connections ...',
  notYet: 'no info yet',
  nextUpdate: 'next update in',
  requestedUpdate: 'update requested',
  unavailable: '-',
  theorical: '?',
  status: {
    approaching: 'Approaching',
    atplatform: 'At platform',
    atstop: 'At stop',
    ontime: '😊⏲',
    deleted: '😞❌',
    delayed: '😐⏳',
    skipped: '❌',
    terminal: '❌ term',
  traffic: {
    ok: '😊',
    okwork: '😐',
    ko: '😞',
  units: {
    minutes: 'mn',
    seconds: 's',
  velib: {
    bikes: 'velibs',
    spaces: 'spaces',

Dev server

When running module with devMode set to true, calls to API will automatically use pre-made responses, located as JSON/JS files under tools/dev-server/mocks folder.

This feature helps module developer with simulating some cases, or working when no internet connexion is available.

To get the benefits of this mode, dev server has to be started first. Type npm run dev-server or yarn dev-server. Then start MM2 with proper configuration.

Once started, dev server listens to requests on http://localhost:8088/.