Python package for correlating ZTF data with external multi-messenger triggers, created by @robertdstein. This package enables ZTF follow-up analysis of neutrinos/gravitational waves/gamma-ray bursts, built using the AMPEL platform.
NuZTF can be directly installed with pip, giving the latest stable release:
pip install nuztf
Alternatively, the latest Github version of the code can be installed via pip:
git clone
cd nuztf
poetry install
In case you encounter problems with an ARM-based Mac, use conda and issue:
conda install -c conda-forge python-confluent-kafka fiona pyproj lalsuite ligo.skymap -y
This should take care of all packages that have not yet been ported.
You will need the IRSA login details with a ZTF-enabled account to fully utilise all features.
Additionally, you need an AMPEL API token. This can be obtained here.
comes with a command line interface to scan for counterparts to IceCube neutrino alerts. To be eble to use it, you must install the cli
extra dependencies:
pip install nuztf[cli]
poetry install -E cli
For usage information run:
nuztf --help
If you make use of this code, please cite it! A DOI is provided by Zenodo, which can reference both the code repository, or specific releases:
- Jannis Necker @JannisNe
- Simeon Reusch @simeonreusch
- Robert Stein @robertdstein
This code stands on the shoulders of giants. We would particularly like to acknowledge:
- Ampel, created primarily by @wombaugh, @vbrinnel and @jvansanten
- planobs, created by @simeonreusch
- ztfquery, created by @MickaelRigault