TamperMonkey user script which improves user experience with Codewars (or at least tries to).
This piece of code is a Tampermonkey user script which provides some additional per-language filtering and display capabilities, effectively making it easier for you to obtain POLYGLOT badge.
You can get the script here.
- Install Tampermonkey extension for your browser,
- Copy&paste the script to your scripts library.
- You can copy content of code boxes into clipboard.
- "Spoiler" flags are visible all the time and do not dis/re-appear in a very annoying manner.
- Contents of "Solutions" and "Past solutions" views are displayed in tabs by language.
- Leaderboards: "Solved kata is default leaderboard (since "Overall" ranking does not measure anything useful). Also, leaderboards are automatically scrolled to show your score.
- Leaderboards: Rank leaderboards utilizing Codewars API, to show users ranked by overall rank or a language rank.
- Beta kata: uses Codwewars API to fetch and present breakdown of rank votes.
I haven't checked.
- Yes.
- A race condition here or there.
- Selectors, hooks and listeners used are so inefficient that your local power plant probably doubles its coal consumption.
- You are allowed to use it, unless someone authoritative (CW staff?) says you can't.
- You can modify it ONLY IF your modifications are going to bring any improvement into the way it works, AND you are going to share improved version with CW community.
- You can send all your critical remarks to
, unless it's something I could learn or otherwise benefit from - in such case, you can contact me on Codewars Discord server.
I am really sorry if this code hurts your eyes, brain, or feelings in any way, but I am not a professional HTML developer and each and every technique present here (JavaScript, jQuery, TamperMonkey, CW API) I've used for the first time.
- Codewars
- TamperMonkey
- StackOverflow
- jQuery
- notify.js
- Chart.js