Releases: digitoimistodude/air-light
Releases · digitoimistodude/air-light
9.1.6: 2022-09-14
- Fix font-size not inheriting to Gutenberg editor
- Fix rich text font size in Gutenberg editor
- Fix Gutenberg editor font-sizing issues
- Deprecate responsive-font() mixin in favor of clamp-calc() function
9.1.5: 2022-09-12
- Fix: Use ACF defined font styles in ACF fields
- Fix acf icons visibility issue
- Fix link colors in sidebar
- Add default font-family for form select items
- Remove opionated label font-weight
- Remove opionated nav default dropshadow from sub menus
- Remove opionated nav default border-color from sub menus
- Remove opionated bubble tip from sub menus
9.1.4: 2022-09-07
- Fix: Viewport padding/white-space on mobile devices
- Fix: Leftover variable not defined
9.1.3: 2022-09-07
- Consistency for variable
- Remove
classes that are no longer used by back to top feature - Increase padding on mid-sized screens to prevent container sticking to sides
9.1.2: 2022-09-07
- Clean up is-external-link from CSS that is no longer used
- Consistency in variables:
- Remove unused
and combine with--font-size-paragraph
- Fix list font-sizes not inheriting from paragraph styles
- Define default font sizes and line-heights on body level instead in separate elements
9.1.1: 2022-09-06
- Improve form checkbox and radio button styles
- Form checkboxes and radio buttons: Add bouncy check animation
- Clarify reset for checkboxes and radio buttons for gravity forms
- Combine
to one unified CSS variable:--line-height-paragraph
9.1.0: 2022-09-01
- Improve post title color and size accessibility in Gutenberg editor
- Remove unnecessary float reset from nav item
- Add image-background-layer to image helper classes
- Fix enumerating grid in columns
- Bump tested up WordPress version to 6.0.2
9.0.9: 2022-08-25
- Add custom version of sanitize.css
- Improve external-links.js JavaScript
- Ignore external link arrows for links that have only imgs in them
- Add ignore classes for external links
- Generate SVG arrow for external links via JS instead of CSS
- Clean up old different versions of external-link.svg files
9.0.8: 2022-08-23
- Deprecate lazyload from CSS as it is no longer needed after loading="lazy"
- Add image-background helper class for imgs as backgrounds
- Add CSS clamp function as helper for responsive font sizes
- Add CSS aspect-ratio helper for responsive images
9.0.7: 2022-08-22
- Add box-model helper
- Remove leftover getLocalization declaration
- Remove block-file-slug.svg placeholder, replace with .gitkeep
- Improvement: Consistent $transition-duration, less movement