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Contribution guide

Clone the repository

First, fork the project.

# Clone your fork into your local machine.
# This will create the `origin` remote pointing to your fork.
git clone<your-username>/html2md.git
cd html2md

# Add an `upstream` remote pointing to the original repository.
git remote add upstream

Setting up your environment

Make sure you have virtualenv installed.

pip install -U virtualenv

Create and activate a new virtualenv.

python -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Note: Once you are all done, you can deactivate it by running deactivate.

Install the requirements.

pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Modifying the code

First, make sure you're on the latest version.

git checkout master
git pull upstream master

Now, create a new branch for your changes. Try to use a short and descriptive name for your changes.

# Create a new branch and change to it.
git checkout -b your-branch

You can now modify whatever you want.

Running tests

Make sure you add tests for any new functionality or fix you do. If it's in a new file, append the * prefix to the file.

# To run all the tests.
python test

# To run a specific test suite.
# python test -s <package>.<test_file>.<TestSuite>
python test -s html2md.convert_test.ConvertTest

# To run a specific test.
# python test -s <package>.<test_file>.<TestSuite>.<test_name>
python test -s html2md.convert_test.ConvertTest.test_code_block

Creating a Pull Request

After all the tests pass, you'll have to create a "Pull Request" with your changes. You can create a single commit with all the changes.

Note: You can check your changes with git status.

# Create a commit and push it to your fork's branch.
git add .
git commit -m 'One line description of your changes'
git push origin your-branch

Then you can follow the link in your terminal, or navigate to html2md, to create a "Pull Request".

If you need to add further modifications, you'll have to:

git add .
git commit -m 'One line description of further changes'
git push origin your-branch

Afterwards, it will reflect automatically on the Pull Request.

Once everything is okay, it can be merged.

Publishing a new version

Make sure you have some more tools installed.

pip install -U twine

Change the version on Then, generate the distribution archives.

# Make sure there are no previous builds.
rm -rf dist/

# Build the distribution package.
python sdist bdist_wheel

# Check any problems with the README.
twine check dist/*

Note: It is highly recommended to publish to TestPyPI before publishing to PyPI.

# To upload to TestPyI.
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

# To install from TestPyPI.
pip install --index-url --no-deps html2md

If everything is working correctly, go ahead and publish to PyPI.

To upload to PyPI.

twine upload dist/*