Sodium is still a small project. But, one of its goals is to include type-checking for all the Semantic-UI and HTML controls, parameters, and other keywords. This is a big manual effort and very error-prone. I will not be able to do it alone in any reasonable amount of time.
Instead, I have started this project with the bare minimum needed for my immediate work. I will add both more code/macrology and type definitions as I need them. If you find this project useful but missing pieces, it should be easy for you to add. I am very happy to receive PRs filling in everything that I'm missing. Even small contributions are valuable and welcome.
To help keep things organized, it would be good to open an issue and get my feedback before you create a PR. But, often, this is overkill. Use your own judgement and common-sense. :-)
All the usual GitHub and open-source guidelines apply. I'll elaborate further in this document someday (or submit a PR for this!) but you won't go far wrong if you follow common rules like those listed in or .>.