Releases: dash14/v-network-graph
Releases · dash14/v-network-graph
- Add "browser" entry to package.json
- Bump deps (Vue to 3.2.4)
- Fix output of SVG data smaller than the displayed size when downloading it.
- Fix edge and path animations being interrupted momentarily every 10 seconds.
- Changed to output SVG data with scaling to the displayed size.
- Remove unnecessary strings when get SVG as data.
- Add class name when node/edge is in hover/selected state.
- Rewrite the components to the SFC setup format.
- Bump deps (Vue to 3.2.3)
- Add the feature to show edge labels.
- Add the feature to add a background to labels.
- Add edge:pointerover/out event support.
- Improve performance of recalculation for drawing.
- Bump Vue to 3.2.2
- Fix minor bugs.
- Add paths overlay support
- Change to suppress recalculation of node config
- Change to ignore clicking on other objects when multiple objects are selected (dash14)
- Fix minor bugs
- Bump deps
- Add "view:resize" event.
- Add the grid layer.
- Add the ability to override node/node-labels with named slot.
- Add the ability to insert the default slot into the root of SVG.
- Remove unnecessary installs of Vue components.