feat: add task install command to build the backend
feat: add task install command to build the backend
chore: create nuxt 3 app
chore: create nuxt 3 app
feat: add verify email notification after user register
feat: add verify email notification after user register
chore: install react 18 with vite and inertiajs
chore: install react 18 with vite and inertiajs
Force push
chore: install react 18 with vite and inertiajs
chore: install react 18 with vite and inertiajs
chore: update npm container to node 18
chore: update npm container to node 18
feat: download invoice + refacto createinvoice
feat: download invoice + refacto createinvoice
feat: add verifications on invoices
feat: add verifications on invoices
feat: add invoices in vehiculeresource (with relation)
feat: add invoices in vehiculeresource (with relation)
Force push
feat: add invoices in vehiculeresource (with relation)
feat: add invoices in vehiculeresource (with relation)
Force push
feat: add invoices in VehiculeResource (with relation)
feat: add invoices in VehiculeResource (with relation)
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
Force push
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
Force push
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
Force push
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
feat: invoices endpoints with files upload
feat: forgotpassword and resetpassword endpoints
feat: forgotpassword and resetpassword endpoints
Force push
feat: forgotpassword and resetpassword endpoints
feat: forgotpassword and resetpassword endpoints
Force push
feat: ForgotPassword and ResetPassword endpoints
feat: ForgotPassword and ResetPassword endpoints
feat: UpdateProfile and UpdatePassword endpoints
feat: UpdateProfile and UpdatePassword endpoints
Force push
feat: UpdateProfile and UpdatePassword endpoints
feat: UpdateProfile and UpdatePassword endpoints