At each moment t
, repository contains a pair of a tag and a message
R.get(t : int) : (message * tag) option
More specifically, the valid signature of message m
at time t
must contain an entry R.get(t) = Some (m, tag sk t)
Adversary can only read from the repository:
R.put(x : hash) := {
t := t + 1;
r[t] = x;
return t;
Assume that A
makes a forgery.
Oracle not used: Tag-system is unsafe.
Oracle used at time
and signature is forged for timet'
t < t'
: Tag-system is unsafe.2.2.
t > t'
: Tag-system is unsafe.2.3.
t = t'
: This case is impossible since the adversary succeeded with a forgery only if the message is fresh (which did not happen for the reason that repository contains plain message).