Originally constructed from my 11ty Web Component Generator
To submit your site as a community resource for possible inclusion in the 11ty webring, make a pull request to modify:
Add the title and link for your resource following the pattern of existing entries.
No starters please unless they offer something super unique like eleventy-create-site. The webring is for general community resources like blogs, courses, and other community roundups. Starters are already listed on the main 11ty docs.
Your link is subject to approval by myself (Stephanie Eckles).
The webring is a web component which you can add to your site in two simple steps!
First, add the following script tag:
<script type="module" src="https://11ty.rocks/js/eleventy-webring.js"></script>
Then, place the web component where you'd like it to appear:
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | number | Limit number of returned links |
current | string | Match the title of your own resource to remove it from the list |
random | boolean | Optionally randomize the list order. Will be random on each load. |
hideJoin | boolean | Optionally hide the "Join" button. Provided as an option mostly if you want to completely customize the button style. |
Example: Limit to 3, exclude the current site, randomize, and hide the "Join" button:
<eleventy-webring limit="3" current="11ty.Rocks" random="true" hideJoin="true"></eleventy-webring> ``
You can customize quite a few styles by updating the custom property values. To do this, use eleventy-webring
as an element selector:
eleventy-webring {
--eleventywr-font-size: 1.5rem;
--eleventywr-title-font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
--eleventywr-link-color: rebeccapurple;
Available custom properies:
Property | Attached to |
--eleventywr-text-align | .eleventywr (root div) |
--eleventywr-text-color | .eleventywr |
--eleventywr-font-family | .eleventywr |
--eleventywr-font-size | .eleventywr |
--eleventywr-title-color | h2 |
--eleventywr-title-size | h2 |
--eleventywr-title-font-family | h2 |
--eleventywr-linkflex-justify | ul |
--eleventywr-link-color | ul li a |
--eleventywr-button-bgcolor | a.eleventywr-join |
--eleventywr-button-color | a.eleventywr-join |
--eleventywr-button-padding | a.eleventywr-join |
--eleventywr-button-border-radius | a.eleventywr-join |
--eleventywr-button-font-size | a.eleventywr-join |
--eleventywr-button-color | a.eleventywr-join |
--eleventywr-button-bgcolor | a.eleventywr-join |