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At each moment t, repository contains set of hashes which represent the roots of Merkle Trees.

  R.get(t : int) : (hash fset) option 

More specifically, the valid signature of message m at time t must contain an entry R.get(t) = Some hs so that there exists a hash-chain c so that leaf c = h(tag sk t || m) || h(tag sk t) and root c ⊆ hs.

Adversary has full control over the repository (can even sabbotage it)

  R.put(x : hash fset) := {
    t := t + 1;
    y := A.react(x);
    R.r[t] = y;
    return t;


  • Tag-and-Hash chain-non-malleability
  • Tag-and-Hash chain-unpredictability
  • Tag-system phantom-freeness

Sketch of the proof of EUF

Assume that A makes a forgery.

  1. Oracle not used: Tag-system is unsafe.

  2. Oracle used at time t and signature is forged for time t'.

    2.1. t < t': Tag-system is unsafe.

    2.2. t > t': Use S&H chain-unpred. and construct adversaires A₁ and A₂ as follows

     A₁: Run `A` with no oracles provided. Uniformly choose an entry
     from repository from the interval [1..t].
     A₂: Run A with tagging oracle.

    Clearly, with probability 1/t adversary A₁ will choose the correct entry (same as A would choose with full info). The rest follows.

    2.3. t = t': Use S&H chain-non-mall. and construct adversaries= A₁, A₂, and A₃ out of A.

     A₁: Since t = t' then A₁ is simply A with no oracles provided.
     A₂: A was able to create a valid entry into the repository
         from seeing values h( h(m) || tag sk t ) || h(tag sk
         t). Therefore A₂ can be constructed out of A by providing
         him a "sign-and-hash" oracle [h(tag sk t || ∙ )] which
         creates Log.
     A₃: A with full information (~oracle tag sk ∙).

    Clearly, if A succeeded in BLT forgery then A₁, A₂, and A₃ will win in S&H chain-non-mall. game.