When installing, please checkout wiki on this repo
DSpace uses GitHub to track issues:
- Backend (REST API) issues: https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/issues
- Frontend (User Interface) issues: https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues
- License labels are missing icons, so you won't see license icons in the Item. Issue: #262
- Item View is missing history table, that means you won't see other versions of the Item. Issue: #256
- Item's metadata has wrong separator in the metadata field, it should be
, but it is@@
. Issue: #261 - Item has imported only one type. Issue: #255
- Publisher metadata value is imported into wrong metadata field, it is
instead ofdc.publisher
. Issue: #254 - Language is not properly showed in the Item View, it is
ces, zxx
instead ofCzech, Nolinguistic content
. Issue: #253
- subscription, - Planned in CLARIN-DSpace7.5.
Tables which are missing in the DSpace7.., but they are in the CLARIN-DSpace5. (they are not planned to migrate)
- userconnection,
- license_file_download_statistic,
- piwik_reposr,
- shibboleth_attribute_mapping
By default, in DSpace, Unit Tests and Integration Tests are disabled. However, they are run automatically by GitHub Actions for all Pull Requests and code commits.
- Necessary parameters for running every Unit Test command to pass JVM memory flags:
. Example:mvn <ARGS> -Dtest.argLine=-Xmx1024m -DsurefireJacoco=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m
- Necessary parameters for running every Integration Test command to pass JVM memory flags:
. Example:mvn <ARGS> -Dtest.argLine=-Xmx1024m -DfailsafeJacoco=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m
- How to run both Unit Tests (via
) and Integration Tests (viamaven-failsafe-plugin
):mvn install -DskipUnitTests=false -DskipIntegrationTests=false
- How to run only Unit Tests:
mvn test -DskipUnitTests=false
- How to run a single Unit Test
# Run all tests in a specific test class # NOTE: failIfNoTests=false is required to skip tests in other modules mvn test -DskipUnitTests=false -Dtest=[full.package.testClassName] -DfailIfNoTests=false # Example: mvn test -DskipUnitTests=false -Dtest=org.dspace.content.ItemTest.java -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest.argLine=-Xmx1024m -DsurefireJacoco=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m # Debug: -Dmaven.surefire.debug # Run one test method in a specific test class mvn test -DskipUnitTests=false -Dtest=[full.package.testClassName]#[testMethodName] -DfailIfNoTests=false
- How to run only Integration Tests
mvn install -DskipIntegrationTests=false
- How to run a single Integration Test
How to turn off checkstyle in tests:
# Run all integration tests in a specific test class # NOTE: failIfNoTests=false is required to skip tests in other modules mvn install -DskipIntegrationTests=false -Dit.test=[full.package.testClassName] -DfailIfNoTests=false # Example: mvn install -DskipIntegrationTests=false -Dit.test=org.dspace.content.ItemIT.java#dtqExampleTest -Dtest.argLine=-Xmx1024m -DfailsafeJacoco=-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dcheckstyle.skip -Dmaven.failsafe.debug -Dlicense.skip # Debug: -Dmaven.failsafe.debug # Skip checking of licensing headers: -Dlicense.skip # Skip checkstyle: -Dcheckstyle.skip
# Run one test method in a specific test class mvn install -DskipIntegrationTests=false -Dit.test=[full.package.testClassName]#[testMethodName] -DfailIfNoTests=false
- How to run only tests of a specific DSpace module
# Before you can run only one module's tests, other modules may need installing into your ~/.m2 cd [dspace-src] mvn clean install # Then, move into a module subdirectory, and run the test command cd [dspace-src]/dspace-server-webapp # Choose your test command from the lists above
DSpace source code is freely available under a standard BSD 3-Clause license. The full license is available in the LICENSE file or online at http://www.dspace.org/license/
DSpace uses third-party libraries which may be distributed under different licenses. Those licenses are listed in the LICENSES_THIRD_PARTY file.
License check command: mvn license:check