In the 1.4.2 release of Kade Engine, we introduced Mod Charts. Mod Charts are a way of changing gameplay without hard coded values. This is achieved by using the Lua Scripting language to create script files that run during runtime.
All files are located in assets/data/song/
Modchart Lua File should be in assets/data/song/modchart.lua
Lua code will only be ran if that file exists.
Full Example
function start (song)
print("Song: " .. song .. " @ " .. bpm .. " donwscroll: " .. downscroll)
function update (elapsed) -- example
local currentBeat = (songPos / 1000)*(bpm/60)
for i=0,7 do
setActorX(_G['defaultStrum'..i..'X'] + 32 * math.sin((currentBeat + i*0.25) * math.pi), i)
setActorY(_G['defaultStrum'..i..'Y'] + 32 * math.cos((currentBeat + i*0.25) * math.pi), i)
function beatHit (beat)
-- do nothing
function stepHit (step)
-- do nothing
print("Mod Chart script loaded :)")
Spinning Receptor Example
function update (elapsed)
for i=0,7 do
setActorAngle(getActorAngle(i) + 15, i)
Spinning Hud Example
function update (elapsed)
camHudAngle = camHudAngle + 0.005
Spin at a specific part of the song
function update (elapsed)
if curStep >= 352 and curStep < 400 then
local currentBeat = (songPos / 1000)*(bpm/60)
for i=0,7 do
setActorX(_G['defaultStrum'..i..'X'] + 32 * math.sin((currentBeat + i*0.25) * math.pi), i)
setActorY(_G['defaultStrum'..i..'Y'] + 32 * math.cos((currentBeat + i*0.25) * math.pi), i)
for i=0,7 do
Showing/Hiding receptors/the hud
function start (song)
showOnlyStrums = true -- remove all hud elements besides notes and strums
for i=0,3 do -- fade out the first 4 receptors (the ai receptors)
Looping through all of the rendered notes
for i = 0, getRenderedNotes() do -- sets all of the rendered notes to 0 0 on the x and y axsis
Current calls to functions include,
Name | Arguments | Description |
start | Song Name | Get's called when the song starts |
update | Elapsed frames | Get's called every frame (after the song starts) |
stepHit | Current Step | Get's called when ever a step hits (steps are in between beats, aka 4 steps are in a beat) |
beatHit | Current Beat | Get's called when ever a beat hits |
Kade Engine provides a list of global variables to be used in the lua scripting interface.
G Name | Type | Description |
bpm | Float | The current BPM of the song |
fpsCap | Int | The current FPS Cap (set by the player) |
downscroll | Bool | Whether the player is in downscroll or not |
cameraAngle | Float | The angle that the Main Camera should be rotated |
camHudAngle | Float | The angle that the Hud should be rotated |
followXOffset | Float | The x offset to be added when the camera moves between a character |
followYOffset | Float | The y offset to be added when the camera moves between a character |
showOnlyStrums | Bool | Whether to show the Hud and Strums or only the Strums |
strumLine1Visible | Bool | Whether to show the first strum line or not |
strumLine2Visible | Bool | Whether to show the secondstrum line or not |
defaultStrum0-7X | Float | (0-7 is strum0,strum1,strum2,etc) get the default X coordinate for the strum |
defaultStrum0-7Y | Float | (0-7 is strum0,strum1,strum2,etc) get the default Y coordinate for the strum |
defaultStrum0-7Angle | Float | (0-7 is strum0,strum1,strum2,etc) get the default Angle for the strum |
screenWidth | Int | The width of the current gamespace |
screenHeight | Int | The height of the current gamespace |
hudWidth | Int | The width of the hud |
hudHeight | Int | The height of the hud |
scrollSpeed | Int | The current scrollspeed |
mustHit | Bool | If the current section is a must hit section |
strumLineY | Float | The current Strum Line Y Position |
Kade Engine exposes a lot of functions that let you modify elements in the game field.
To get started every sprite has an id, and there are some id's that are accessible without creating one.
These premade id's are the following:
Sprite Id | Value |
0-7 | Represents Receptor 0-7 |
boyfriend | Represents the Boyfriend Actor (player1) |
dad | Represents the Dad Actor (player2) |
girlfriend | Represents the Girlfriend Actor |
Creates a sprite out of the specified image, returns the id you gave it.
Note: Sprite Path is normally the FILE NAME so if you have a file name of Image it'll go to assets/data/songName/Image.png so don't include the extension
Set's the game hud's position in space.
Returns the hud's x position
Returns the hud's y position
Set's the current camera's position in space
Returns the current camera's x position
Returns the current camera's y position
Set's the current camera's zoom
Set's the hud's zoom
Returns the amount of rendered notes.
Returns the x position of the rendered note id
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the y position of the rendered note id
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the scale x of the rendered note id
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the scale y of the rendered note id
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the note data of an note (0-3, left, down, up, right)
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns whether a rendered note is a sustain note or not (if they appear as the trail)
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns whether a rendered note's parrent is a sustain note or not (if they appear as the trail)
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the current parent x of the specified rendered note's id
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the current parent y of the specified rendered note's id
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns what the game would normally put the specified rendered note x.
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the number of rendered notes on the screen.
Returns strum time of the rendered note.
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the alpha of the rendered note id
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the width of the specified rendered note.
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Returns the angle of the specified rendered note.
Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor.
Set's the position of the rendered note id
Note: Setting a Rendered Note's property will stop the note from updating it's alpha & x properties
Set's the alpha of the rendered note id
Note: Setting a Rendered Note's property will stop the note from updating it's alpha & x properties
Set's the scale of the rendered note id
Note: Setting a Rendered Note's property will stop the note from updating it's alpha & x properties
Set's the scale x of the rendered note id
Note: Setting a Rendered Note's property will stop the note from updating it's alpha & x properties
Set's the scale y of the rendered note id
Note: Setting a Rendered Note's property will stop the note from updating it's alpha & x properties
Returns the x position for the sprite id
Returns the y position for the sprite id
Returns the scale x for the sprite id
Returns the scale y for the sprite id
Returns the alpha for the sprite id
Returns the angle for the sprite id
Set's the x position for the sprite id
Set's the y position for the sprite id
Set's the alpha for the sprite id
Set's the angle for the sprite id
Set's the scale for the sprite id
Set's the scale x for the sprite id
Set's the scale y for the sprite id
Returns the width for the sprite id
Returns the height for the sprite id
Note, On Complete functions are based by the function name (and they also well get called when the tween completes)
Smoothly tween into a x and y position
Smoothly tween into a x position and angle
Smoothly tween into a y position and angle
Smoothly tween into a angle
Smoothly fade in to an alpha
Smoothly fade out to an alpha